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Showing posts with the label تحليل ثقافي

Umm….. Are we the baddies? ----------- Christina Macpherson

  Umm….. Are we the baddies?  Christina Macpherson Reuters reports that Facebook and Instagram are now allowing calls for the death of Russians and Russian leaders in exemption from the platforms’ hate speech terms of service due to the war in Ukraine: “Meta Platforms will allow Facebook and Instagram users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers in the context of the Ukraine invasion, according to internal emails seen by Reuters on Thursday, in a temporary change to its hate speech policy.” Twitter has also altered its rules against incitement and death threats in the case of Russian leaders and military personnel, as Ben Norton explains here for Multipolarista. Last month we also learned that Facebook is now allowing users to praise the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion because of the war, a move that is arguably the most liberal thing that has ever happened. Western institutions everywhere are rejecting all things Russia with such a sava...

Fauci: Father of Cancel Culture

 Fauci: Father of Cancel Culture by aletho 21st Century Wire | December 4, 2021 Here is one story which the Big Pharma-funded mainstream media will never come to grips with – because the ramifications are simply too disturbing, and could up-end the entire ‘global pandemic’ and vaccine narrative. Ever since the HIV/AIDS crisis reared its head in the 1980’s, the media, along with government ‘public health’ boffins, have managed to convince millions of Americans that Dr. Anthony Fauci, aka “America’s Doctor,” is some sort of national hero. But based on the evidence presented in Robert F Kennedy Jr’s new book, The Real Anthony Fauci, nothing could be further from the truth. For decades, Fauci has been directly responsible for attacking and ruining the careers of countless scientists and academics who dared to hold views or pursue scientific conclusions which threatened the pharmaceutical industrial cartel. For nearly 40 years, Fauci has been that industry’s own personal gatekeeper embe...

FEC rules Twitter shadowbanning Congressman Matt Gaetz wasn’t election interference-By Cindy Harper |

  FEC rules Twitter shadowbanning Congressman Matt Gaetz wasn’t election interference by aletho By Cindy Harper | Reclaim The Net | September 18, 2021 The Federal Election Commission (FEC) unanimously rejected a complaint by Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz against Twitter, alleging the social media company shadowbanned him in 2018. The complaint accused Twitter of election interference. In 2018, Vice reported that Twitter subjected Republican legislators, including Gaetz, to shadowbans, which limited the visibility of their accounts in search results. Following the report, Gaetz filed a complaint against Twitter with the FEC in July 2018. We obtained a copy of the complaint for you here. The FEC also recently ruled that Twitter’s suppression of the Hunter Biden corruption story was not election interference. Last month, all six FEC commissioners agreed that Twitter’s shadowban did not break election interference laws. Twitter explained that Gaetz’s account was shadowbanned because of be...

Masking America’s Greatest Natural Monuments -By James Bovard

  President Biden photos Masking America’s Greatest Natural Monuments by aletho By James Bovard | AIER | February 6, 2021 The Biden administration just issued an edict that will spur endless pointless conflicts for Americans seeking to peacefully enjoy hundreds of national parks. On Groundhog Day, the National Park Service (NPS) mandated wearing face masks on all National Park Service lands “when physical distancing cannot be maintained, including “narrow or busy trails, overlooks and historic homes.” Probably 95% of the Park Service’s 800+ million acres is uncrowded 95% of the time. But the new mandate is an entitlement program for anyone who wants to harass anyone on federal land who is not wearing a mask, regardless of social distancing, wide open spaces, or trails wide enough for 18-wheel trucks. As the Idaho Statesman noted, “It’s unclear how park officials will enforce Biden’s federal mask mandate.” The Outdoor Society hailed the new regulation: “It is straight forward and ve...

Sudan Higher Education Strategy 1992-2002- Introduction and directives

  Sudan Higher Education Strategy 1992-2002 Introduction and directives Higher education, as the top of the educational pyramid, is responsible for the advancement of society, by providing it with intellectual, cultural, professional, organizational and administrative leadership, as well as the number of successive generations it undertakes, which will have its positive contribution in various aspects of life. Higher education has become the most influential social institution in the movement of human history in all its accomplishments and the victories it accomplishes in discovering the secrets of the universe, concealing its laws, domesticating its resources, building military, political and economic power, in bringing about social change, and in organizing human relations and activities at various levels. Globally, internationally, continually, regionally, nationally and locally, in everything that touches human life, and while the education system adapted from the systems of ...

عاطفة الشعر ---- أمامة حسن عبد الله الترابي

عاطفة الشعر أمامة حسن عبد الله الترابي تتعدد مواضيع الشعر العربي وتتنوع بين الوصف والفخر والمدح والهجاء والغزل والحكمة والرثاء ورواية الأحداث.. من المؤكد أن المنتج الشعري للعرب منذ الجاهلية وحتى آن قريب ظل هو الأميز فهم أهل فصاحة وتأمل وفكر في حالهم وحال دنياهم وتظل أبيات الشعرالعربي على مد الأزمان هي المخزن الأكبر لحكمة العرب ولقيمهم الثقافية وراصدة وواصفة لحالهم الشعر العربي هو الأكثر أثراً على وجدان أهل العربية والأكثر استعمالاً أو اقتباساً في تعبيرهم عن أنفسهم كيفما كان الحال بين الحب والبغض وبين السلم والحرب وفي الوصف والفخر والرثاء والحكي والحكمة.. كثيراً ما ذهب أهل العربية يعيّنون أميز القصائد أو الابيات في الموضوعات المختلفة للشعر وأغراضه. لا يخفى على ناظر أو باحث أن الشعر العربي وقديمه بالتحديد هو الأبلغ والأدق وصفاً لحال البيئة من أرض ونبات وحيوان واختصت فيه الدواب (التي تحمل الشاعر) بالقدح المعلى في الوصف المعجَب والمميِز لها إذ أنها رفيقة ذلك الشاعر العربي المترحل الذي غالباً ما يسافر وحيداً معها أو في قلة من الأصحاب و ربما يمكننا ان نسبب أهمية الوصف ...

You Need an Innovation Strategy - Gary P. Pisano

You Need an Innovation Strategy by Gary P. Pisano Despite massive investments of management time and money, innovation remains a frustrating pursuit in many companies. Innovation initiatives frequently fail, and successful innovators have a hard time sustaining their performance—as Polaroid, Nokia, Sun Microsystems, Yahoo, Hewlett-Packard, and countless others have found. Why is it so hard to build and maintain the capacity to innovate? The reasons go much deeper than the commonly cited cause: a failure to execute. The problem with innovation improvement efforts is rooted in the lack of an innovation strategy. A strategy is nothing more than a commitment to a set of coherent, mutually reinforcing policies or behaviors aimed at achieving a specific competitive goal. Good strategies promote alignment among diverse groups within an organization, clarify objectives and priorities, and help focus efforts around them. Companies regularly define their overall business strategy (their sco...

سيرة في الشعر: لقاء مع محجوب كبلو

سيرة في الشعر: لقاء مع محجوب كبلو يحلق في هذا اللقاء، الشاعر والكاتب محجوب كبلو، بجناحَيْه الشاعرَيْن عابراً أسئلتنا، ويحطُّ عند كل سؤال، ثم يقول: انظروا إنه المحيط فأيكم سيختار الغرق؟.. وهو ما زال يمرُّ على طفولته الذهبية ويُحيل الروائح إلى ألوان، والأصوات إلى روائح والألوان إلى حرائق أو ينابيع، مُلهَمَاً بمنحة الطبيعة.. تحدثنا كثيراً عن (الشاعر/ المرأة / الحرية / السلطة/ الراهن الثقافي والاجتماعي). يقول محجوب: “النصوص مشاريع بعدد أنفاس الشعراء”.. والشاعر لديه هو الغافل الأعظم عن كون هذا الوجود، ما هو إلا مصهر، بسعة الدهر، للكواكب الكبيرة بل للمجرات. أما عن مستقبل الشعر فيدفع بالجملة التالية: “سيصبح حوار الناس في الشوارع شعريَّاً، ومشيهم سيصير (الباليه)”.. وعند سؤالنا عن اتهامه بتمرده باغتنا: “أنا متمرد على المجتمع البشري جميعه، هذا البشري وحشي”. *أظن أن المسألة برمتها قد أنجزت قبل سن الخامسة: الدهشة الكبرى من الوجود، ومحاولة اكتشافه ومكاشفته، ماذا رأيت؟ سؤال اليفاعة الذهبية هذا، أظنه عن أوراق اعتمادي لدى بلاط صاحبة الجلالة: الشعرية. حسناً: لقد صادقت طريقاً فضياً نحيلاً يجري من...

Labeling and stigmatization -- Umama Hassan Abdullah Al-Turabi

Labeling and stigmatization Umama Hassan Abdullah Al-Turabi Humans remain in their private and public interaction as individuals or groups in the case of continuous identification and characterization of each other .. It is known that there are specific and disciplined characteristics based on the physical measurement of length, color, age or income level, for example, and these characteristics and because they are subject to arithmetical and unbiased standards and often It does not involve implicit provisions or classifications. They remain of little importance and impact on society compared to other characteristics that characterize ethics, behavior, social standing, general religious, political and cultural orientations, and perhaps even the psychological and mental state of people and groups. The marking theory, for example, which is one of the most important theories researched and developed by many criminologists, psychologists and sociologists, is one of the strongest indic...