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Showing posts with the label سيرة ذاتية

نبذة عن حياة توفيق زياد

ت و فيق زياد (1929-1994م) - ولد توفيق أمين زيَّاد في مدينة الناصرة في السابع من أيار عام 1929 م . - تعلم في المدرسة الثانوية البلدية في الناصرة ، وهناك بدأت تتبلور شخصيته السياسية وبرزت لديه موهبة الشعر ، ثم  ذهب إلى موسكو ليدرس الأدب السوفييتي . - شارك طيلة السنوات التي عاشها في حياة الفلسطينيين السياسية في إسرائيل، وناضل من أجل حقوق شعبه. - شغل منصب رئيس بلدية الناصرة ثلاث فترات انتخابية (1975 – 1994)، وكان عضو كنيست في ست دورات عن الحزب الشيوعي الإسرائيلي ومن ثم عن القائمة الجديدة للحزب الشيوعي وفيما بعد عن الجبهة الديمقراطية للسلام والمساواة . - رحل توفيق زياد نتيجة حادث طرق مروع وقع في الخامس من تموز من عام 1994 وهو في طريقه لاستقبال ياسر عرفات عائداً إلى أريحا بعد اتفاقيات اوسلو. - ترجم من الأدب الروسي ومن أعمال الشاعر التركي ناظم حكم. أعماله الشعرية : 1. أشدّ على أياديكم ( مطبعة الاتحاد ، حيفا ، 1966م ) . 2. أدفنوا موتاكم وانهضوا ( دار العودة ، بيروت ، 1969م ) . 3. أغنيات الثورة والغضب ( بيروت ، 1969م ) . 4. أم درمان المنجل والسيف والنغم ( دار العودة ، ...

Biography of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah

Biography of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah He was born in the southern town of Bazuriya, close to the city of Tire (10 km east of Tire) in 1960. As a young man, he was forced because of the lack of family and lack of employment opportunities in his southern town. Which was complaining like other villages and towns of the region of poverty and neglect and deprivation of displacement with his family to the city of Beirut and there was established family in the area of ​​Alcrentina in the outskirts of the capital. In the first days of his life, his father, Abdul Karim Nasrallah, helped sell vegetables and fruit Creation He completed his primary education at the Al-Najah neighborhood school and then studied at the official Sin al-Fil school. Then the civil war broke out in Lebanon and he returned with his family to his hometown of Bazouri in the south and there he continued his secondary education at the official secondary school for boys. During his stay in al-Bazuriya, Hassan Na...

Profile of Salah al - Din Demirtash Kurdish leader

Profile of Salah al - Din Demirtash Kurdish leader A Turkish politician and jurist of Kurdish origin who was elected to the Turkish parliament for three consecutive terms. He was president of the Peace and Democracy Party, and he became president of the People's Democratic Party equally. He led a major surprise in the 2015 legislative elections with about 78 seats in parliament Birth and birth Saladin Demertash was born on April 10, 1973 in the Balau district of eastern Anatolia province of Elazig, the second of a family of seven children, who moved to Diyarbakir. Study and training He graduated from Ankara University Law School, headed the branch of the Human Rights Association in Diyarbakir, and was a member of Amnesty International's Turkey branch. Intellectual orientation He called upon Kurdish artists to sing in the Kurdish language. He called on teachers and doctors to use Kurdish in their fields of work. He called on students to launch campaigns to force the go...