السُّودَانُ: مَوْكِبٌ الثُّلَاثَاءَ 31 / دِيسَمْبَرُ / 2018.
حاتم بابكر عوض الكريم
نَقْتَرِحُ هَذَا مِنْ اجْلِ السُّودَانِ وَمِنْ اجْلِ السَّلَامِ وَالاِسْتِقْرَارُ وَتُجَاوِزُ الاِنْهِيَارَ الكُلِّيَّ لِلدَّوْلَةِ.
رَغْمَ مَعْرِفَتَيْ الدَّقِيقَةِ لِمَطْلَبِ مَوْكِبٍ الثُّلَاثَاءَ 25 / دِيسَمْبَرُ / 2018 المُثُلِ فِي رَحِيلِ النِّظَامِ آرِيٍّ الدَّعْوَةَ الثَّانِيَةَ مِنْ تَجَمُّعِ المهنين وَشُرَكَائِهِ مِنْ القِوَى المُعَارِضَةُ - الَّذِي تَبَنَّى الاِحْتِجَاجَاتِ العَفَوِيَّةَ وَعَمِلَ مَوْضِعُهَا فِي مَطْلَبِ رَحِيلِ النِّظَامِ رَغْمَ أَنْ مَوْكِبُهِ كَانَ مُعْلِنًا قَبْلَ اِنْفِجَارِ الإِحْدَاثِ فِي مَدِينَةِ عَطْبَرَة فَالمَطْلَبِ قَبْلَ اِنْتِفَاضَةِ المُدُنِ السُّودَانِيَّةِ كَانَ مُحَدَّدًا مَحْصُورًا فِي قَضَايَا المَعِيشَةِ. فَالوَقَائِعُ العَنِيدَةُ تُؤَكِّدُ أَنْ تُجَمِّعَ المهنين تَشَكُّلٌ وَتَحَرُّكٌ مِنْ اجْلِ قَضَايَا مطلبية تَتَّصِلُ بِتَحْسِينِ مُسْتَوَى المَعِيشَةِ وَتَعْدِيلِ الأُجُورِ الَّتِي لَا تُوَاكِبُ التَّضَخُّمَ وَالغَلَاءَ الفَاحِشُ.
لَقَدْ آنَ آلاوان يَتَحَرَّكُ الرَّئِيسُ البَشِيرُ وَحِزْبُ المُؤْتَمَرِ الوَطَنِيِّ الاِنْتِقَالِ مِنْ مَوْقِفِ رَدِّ الفِعْلِ بَلْ لِلفِعْلِ الإِيجَابِيِّ, فَأَنَا هُنَا لَا اِدَّعَوْهُ لِلرَّحِيلِ وَالتَّنَازُلِ عَنْ الحُكْمِ بَلْ أَدْعُوهُ لِلمُبَادَرَةِ والمبادءة أَيُّ التَّحَرُّكِ الجِدِّيِّ لِمُوَاجَهَةِ الأَزْمَةِ السِّيَاسِيَّةِ وَاِنْعِكَاسَاتِهَا الاِقْتِصَادِيَّةِ بِإِجْرَاءَاتٍ سِيَاسِيَّةٍ تَتَمَثَّلُ فِي الخُطُوَاتِ التَّالِيَةُ:.
- السَّمَاحُ لِلمَوْكِبِ بِالتَّحَرُّكِ مِنْ صِينِيَّةٌ الجندول لِلقَصْرِ وَاِسْتِلَامِ المُذَكِّرَةِ المُقَدِّمَةِ لِرِئَاسَةِ الجُمْهُورِيَّةِ.
- اِسْتِبَاقُ المَوْكِبِ بِخُطَّابٍ سِيَاسِيٍّ بِمُنَاسَبَةِ الاِسْتِقْلَالِ يُعْلِنُ فِيهُ الرَّئِيسَ إِرْجَاءَ مَوْضُوعِ التَّرَشُّحِ لِاِنْتِخَابَاتِ 2020 وَتَشْكِيلِ لَجْنَةِ قَوْمِيَّةٍ لِلحِوَارِ الوَطَنِيِّ بِرِئَاسَةٍ الثُّلَاثِيِّ بروفسير عَبْد الرَحِيمِ عَلَى والبروفسير عَبْد الله عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ والبروفسير مُهِمَّتَهَا تَحْدِيدٌ عُضْوِيَّةُ مُؤْتَمَرِ الحِوَارِ الوَطَنِيِّ أَجِنْدَةُ المُؤْتَمَرِ مَعَ اِلْتِزَامِ الرَّئِيسِ بِتَنْفِيذِ خُطُوَاتٍ وَمُخَرِّجَاتِ الحِوَارِ..
- تَنْفِيذُ تَوْصِيَاتِ لَجْنَةِ تَعْدِيلِ الأُجُورِ وَالتَّعَهُّدِ بِمُعَالَجَةِ الضَّائِقَةِ المَعِيشِيَّةِ وَتَكْوِينٍ لَجْنَةٍ قَوْمِيَّةٌ تُعْقَدُ مُؤْتَمَرَ اِقْتِصَادِي وَيَجِبُ أَنْ تَكُونَ هَذِهِ اللَّجْنَةُ مِنْ شَخْصِيَّاتٍ أَكَادِيمِيَّةً اِقْتِصَادِيَّةً الدُّكْتُورَ حَمِدُوكِ وَالدُّكْتُورَ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ عُثمَانُ العِرَاقِيِّ بِالإِضَافَةِ لِرِجَالِ المَالِ وَالأَعْمَالِ كَالسَّيِّدِ أُسَامَةُ داؤود عَبْد اللَطِيف وَسَعُودِيِّ البرير وَالسَّيِّدَ طَارِقُ حَمْزَةُ وَالسَّيِّدُ عَبْدُ البَاسِطُ حَمْزَةُ وابرسي... آلَخ.
- المُؤْتَمَرُ الاِقْتِصَادِيُّ يَقُومُ بِبَنَّاءٍ بَرْنَامَجَ إِسْعَافِي
Sudan: Parade Tuesday 31 December 2018.
Hatem Babeker Awad Al - Karim
We propose this for the sake of Sudan and for peace and stability and to overcome the total collapse of the state.
Despite my knowledge of the exact demand of the convoy Tuesday 25 December 2018 The example of the departure of the regime Ari The second call of the gathering of professionals and partners of the opposition forces - which adopted spontaneous protests and made their place in the demand for the departure of the regime, although his motorcade was declared before the explosion in the city of Atbara pre-intifada Sudanese cities were limited to living issues. Stubborn facts confirm that the pool of professionals form and move for issues related to improving the standard of living and adjusting wages that do not keep pace with inflation and excessive cost.
President Al-Bashir and the National Congress Party have moved from reaction to positive action. I do not call for leaving the government. I call on the initiative and principle to take serious action to confront the political crisis and its economic repercussions through political measures represented in the following steps:
- Allow the convoy to move from the gondola tray to the palace and receive the memorandum submitted to the Presidency of the Republic.
- Preceding the procession with a political speech on the occasion of independence, in which the president will announce the postponement of the candidacy for the 2020 elections and the formation of a national committee for national dialogue chaired by the tripartite professor Abdel Rahim Ali and the pro-reformer Abdullah Ali Ibrahim and the pro-mission.
- Implementation of the recommendations of the Commission to amend the wages and pledge to address the hardship of living and the formation of a national committee to hold an economic conference and must be the academic personalities of economic Dr. Hamdok and Dr. Ali Mohammed Osman Iraqi as well as businessmen and businessmen, such as Osama Dawood Abdul Latif and Saudi Al-Barir and Mr. Tareq Hamza and Mr. Abdel Basset Hamza Wa Ourse ... etc.
- The Economic Conference is building an emergency program
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