YouTube deletes 2 channels of RT DE with 600K subscribers over ‘community guidelines’ violation by aletho RT | September 28, 2021 YouTube has permanently deleted two of RT's German-language channels, the news outlet has announced. RT DE was listed among top News & Politics channels on the social media platform, with hundreds of millions of views. The Google-owned video service “has deleted the RT DE channel, as well as our second channel DFP [Der Fehlende Part, “the missing piece”], without the right to restoration,” Dinara Toktosunova, head of RT in Germany, announced on her Telegram channel on Tuesday. The main RT DE channel was barred from live-streaming and uploading videos for seven days since September 21, on the basis of a strike over “community guidelines” violations, for alleged “medical misinformation” in four videos. YouTube did not elaborate on what specifically was questionable in the clips. The videos, some weeks while others months old, focused on the Covid-19 ...
Blog is interested in strategic thinking and planning for peace and the dissemination of a culture of coexistence and cultural knowledge and news review. The Code is concerned with the various fields of reporting, cultural support and communication in the field of systematic analysis Edited by Hatem Babeker Awad Al-Karim and others