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Showing posts with the label تحليلي فكري

Reinventing the company town? Nevada offers self-governing ‘Innovation Zones’ with own TAXES & COURTS

FILE PHOTO: Facebook's campus on the edge of the San Francisco Bay in Menlo Park, California, US, January 13, 2017  ©   Reuters / Noah Berger   Reinventing the company town? Nevada offers self-governing ‘Innovation Zones’ with own TAXES & COURTS by aletho RT | February 5, 2021 Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak is trying to lure high-tech firms into his state with an offer to allow them to effectively form independent governments at the county level, capable of levying taxes and even forming courts. Companies with an “innovative technology” are being offered a chance to try their hand as miniature sovereign states, according to new state legislation seen by the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Wednesday. While Sisolak hinted at the idea during his State of the State address last month, few details have been made public until now. These so-called “Innovation Zones” are being marketed to lure tech companies – perhaps those struggling with the high taxe...

Corporations and government use internet to control information By Philip Giraldi

  Corporations and government use internet to control information By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • August 18, 2020 Some Americans continue to believe that when they go to the internet they will get a free flow of useful information that will guide them in making decisions or coming to conclusions about the state of the world. That conceit might have been true to an extent twenty years ago, but the growth and consolidation of corporate information management firms has instead limited access to material that it does not approve of, thereby successfully shaping the political and economic environment to conform with their own interests. Facebook, Google and other news and social networking sites now all have advisory panels that are authorized to ban content and limit access by members. This de facto censorship is particularly evident when using the internet information “search” sites themselves, a “service” that is dominated by Google. Ron Unz has observed how when the CEO of Google S...

The future of the nuclear agreement in light of the US-Iranian escalation

The future of the nuclear agreement in light of the US-Iranian escalation an introduction The Iranian nuclear deal entered a complex phase under the pressure of US economic sanctions on Iran, military escalation, and targeting economic interests and sea lanes in the Gulf region and the Sea of ​​Oman, which almost ignited a war after Iran shot down a US drone before the president stopped carrying out a limited military strike at the last minute. It was acknowledged as a reaction to the attack. Iran no longer sees the nuclear deal as an interest unless it reaps its fruits, especially economic ones. Attacks on oil tankers in the Oman Sea may indicate a desire for Gulf states to share economic pressure or complicate a new nuclear deal. Consideration of the situation in the narrative of the nuclear agreement, the possibility of its survival in its new form 4 + 1 after the withdrawal of the United States of America, and the opportunities to modify the agreement and its fate, especially...

التراث العمراني: هوية واستثمار ----- د. علي محمد عثمان العراقي

تلقينا اليوم. أخبار مؤسفة عن حريق التهم جزءا من دار الضيافة بجامعة وادي النيل Rest House .. ويعد المبنى من المباني التاريخية بمدينة عطبرة والتي يناهز عمرها المائة عام.. أعاد الحادث للذاكرة مطالباتي المتعددة بالاهتمام بالتراث العمراني و المباني التاريخية.. والمقال أدناه المنشور في مايو 2018 واحدة من هذه الدعوات المتكررة. التراث العمراني: هوية واستثمار د. علي محمد عثمان العراقي راجت خلال الأيام الماضية أخبار وصدرت بيانات على خلفية سعي ولاية الخرطوم لتقسيم (حوش الخليفة) بأمدرمان إلى جزئين وذلك لتمرير كبري امدرمان – توتي، وبغض النظر عن صحة أو عدم صحة نية الولاية إلا أن هذا الأمر يدفعنا لطرق موضوع التراث العمراني والمباني التاريخية في المدن السودانية. يشمل التراث العمراني المباني التاريخية والنسيج العمراني للأحياء القديمة ونمط التصميم، وتأتي أهمية هذه المكونات لتعبيرها عن تاريخ المجتمعات وقدرتها على التعاطي مع البيئة وابداع منتج يدل على الهوية والتاريخ السياسي والاجتماعي والثقافي للمجتمعات المحلية. ولهذا البعد ولإمكانية توظيفه اقتصاديا لا تجد مدينة في كثير من الدول وخاصة في اوربا و...

محفوظ بشرى- قراءة مغايرة للمشهد السياسي والاجتماعي للثورة السودانية

محفوظ بشرى -----  قراءة مغايرة للمشهد السياسي والاجتماعي للثورة السودانية هذه الكتابة محاولة لقراءة المشهد السياسي والاجتماعي للثورة السودانية، من زاوية تتخذ من العموميات مرتكزاً للتحليل، نسبة للتغيرات السريعة والمستمرة في المشهد الذي لا يزال ينضج على نار الأحداث، مما يجعل البناء على حدث محدد سيعطي فقط قراءة جزئية قابلة للاستبدال السريع لصالح القراءة الأكثر شمولاً عقب استقرار المشهد. نكتبها على أمل مراجعتها وتدقيقها وضبطها لاحقاً. - - - - - - - - - - السودان خلف دخان الجنجويد 1- محمد حمدان دقلو في شيخوخة الدول، تمثل الاستعانة بالقبائل البدوية أو بالمرتزقة خياراً مفضلاً لقادة الأنظمة المحتضرة بغرض الانتصار في حروبهم ضد أعدائهم. ويمثل صعود محمد حمدان دقلو حلقة في هذه السلسلة المستمرة، مثلما حدث مع العباسيين مع الأتراك والديلم، والأيوبيين مع المماليك والأندلسيين في زمن المعتمد بن عباد حين استعانوا بجنود دولة بدوية – إن صح الوصف – بقيادة يوسف بن تاشفين، والفونج مع الهمج، وقريب من هذا ما يتهم بفعله الصادق المهدي إبان الديمقراطية الثالثة بإنشائه السلف الأول للجنجويد – المراحيل ...

Woman says 'mom instinct' took over when she fought off cougar attacking son Good Morning America KARMA ALLEN

Woman says 'mom instinct' took over when she fought off cougar attacking son Woman says 'mom instinct' took over when she fought off cougar attacking son Good Morning America KARMA ALLEN Woman says 'mom instinct' took over when she fought off cougar attacking son Good Morning America KARMA ALLEN Good Morning AmericaApril 3, 2019 Woman says 'mom instinct' took over when she fought off cougar attacking son More Woman says 'mom instinct' took over when she fought off cougar attacking son originally appeared on A Canadian woman said her "mom instinct" took over last week when she fought off a cougar that mauled her 7-year-old son in their backyard. Chelsea Lockhart was doing household chores on Friday afternoon when she heard her son, Zachery, scuffling with something outside their home in Lake Cowichan, Vancouver Island. She said she rushed to the backyard to look for the source of the commotion and found the...

Abu Ghazaleh for the Al-blad of Bahrain .. economic crisis will eat "green and land" in 2020

Abu Ghazaleh for the Al-blad  of Bahrain .. economic crisis will eat "green and land" in 2020 Swallife - Monitor Al-Bilad newspaper published a dialogue with businessman Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, the founder and president of the Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Organization (TAG-Org), warning of a "severe" economic crisis that will hit the world by 2020, and will be stronger and much stronger than in 2008. Abu Ghazaleh said in an interview with Al-Bilad that what will happen is an economic crisis, not financial like its predecessors, that will eat "green and land" and lead to a large recession, high prices, unemployment and a "high" price hike. Talal Abu-Ghazaleh International is a global provider of accounting, law, management consulting, technology transfer, training, education, intellectual property, information technology, recruitment, translation, publishing and distribution. He called on countries, governments, companies and institutions of all sizes a...