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Showing posts with the label تحلي اجتماعي

An Earlier Warning: “We’re not going back to normal” by aletho

The quarterly changes in GDP are largely proportional to the quarterly changes in the intensity of a country's night lights. (Photo credit: De HasanZaidi/ Shutterstock)   An Earlier Warning: “We’re not going back to normal” by aletho By Stephen Lendman | December 9, 2021 In March 2020, then - MIT Technology Review’s editor in chief/current Wired editorial director Gideon Lichfield said the following: “We’re not going back to normal.” A new abnormal that’s “upend(ing) our way of life” in the West is here to stay. Everything most people in the US/West took for granted is changing. Including “how we work, exercise, socialize, shop, manage our health, educate our kids, take care of family members,” and most everything else. Expecting a return to normal after “a few weeks (or) months” won’t happen. “Some things” most valued “never will.” Draconian policies initiated early last year weren’t meant to be “temporary.” Imposing them began “a completely different way of life” — with the worst...