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Showing posts with the label صور معبرة

This Is What Jerusalem Looked Like Just Months After Photography Was Invented

This Is What Jerusalem Looked Like Just Months After  Photography Was Invented A look at the city when it was still a poor and neglected town at the remote edge of the Ottoman Empire, through the lens of two legendary photographers By Daniel Tchetchik  and Dr. Gil Weissblei Jun 02, 2019 Exactly 180 years ago, in the summer of 1839, Jerusalem became the first site in the Land of Israel to be documented with a camera. It was only a few months after practical photography was invented in Paris. In the coming years, there was a steady increase in the number of photographers who came to Jerusalem from Europe with various types of cameras. Biblical landscapes, the cradle of Jesus’ birth and especially the city itself assumed a real and concrete shape for the first time. Through the lens of the camera, a small, neglected and poor town at the remote edge of the Ottoman Empire became a magical city where time stood still, full of shadows and secrets. Everyone who came to...

#Mogadishu attracts! -- Khaled Hassan Yousef

 !Mogadishu attracts# Khaled Hassan Yousef ?My family, my city, my red, are you in peace This is how the singer Mahmoud Abdellah Zulfa sings in one of his songs that he danced in the 1980s, before he retired. It is dated to the ninth century AD, known as Serabion, Xamar, Mugadhishu, which many historians and travelers have spoken over the centuries. One of the current features of Mogadishu is the three major phases of the city, the neighborhoods of Hammer Winnie, Chenjani, Italian-style neighborhoods, the reconstruction of Siad Barre, reconstruction buildings, each with its own features. For many reasons, Mogadishu is the most visible Mogadishu. Under his rule, most of the city's districts and districts have been established, and its population has grown. The performance of the Somalian Democratic Republic is the most visible in the city. Mogadishu was known for its civic character in its social relations and the smooth integration of its constituents, and for whom their m...

Gum arabic Kordofan women collectthe gum arabic the most important crop of Sudan in Kordofan

Gum arabic   Kordofan women  collect the gum arabic the most important crop of Sudan in Kordofan


Jordi Casadevall Dorca Configuration In the beginning, the world grew wildly savaged, and the earth was darkened by the shadow of ideology and violence. The man became a more sophisticated and sophisticated predator with the movement of automata, robots, smart missiles and thermal bombs Source Facebook account poet Mahgoub Kbalo

البروفيسور مكى شبيكة- من أعلآم السودآن

من أعلآم السودآن الرآحل المقيم البروفيسور  مكى شبيكة - الإســــــــــــم : مكي شبيكة - مكان الميلاد : مدينة الكاملين - تاريخ الميلاد : 1905م - وفاته : توفي بامدرمان في 9 يناير 1980. المرحل التعليمية - المدرسة الاوليه بمدينة الكاملين . - بعد خمسه أشهر من تعيينه إنتقل إلى المدارس الوسطى ، لأن تعيينه في الكليه كان مؤقتاً ، فدرس في مدرسه الخرطوم لنصف عام ثم في مدرسه أمدرمان لعامين ثم عاد إلى مدرسه الخرطوم ليدرس بها نصف عام ، ثم نقل الى مدرسه بربر وبقى بها سنه دراسيه كامله حتى 22 اغسطس 1930م ثم كليه غردون التذكاريه بالقسم الاوسط ثم بعد ذلك انتقل للقسم الثانوي . - أُختير للإلتحاق بالجامعه الأمريكيه ببيروت, حيث تلقى دروسه بها في الفتره من 1931 – 1935 ونال فيها الشهاده الجامعيه Ba . الخبرآت العلمية والعملية - حصل على منحة من المجلس البريطاني لمده عامين بكليه بدفورد بجامعه لندن في عام 1947 ، ثم مدت المنح لفتره حتى يكمل بحثه . وقد عاد من هذه البعثه وهو يحمل شهاده الدكتوراه في فلسفه التاريخ ، وهو أول سوداني يحصل على هذه الشهاده في هذه الماده ، بل وهو أول سوداني حاز على الدكتور...

#Jewish multiculturalism. The gathering is well underway.

#Jewish multiculturalism. The gathering is well underway.

yezidi Genocide August03/2014

From Facebook account Abdu Nadir Tutu

From Facebook account Abdu Nadir Tutu Women from the Kusha clan, one of the Nuba tribes in Sudan, perform a traditional dance.

Friday is the best sweetener to add to my coffee today.-Good JuJu

Good JuJu ‏   7 hours ago Friday is the best sweetener to add to my coffee today.

أغنى الدول العربية 2018

أغنى الدول العربية 2018 RT المساحة لا ترتبط بالثروة عندما يتم الحديث عن أغنى دول العالم، وفقا لبيانات صندوق النقد الدولي IMF. ينشر الصندوق كل عام بيانات هائلة حول القدرات الاقتصادية لأمم العالم، ويقوم بتصنيف الدول وفقا للناتج المحلي الإجمالي استنادا للقدرة الشرائية للفرد PPP. القوة الشرائية تعبر عن كمية السلع والخدمات التي يستطيع الفرد شراءها بواسطة دخله المتاح وترتبط بالمستوى العام للأسعار، وتأخذ معدلات التضخم بعين الاعتبار. عربيا تحتل 3 دول مواقع بقائمة الـ 10 الأغنى في العالم، حيث حجزت قطر المرتبة الأولى، تلتها كل من ماكاو، ولوكسمبورغ، وسنغافورة. بينما احتلت كل من الإمارات، والكويت، المرتبة الثامنة والتاسعة على التوالي. المصدر: IMF محمود منصور

Putin: poeple who whole nations donot have the right to teach us democracy

It goes well beyond outrageous satire that western elites who have virtually destroyed the Middle East should point at Putin. They turn the truth on its head like a serial killer standing over a body gesticulating at the nearest bystander in the hope of diverting attention.

Israeli Foreign Ministry responds to Khamenei's joke

Israeli Foreign Ministry responds to Khamenei's joke The Israeli Foreign Ministry published a sarcastic picture in its response to a tirade of Ayatollah Khamenei, in which he said that Iran's position had not changed from Israel and that it was a "cancer" "Our attitude towards Israel remains unchanged," Khamenei wrote in his Twitter account in English. "Israel is a malignant cancer in Western Asia, and it must be eradicated and destroyed. This is possible and will happen," Khamenei said yesterday, recalling his position in the past. At the same time, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was in Germany and met with Prime Minister Angela Merkel. Merkel strongly criticized the scolding. "We strongly deplore the statements of the Iranian leadership," Merkel said. She added, however, that Germany still has the view that indicates that the nuclear agreement, which chose US President Donald Trump to withdraw from it, was the best to confront th...


IN PHOTOS: NEW YORK CITY SHOWS LOVE FOR ISRAEL IN ANNUAL PARADE A selection of photos from the day's celebrations. Tens of thousands of Israel supporters took part in this year's annual "Celebrate Israel" parade in New York City on Sunday.  The parade, spearheaded by New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Culture Minister Miri Regev and a delegation of UN ambassadors led by Israeli envoy Danny Danon will culminate in a display of Israeli innovation and ingenuity across the screens of the city's iconic Times Square.

Hamed Ahmed Hamid Harka .Our country Darfur .

Hamed Ahmed Hamid Harka .Our country Darfur ...A picture of the search for water in Darfur حامد احمد حامد حركة ‏ دار فور بلدنا........... صورة تعبر عن البحث عن المياة في دارفور

At a solemn ceremony marking the commemoration of the Ethiopian Jews

At a solemn ceremony marking the commemoration of the Ethiopian Jews who had died on their way to the #Israel head of state Rivlin said it was a burden to incorporate the stories starring Jewish-grade #Ethiopia in the study programs he praised the close ties between # Addis Ababa and Jerusalem that he touched when he visited

Prime Minister Netanyahu: This morning, the United States, France and Britain proved their commitment to fighting chemical weapons was not limited to statements

Prime Minister Netanyahu: I made it clear a year ago that Israel supports President Trump's decision to counter the use and proliferation of chemical weapons. President Trump's insistence and Israel's support for him have not changed. This morning, the United States, France and Britain proved their commitment to fighting chemical weapons was not limited to statements

Nikki Haley ‏ -----------Peacemakers

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day in Israel. # #Holocaust

Today is Holocaust Memorial Day in Israel. #WeRemember and honour the memory of the 6,000,000 Jews murdered by the Nazi regime in the # Holocaust

Holocaust Remembrance Day. Never again!-----Tomer Hemed ‏

24 Perfectly Timed Photos That Will Mess With Your Head Rahaf Khalil, S

8) This guy captured a photo of a man on the train whose headphones are taking the shape of a treble clef. Now let’s all imagine that this man takes the train every day and arranged his headphone in this fashion so that he may one day be noticed by the internet and famed for his headphone arrangement. Reddit 9) So this person’s toilet is glowing like it has the power to take you into the Ministry of Magic if you flush. Why the sun is shining its rays specifically into the toilet bowl is a question that no one will ever be able to answer. Step right up, it looks like it’s time to go on a quest. Reddit/Trololman72 10) This lucky person snapped a shot of a truck trying to steal the sun. We finally have the answer for why the sun disappears every evening. Some guy with a truck comes along and takes the sun away for the night. That’s probably also how the moon disappears in the morning. #ConspiracyTheories R...