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Showing posts with the label الخبار

Netanyahu mediated Pompeo: Stop Hizbullah activities in Lebanon

Netanyahu mediated Pompeo: Stop Hizbullah activities in Lebanon Israel continued to broadcast messages of intimidation against Lebanon, and to push for internal and internal unrest that would put pressure on the resistance and its weapons. This time through the American side, always recruited to serve Israeli interests In addition to the recent statements, positions and reports from Tel Aviv, Israel yesterday, especially the head of the enemy government Benjamin Netanyahu, used a meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to complete the threat and intimidation of Lebanon: Stop Hezbollah activities or Israel will Turn it off The Israeli message carried by Netanyahu to the American side during his meeting with Pompeo yesterday in Brussels, in an interview describing the Israeli emergency and "emergency", preceded and followed by Israeli positions and statements similar to letters quoted two months ago via France to Beirut, at the time threatened Lebanon with military ...