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Man claiming to have bomb prompts evacuation at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport

Man claiming to have bomb prompts evacuation at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport The departures hall of Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam was evacuated and a man was detained after he reportedly entered the building shouting that he was in possession of a bomb. The incident caused the hall and immediate surrounding areas to be briefly put on lockdown as pictures from the scene emerged on social media showing heavily-armed police officers springing into action. Man threatens with a bomb in Departure hall 3 at Schiphol. Currently Departure hall 3 is being evacuated. More information will follow as soon as possible. — Schiphol (@Schiphol) December 31, 2018 Blocked from entering Departure 3 at #Schiphol airport due to some incident. Armed police told us to evacuate, and stores are shutting, but lots of people are still enjoying their Burger King. Looks like New Year will be spent in the airport then ! The man was also reportedly wielding a ...

Security preparations to deal with a second convoy of protesters in Khartoum and Montazer's speech to Bashir

  Security preparations to deal with a second convoy of protesters in Khartoum and Montazer's speech to Bashir The correspondent of RT that the capital Khartoum is witnessing security preparations, amid preparations for a new protest march during which the demonstrators intend to go to the presidential palace to hand over President Omar al-Bashir a memorandum demanding him to leave. Sudanese media confirmed that the capital was witnessing a security alert, a day after Bashir announced that the country "will emerge from the crisis," warning of complacency in the safety and security of citizens when dealing with the protests, while meeting with police leaders. The rally will take place in the center of the capital. The second march of the kind will take place under the title "The Procession of Departure" to the presidential palace to demand the resignation of Bashir, at the invitation of the "Union of Independ...

Berlin (AFP) - European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker on Sunday urged Britain to "get

May is seeking further clarifications from Brussels on arrangements relating to the Irish border (AFP Photo/EMMANUEL DUNAND) Berlin (AFP) - European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker on Sunday urged Britain to "get your act together" on Brexit, as he rejected accusations that the EU had a hidden agenda of keeping Britain in the bloc. "I find it unreasonable that part of the British public seems to think that it's entirely up to the EU to present a solution for all future British problems," Juncker told German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. "My call is: get your act together. And tell us what you want. Our proposals have been on the table for months." Earlier this month, British Prime Minister Theresa May postponed a vote in the House of Commons on the withdrawal deal she struck with the EU in November, fearing a huge defeat as many of her own MPs oppose it. She is seeking further clarifications from Brussels on arrangements relating to the Irish ...

Oil smugglers make new road in southern Libya

Oil smugglers make new road in southern Libya According to local Libyan sources and eyewitnesses, the fuel smugglers started to make an alternative route because there were security posts on the road leading to southern Libya, which the smugglers were prevented from using. The sources explained that "the alternate road dirt, and starts from Zintan and head to the bars, and then passes the dog well and then the slope of the Bernese." It is noteworthy that the Bernese slope bumpy fuel tank in the past days. The sources pointed out that the new road avoids the danger of the road leading to Hamada al-Hamra, which is free of stone obstacles, which makes it easier to use for more than 400 kilometers. Then, it moves towards the southern Libyan border with neighboring countries. One of the livestock breeders says he counted 45 tankers that crossed into the red hamada Source: Libyan "Center مهربو النفط يشقون طريقا جديدا في الجنوب الليبي ذكرت مصادر محلية ليبية وشهود عيان...

PA Issues Life Sentence to US Arab Who Sold Land to Jews By David Israel

PA Issues Life Sentence to US Arab Who Sold Land to Jews By David Israel The Palestinian Authority on Monday sentenced Issam Akel, an Arab-American resident of eastern Jerusalem who holds both an Israeli ID card and an American citizenship, to life in prison after he had been convicted of selling land to Jews, according to a PA security source who spoke to Israeli reporter Gal Berger. The verdict was handed down in a Ramallah court. David M. Friedman @USAmbIsrael  The Pal Authority has been holding US citizen Isaam Akel in prison for ~2 months. His suspected “crime”? Selling land to a Jew. Akel’s incarceration is antithetical to the values of the US & to all who advocate the cause of peaceful coexistence. We demand his immediate release. US Ambassador David Friedman in November called on the PA to release Akel from custody in a tweet that said: “The Pal Authority has been holding US citizen Isaam Akel in prison for ~2 months. His suspected ‘crime’? Selling land to a Je...

Has al-Bashir closed the door to a political solution and chose to stand before the International Criminal Court?- Hatem Abaker Awad Al - Karim.

Has al-Bashir closed the door to a political solution and chose to stand before the International Criminal Court Hatem Abaker Awad Al - Karim. The political crisis is not dealt with by the security measures, and the lack of political vision often turns the crisis into a disaster and a difficult dilemma. Political crises are dealt with by political means. Therefore, the deficit and accumulation of corruption are controlled through a history of absence of popular monitoring and marginalization of national will. Legitimacy and its decline The level of primitive become a threat to peace and security worlds. Since the eruption of the Sudanese crisis, the government has ignored every political initiative. It has not taken any initiative to deal positively with the fundamental causes of the struggles that have taken place in Sudan, nor has it listened to the voice of reason, nor has it moved to listen to the national opposition. The Sudanese government is determined to subject the people...

Has al-Bashir closed the door of political solution and chose to appear before the International Criminal Court -Hatem Babeker Awad Al - Karim

Has al-Bashir closed the door of political solution and chose to appear before the International Criminal Court Hatem Babeker Awad Al - Karim The political crisis is not dealt with by the security measures, but the absence of political vision often turns the crisis into a disaster and a difficult dilemma. Political crises are dealt with by political means only if the deficit and the accumulation of corruption are controlled through a history of absence of popular monitoring and marginalization of national will. A system that strives to declare its strength, Legitimacy and its descent into a level of primacy become a threat to world peace and security  Since the explosion of the Sudanese crisis, the government has ignored every political initiative. It has not taken any initiative to deal positively with the root causes of the protests, nor has it listened to the voice of reason, nor has it moved to listen to the national opposition. The Sudanese government is determined to sub...

Sudan protests: President 'completely satisfied' with police despite brutality claims

Sudan protests: President 'completely satisfied' with police despite brutality claims By Yousra Elbagir, Nada Altaher and Sheena McKenzie, CNN Khartoum, Sudan (CNN)Sudan's president has said he is "completely satisfied" with police actions following 10 days of violent protests that killed at least 19 people and sparked United Nations calls for an investigation President Omar al-Bashir said police had "shown model behavior" and were "conducting their duties with utmost professionalism," in a meeting with officials in the capital Khartoum on Sunday, state news agency SUNA reported The President also told police to use "as little force as possible," according to a video of the address posted by Turkey's Anadolu Agency "The goal is not to kill citizens," said Bashir. "The ultimate goal is to maintain the security and stability of civilians The 74-year-old leader, who has been president for almost three decades a...

عبد الباري عطوان-------------- تَوقُّعاتنا لأحداثِ العامِ الجَديد ومُفاجآتِه

كيفَ اخْتَلفنا في الـ”بي بي سي” على كُل شيء باسْتِثناء حتميّة رحيل ترامب في العامِ الجَديد؟ وما هِي الأسباب التي استَنَدنا إليهَا؟ ولِماذا نَحتَرِم قرار القِيادة العراقيّة بإهانته ورَفضِ لقائِه أثناء زيارته لبِلادهم مُتَسلِّلًا؟ وهَل ستَكون قواته هَدَفًا لهَجماتِ المُقاومة قَريبًا؟ عبد الباري عطوان كُنَّا أربَعة كُتّاب، الأُولى بريطانيّة مشهورة، والثّاني مُؤلف أمريكيّ كبير فاز بجائِزة البوليتزر المَعروفة، والثَّالثة إيطاليّة، ورابِعهم الدَّاعِي لكُم بطُول العُمر، جمَعنا برنامج في محَطَّة تلفزيون “بي بي سي” العالميّة، للحَديث عَن تَوقُّعاتنا لأحداثِ العامِ الجَديد ومُفاجآتِه. اختَلفنا على “الشرق الأوسط” وحُروبه، و”البريكسيت”، أيّ خروج بريطانيا من الاتّحاد الأوروبي، ووضْع أوروبا وبريطانيا السياسيّ والاقتصاديّ بعده، مِثلَما اختَلفنا أيضًا على قضايا دوليّة أبرزها الحَرب التجاريّة، ولكن المُفاجأة أنّنا اتَّفقنا جَميعًا على أنّ الرئيس الأمريكيّ دونالد ترامب سيُواجِه ضُغوطًا ضخمةً مُنذ اليوم الأوّل مِن العام الجديد، واحتِمالات طرده مِن البيت الأبيض مُدانًا بتُهمٍ عديدةٍ على رأسِ...

احتجاجا السودان.. حركة “عبد الواحد” في دائرة الاتهام

احتجاجا السودان.. حركة “عبد الواحد” في دائرة الاتهام الخرطوم/ الأناضول حملت الحكومة السودانية، “حركة تحرير السودان” المتمردة، بزعامة عبد الواحد محمد نور، مسؤولية المحاولات “التخريبية” التي طالت الاحتجاجات بالبلاد، المستمرة لأكثر من 11 يوما. وحركة تحرير السودان/ جناج نور؛ إحدى أكبر ثلاثة حركات تقاتل الحكومة في دارفور (غرب) منذ 2003، إلى جانب حركتي، العدل والمساواة بقيادة جبريل إبراهيم، وتحرير السودان/ جناح مناوي. وعبد الواحد نور، هو مؤسس ورئيس حركة تحرير السودان، في 2002، وتعرضت لانشقاقات كثيرة طوال تاريخها. أبرزها قيام الأمين العام للحركة، مني أركو مناوي، بإبعاد عبد الواحد محمد نور، من رئاسة الحركة في 2005، وتكوينه لحركة تحمل اسم “تحرير السودان/ فصيل مناوي”. فيما أبقى عبد الواحد، على حركته تحرير السودان/ جناح عبد الواحد نور، وهو الفصيل الذي رفض كل عمليات السلام مع حكومة الخرطوم على خلاف غيره من الحركات. وظل نور، يتمسك بموقفه “إزاحة النظام في الخرطوم، وإيجاد حل قومي للمشكلة السودانية”، وبقي دائمًا بعيدا عن جولات التفاوض للسلام في دارفور برعاية إقليمية ودولية. والسبت ا...

البرلمان السوداني يقر موازنة 2019 بعجز 3.3%

البرلمان السوداني يقر موازنة 2019 بعجز 3.3% أقر البرلمان السوداني، مساء الأحد، موازنة العام المالي 2019، بجملة إيرادات 162.8 مليار جنيها (3.4 مليارات دولار) ونفقات تقدر بنحو 194 مليار و760 مليون جنيه (4.1 مليارات دولار)، متوقعاً عجزا بنسبة 3.3 بالمائة من الناتج المحلي. وأكد رئيس مجلس الوزراء السوداني، ووزير المالية، معتز موسى لدى مخاطبته نواب البرلمان على أن الأزمات التي يعاني منها السودان إلى زوال، حسب جلسة تابعتها مراسلة الأناضول. ويعاني الاقتصاد السوداني من أزمات متعاقبة ساءت معها الأحوال المعيشية للمواطن، وساهمت في انطلاق احتجاجات شعبية تعيشها أنحاء البلاد المختلفة منذ 19 ديسمبر/ كانون أول الجاري. و تشهد عدة مدن في السودان مظاهرات احتجاجا على تدهور الأوضاع الاقتصادية، وأسفرت عن مقتل 19 أشخاص بحسب السلطات، فيما قالت المعارضة إن عدد القتلى أكبر منذ لك بكثير. وأشار “موسى” إلى أن السياسات التي تتضمنها موازنة العام المقبل ستعمل على خلق سعر صرف مستقر سيجذب عائدات الصادرات السودانية. واعتبر الوزير السوداني أن ما يحدث الآن من ارتفاع في أسعار الصرف ما هو إلا مضاربات ستحاربها الحكومة...

California pet shops to sell only rescues

California pet shops to sell only rescues California is set to become the first state in the US to ban the sale of non-rescue animals in pet shops. The new law, known as AB 485, takes effect on 1 January. Any businesses violating it face a $500 (£400) fine. The change means cats, dogs and rabbits sold by retailers cannot be sourced from breeders, only from animal shelters. Animal rights groups have heralded it as a step forward against so-called “kitten factories” and “puppy mills”. They say the current “high-volume” industries, where pets are bred for profit, can lead to inhumane treatment and long-term emotional and physical health problems in some animals. The new state-wide law, approved in late 2017, will now require shops to maintain sufficient records of where they sourced each animal, for periodic checks by authorities. The story of a dog that sparked a campaign The dogs without a home for Christmas It does not, however, affect sales from private breeders or owner-to...

UAE rescue helicopter crashes near zipline

UAE rescue helicopter crashes near zipline A rescue helicopter has crashed near the world’s longest zipline in  the UAE, killing its crew. The Agusta 139 helicopter was on a rescue mission at Jebel Jais, a mountain in the Ras al-Khaimah emirate, when it came down on Saturday. The country’s National Search and Rescue Centre said four people had died. Video footage has emerged showing the helicopter in a tailspin and on fire on the mountainside. Local newspaper The National reports that it hit a cable before spiralling out of control. Tourism authorities told local media they could not comment on the matter while an investigation. ordered by Sheikh Saud bin Saqr al-Qasimi, the ruler of Ras al-Khaimah, was ongoing. United Arab Emirates profile The National Search and Rescue Centre said pilots Saqr Saeed Mohamed Abdullah al-Yamahi and Hameed Mohamed Obaid al-Zaabi, were among the victims. Navigator Jasim Abdullah Ali Tunaiji and paramedic Mark Roxburgh also lost their lives...

Polls to open in tense DR Congo election

Polls to open in tense DR Congo election Polls have opened in Africa’s second largest country in an election delayed for more than two years. Close to 40m people are eligible to vote in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where President Joseph Kabila – in power since 2001 – is standing down. But the run-up has been hit by violence and controversy over the decision to exclude almost 1.3m people from voting. On Saturday, rival candidates also failed to agree on a statement aimed at reducing tension before the poll. Voting began at 05:00 (04:00 GMT) and ends at 17:00. What’s the context for these elections? If everything passes without incident, this will be the first peaceful transition in DR Congo since it gained independence from Belgium in 1960. The current president, Joseph Kabila, took over from his assassinated father Laurent in 2001, but he is barred from running for another term under the constitution. Five things to know about DRC He was supposed to step down two year...