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Showing posts from March, 2019

تصريح مهم من الدكتور - عبد الرحمن الغالي

تصريح مهم من الدكتور - عبد الرحمن الغالي الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله أرسل لي بعض الأحباب والحبيبات تصريحاً وزعه ما أسمى نفسه موقع ( ثابو برس) ناسباً لي تصريحاً حول تجمع المهنيين بصفتي رئيساً للمكتب السياسي لحزب الأمة و رداً عليه أقول الآتي: أولاً أنا ومنذ أربع سنوات خارج السودان بالمملكة العربية السعودية لم أصرح خلالها لأية جهة إعلامية لا بالداخل ولا بالخارج. ثانيا: وطوال حياتي في العمل السياسي لم أتول منصب رئيس المكتب السياسي. ثالثاُ: ولم أسمع بموقع ( ثابو برس) المزعوم دعك من التصريح له وحينما بحث عنه لم أجده. وعليه من اختلق هذا الخبر الكاذب أخطأ الهدف وخاب مسعاه من عدة نواحي: أولها أني لم أصرح في حياتي بما يخدم الانقاذ وعصابتها، ولم يأخذني الشك في أية لحظة منذ 30/6/1989 وإلى الآن في ضرورة ذهاب هذا النظام لأنه يسعى بصورة قاصدة منهجية لتدمير البلاد. ثانياً: ان من فبرك هذا الخبر لا يعرف صفتي التنظيمية السابقة ويبدو أنه لا يعرف أني خارج البلاد من 4 سنوات وكان من الممكن له ان يتلافى ذلك ليغطي على كذبه. ثالثاً وطوال تاريخي في العمل السياسي والحزبي ألتزم م...

Trump's post-Mueller policy wars

Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Trump's post-Mueller policy wars President Trump is cutting against historical and political norms on a trifecta of big issues at the heart of U.S. domestic, economic and security policy. Trump is seeking to kill "Obamacare" through the courts over the objection of his own attorney general and top GOP congressional leaders. The White House is publicly pushing the Fed to cut interest rates, something prior administrations never contemplated doing. The president is again publicly threatening to close ports of entry on the U.S. southern border. "I'm not playing games," Trump said Friday in Florida. Show less The State Department said the U.S. will cut off aid to the Central American countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras — the Northern Triangle. Trump said: "No money goes there anymore. ... We stopped payment." The WashPost reports that the escalation involves hundreds of millions of dollars. A ...

European Court upholds conviction of woman who condemned Muhammad’s marriage to 6-year-old

European Court upholds conviction of woman who condemned Muhammad’s marriage to 6-year-old March 25, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The Austrian courts were right to condemn Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff for having sharply criticized the prophet Muhammad’s marriage with a six-year-old girl, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has implicitly decided. On Tuesday, the jurisdiction in charge of implementing the European Convention on Human Rights, ratified by the 47 member-states of the Council of Europe, refused to refer Sabaditsch-Wolff’s appeal against a Chamber judgment approving the Austrian decision last fall to the Grand Chamber of the Court. The ECHR did not trouble to motivate its refusal. The ECHR judgment E.S. v. Austria of October 25, 2018, is now final. And as the European Court’s decisions are based on case law, the consequences for free criticism and enunciation of facts regarding Islam and its history in particular will be far-reaching, in particular because the ruling justi...

عثمان بريم - أهديكم باقية ورود ملوّنه

  عثمان بريم -  أهديكم باقية ورود ملوّنه أهديكم باقية ورود ملوّنه - بعضكم يستحقّها وأكثر : . أولاً : وردة بيضاء : تفوح منها عطر الياسمين تحكي لكم مدى نقاء حبي وتصف لكم شوقي الذي لا شوائب فيه وحكاية بيضاء صافية يتخللها الشوق الناصع ღღ .ثانياً : وردة صفراء : تفوح منها رائحه السنابل تحركها الرياح يميناً وشمالاً ويبقى الحب العنيد .. لا يقبل بسواكم ولا يُبالي بكلام الحسّاد ღღ .ثالثاً : وردة زرقاء : تفوح منها رائحة السماء البعيدة الصافية الخالية من الغيوم الداكنة تحكي قصة حب عالي المستوى لا يرى إلا من هو في شموخكم ولا يقبل النزول ابداً ღღ .رابعاً : وردة برتقالية : تفوح منها رائحة الزعفران تذكرني بلون أشعة الشمس الحارقة تلتهب أحاسيسي عشقاً و شوقاً لكم تشتعل أصابعي كلها كي تكونوا مُثقفينَ مُختلفين فتحترق ساعتي لو لم تكونوا معي ღღ .خامساً : وردة بنفسجية : يفوح منها رائحة اللافندر المنعش كم هي جميلة ورودكم تهمس في أذني أنْ أكتب عن العشق أكثر وعن ربيعٍ قادم أخضر ღღ .سادساً : وردة زهرية : تفوح منها رائحة ماء الورد كلما رأيتها تذكرت نعومة الأطفال وبراءة تعليقاتكم بريئة .. خالية من الخُب...

Day of Eritrean detention

  Day of Eritrean  detention  There is no worse than absent justice, and unjust ruler!Freedom for all honorable detainees, their executioners, executioners, and arbitrary arrests without fair trials;Only ... because they said the right word without being discouraged by the tyranny of injustice !!.Full solidarity for all Eritrean detainees and their release. Day of Eritrean  detention Source: Facebook Account Mona Mohamed Salih   This article was first published on 31 March 2017, at 1:32 AM يوم المعتفل الارتري  ليس هُناك أسوأ من عدلِِ غائب، وحاكم جائر! الـحريّة لـِ كل الـمعتقلين الشرفاء ولـِ من طالـهم/نّ سياط الجلّاد..ومعاناة التغييب الصامتة، والإعتقالات التعسفيّة دون محاكمات عادلة؛  فقط...لأنهم قالـوا كلـمة حق دون أن تثنهم طواغيت الـظلم!!. كامل التضامن لـِ كافةِ المعتقلـين الإرتريين وإطلاق سراحهم. #يوم_المعتقل_الإرتري   المصدر: فيس بوك حساب Mona Mohamed Salih  نشر هذا المقال للمرة الاولى  ‏‎٣١ مارس ٢٠١٧‏، الساع...

Pope Francis, in Morocco, praises its religious moderation and embrace of migrants

Pope Francis, in Morocco, praises its religious moderation and embrace of migrants By ASSOCIATED PRESS Pope Francis praised Morocco as a model of religious moderation that is welcoming to migrants as he kicked off a trip to the kingdom Saturday, warning that border walls and fearmongering won’t stop people from exercising their right to seek a better life elsewhere. King Mohammed VI greeted Francis as he arrived during a rainstorm and began a visit aimed at boosting Christian-Muslim relations and showing solidarity with Morocco’s growing migrant community. Morocco last year became the main destination for sub-Saharan African migrants seeking to reach Europe via Spain. The influx has strained the kingdom’s resources and fueled anti-migrant sentiment in Spain ahead of that country’s April 28 general election. Francis met with some of Morocco’s newest arrivals and assured them: “You are not the marginalized. You are at the center of the church’s heart.” After an airport greeting, ...

Update: Gaza Rocket Falls Short

Update: Gaza Rocket Falls Short 5:02 PM: It appears the rocket fell short and landed inside Gaza. 4:51 PM:  Rocket Alert in the Sadot Negev and Sha’ar HaNegev Region, along the Gaza border. Some residents report hearing an explosion (others not). From the time the siren goes off along the Gaza border, residents have 15 seconds to get into a bomb shelter. Once inside the bomb shelter, they need to wait there 10 minutes تحديث: صاروخ غزة يسقط 5:02 مساءً: يبدو أن الصاروخ سقط قصيرًا وهبط داخل غزة. 4:51 بعد الظهر: إنذار صاروخي في منطقة سادوت نقب وشعار هنيغيف ، على طول الحدود مع غزة. بعض السكان يبلغون عن سماع انفجار (آخرون لا). من الوقت الذي تنطلق فيه صفارات الإنذار على طول حدود غزة ، أمام السكان 15 ثانية للوصول إلى ملجأ للقنابل. بمجرد دخولهم إلى ملجأ القنابل ، عليهم الانتظار 10 دقائق

!Vibrancy: US policy in Somalia ----By: Khaled Hassan Yousef

!Vibrancy: US policy in Somalia By: Khaled Hassan Yousef The United States has played a prominent role in influencing Somalia's internal and external politics since the independence of the Somali state and reaching the present age. This impact is expected in the foreseeable future as the United States represents a great nation with global influence, especially in East Africa, which is a direct part of the administration. America, while Somalia is an organic strategic part within the East African, which made Washington to put Somalia in mind and interest, although this interest is not always in the service of Somali interests. It is ironic that the United States of America, with its liberal values, most notably human rights and the human right to self-determination, contributed directly to the renaissance of the Somalis to liberate themselves from colonialism and the birth of their national state. On the freedom and right of peoples to self-determination, was one of the most in...

# Deputy is not thankful---- Khaled Hassan Yousef

Deputy is not thankful Khaled Hassan Yousef The presidential candidate and the liar MP Abdel Rahman Abdul Shakour and Rasmeh, is trying to convince the Somalis that he rejects the reality of the Somali conflict, even though he has an active role in it! Says that Somalia has been through a conflict of groups and tribes and that the current reality is this way. Is not he, in turn, an active part of this conflict? It is clear that he wants to preempt himself from the armed confrontation, which is waved by the deputies of the Baltajin of his tribe with the knowledge that he contributed to the mobilization. Surely he will find himself facing his fellow House members and descendants of his tribe, let alone his former colleagues in what is known as the Asmara Alliance. Abdul Rahman Ashkour and his colleague and ally Omar Abdul Rashid Ali Sharmarki, stand behind the Somali political conflict and the decision to hand over Somalia to Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates and those who r...

Algerian Chief of Staff: We reject all unconstitutional proposals to resolve the crisis in the country

Chief of Staff of Algeria, Lieutenant General Ahmed Kayed Saleh Algerian Chief of Staff: We reject all unconstitutional proposals to resolve the crisis in the country The chief of staff of Algeria, Ahmed Kayed Saleh, confirmed that the army rejects all unconstitutional proposals to resolve the crisis in the country, speaking of the parties that seek to strike the credibility of the army and circumvent the demands of the people. He stressed that any proposals are not in line with the Constitution and touches the army is a red line, referring to the people who held a meeting today to launch an information campaign against the army and public opinion that the people reject Article 102 of the Constitution. Saleh reiterated that the army will address all the suspicious meetings that come out of proposals that do not comply with legality. He reiterated his commitment to applying Article 102 as the only outlet for the crisis. He pointed out that the solution of the crisis in Algeria ca...

Why Orthodox Jewish Communities Are at the Center of a U.S. Measles Outbreak

A woman wears a "No Vax" sign on her backpack in a demonstration after officials banned children not vaccinated against measles from public spaces,West Nyack, New York, March 28, 2019. Why Orthodox Jewish Communities Are at the Center of a U.S. Measles Outbreak Jewish institutions in New York and New Jersey urge their members to vaccinate, but a belief persists that inoculations are ineffective or even harmful Rabbi Mordechai Shain isn’t sure about vaccines. Almost all of the 400 kids in the school he runs, from 3 months old to eighth-grade teens, are vaccinated. About eight or 10 are not. But he’s skeptical that immunization works at all. “My doctor in shul says everyone should take a flu shot, so a lot of people went,” said Shain, the head of school at the Tenafly Chabad Academy in Northern New Jersey, about 13 miles from Manhattan. “Ninety percent that took a flu shot got flus and the 10 percent didn’t get the flu. … I speak to so many doctors and they’re saying jus...