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Showing posts from April, 2019

A new book by Dr. Ali Mohamed Osman Al - Iraqi

A new book by Dr. Ali Mohamed Osman Al - Iraqi The book presents an awareness that contributes to the current of enlightenment and stimulates critical thinking to achieve well-being, justice, equity and sustainability. We extract these paragraphs from the book "The Sudanese economy presents an ideal model for an economy that is still stuck in the colonial paradigms and priorities. Policies and Muslims are policies aimed exclusively at growth, without attention to the narrowness or breadth of its productive base, policies that focus on nation-building and ignore nation-building. , Policies do not consider building human capital as an advantage and take the platform for the launch of promotion programs. If the national economy is based on primary resources and favoring the urban at the expense of the countryside and the establishment of an educational system that evaluates the government organs, these Muslim women still prevail after more than six decades of independence, resu...

عثمان بريم ------ بكمْ ستبيعُ صوتك يا رفيقي؟

  عثمان بريم ------ بكمْ ستبيعُ صوتك يا رفيقي؟ ألا هبّوا جميعاً رافضـــــينا***وقولوا:لا لبيْع الصّـــــــــــــوتِ فينا وإن أنتمْ فعلتمْ كان خيراً***فقدْ نصـــــــــــــبوا الكمائنَ أجْمـــــعينا وشاءوا أن نكونَ بلا مصيرٍ***لنســــــــــــقْطَ في حبـــالِ المارقينا تعبْنا من سفاهتهم ولسنا***على رفْع التّســـــــــــــــــــــلّط قادرينا أباطرةُ الفسادِ أتوا بمالٍ***توزّعُ كيْ يبيـــــــــــــــــــــــعَ النّاخبينا //// بكمْ ستبيعُ صوتك للبغالِ***وهمْ رفضوا الشّـــــريفَ من الرّجالِ؟ أباطرةُ الحشيشِ غزوْا بلادي***وسادوا في السّــهولِ وفي الجبالِ تربّعَ جلّهُم فوق الكراسي***وقد سلكوا الرّذائلَ في الخــــــــصالِ وكيف سيفلحُ الشّبّان فينا***بمجتــــــــــــــــمعٍ يئنُّ من السّــعالِ؟ نباتُ القنّب استولى علينا***بنشوته الحشـــــــــــيشُ غزا الأهالي //// بكمْ ستبيعُ صوتك للحميرِ***وهم تركوا البـــــــــــــلاد بلا مصير ألم ترَ وضْعنا يزدادُ سوءاً***وسوءُ الحال يعْصــــفُ بالفــــــــقيرِ نسافرُ في المخاوفِ والمآسي***ونُعْصَرُ بالشّـــــــــهيقِ وبالزّفيرِ وليس لنا ...

Injured in shooting near synagogue in California

Shooting in America and wounding A shooting incident on Saturday (April 27th) resulted in injuries, police said, adding that one person was detained after the incident. The San Diego police chief said a man had been detained after a shooting incident at a temple, Reuters reported. Injured in shooting near synagogue in California A shooting incident on Saturday evening near a Jewish synagogue in the US state of California led to injuries, police said, adding that one person was detained after the incident. The San Diego police chief said a man had been detained after a shooting incident at a temple, Reuters reported. إطلاق نار في أمريكا وسقوط جرحى  قالت الشرطة الأمريكية إن حادث إطلاق نار، وقع اليوم السبت 27 أبريل / نيسان، أدى إلى وقوع مصابين، مشيرة إلى أنه تم احتجاز شخص عقب الحادث. وقال قائد شرطة سان دييجو الأمريكية، إنه تم احتجاز رجل بعد حادث إطلاق نار عند معبد، حسبما ذكرت "رويترز". سقوط جرحى في إطلاق نار قرب كنيس يهودي بولاية كاليفورنيا الأمريكية قالت الشرطة الأم...

Declaration of the Free Professional Movement initiative to prepare the transition

Declaration of the Free Professional Movement initiative to prepare the transition Khartoum The Free Professional Movement Initiative announced the launching of its program to create the atmosphere for the next transitional period and the expected democratic phase two years later, stressing that it is a pure national initiative that does not belong to any political, party, parallel or dissident faction.  "The initiative came out of professionals with different specialties in order to build the country and save the pitfalls," Husein al-Hajj said in a press conference. "An initiative will be put forward for all components of the political spectrum and the military council to control the polarization discourse to preserve the privacy of the Sudanese people."  He stressed that the initiative is based on moderation and that it is not a political trend, but it senses the current situation in accordance with a charter for bridging the rift, pointing out the blessing...

أبعد هذا تسألين أنا من أكون ؟! ---عثمان بريم

 أبعد هذا تسألين أنا من أكون ؟! ---عثمان بريم -------------------------------------------------------------------------                        وهبتك حبي وجعلت حياتك بهجة وسرور               وبقلبي الحنون محوت من طريقك كل الغرور        وأحببتك حد الجنون و حلقت فى سماؤك كالطيور     ومنحتك من السعادة الأبديه ما يكفي  كل نساء العصور         أيها الدر المكنون  أنا سفينة عشاق وسط البحور                سحرك الفتان جعلني أحطم كل الجسور            يا نور العيون أنا من رسمك بدر وسط الشهور      وكحلت السهر فى الجفون بعدما أضناني الحنين والفتور      وعاهدتك بالحب ألا أخون وسطرت لكي أجمل السطور                  وظل حبنا الخالد لأهل الغرام محفور        ...

#غيره -----عثمان بريم

#غيره -----عثمان بريم بقدر ما أتكلم  لحروفي عنك ِ   بدء حرفي يستدرجني في الحديث عنك ِ كيف ولماذا هي  من دونهم .... وماذا رأيت منهم   وأسئلة كثيرة من هذا القبيل .... وأنا أتكلم معهُ مثل المجنون  في هواه .... وهو يخدعني يقول لي سأنقل غرامك لها  فقلت لهُ رغم كل ما أسلفت عنها ببساطة ... تلك الطفلة  البريئة في قلبها  طيبتها  رقتها أنوثتها  لو رأيتها بمنظاري .....  ســ تسلبك  الروح والقلب  وتقيد نفسك بحبها   قال أعرني قلبك كي أرها بمنظارك  المميز فيه .... ترددت  لأول وهله  ثم  فكرت وقلت  .... أين يذهب سيعود إلي ولن  يستطيع سرقت قلبي .  هكذا أنا فكرت ..... من طيبتي  وثقت به ِ وأعطية قلبي ومنظاره وذهب إليك ِ.......  فبعث لي برسالة ..... ليس هناك عنوان ولا مكتب بريدي  فقط رسالة نقلها عبر الأثير ..... يقول رأيتها ولم أصدق  ما تقول لي لقد وجدتها ... فاق وصفك  وتسلب الروح  والقلب والعقل لم تصل في وصفك لحدود جمالها  و أود أن أعل...

60 Palestinians Wounded in Border Protests, Some by Live Fire, Gaza Authorities Say - Jack Khoury

An Israeli soldier points his rifle toward Palestinian protesters during a demonstration near the border with Israel, east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, April 26, 2019.  AFP 60 Palestinians Wounded in Border Protests, Some by Live Fire, Gaza Authorities Say Jack Khoury  Military says 7,000 participated in protests and that 30 were wounded Protests at the fence separating Israel from the Gaza Strip on Friday saw 60 wounded Palestinians requiring hospitalization after clashes with troops, the Gaza Health Ministry said. The ministry did not report any serious injuries, but said some of the wounded were hit by live fire. The Israel Defense Forces said some 7,000 Gazans participated in the demonstrations and that troops had used live fire on those who attempted to damage the fence. An additional 30 people had been wounded according to the IDF. The protests followed Egyptian-mediated agreements reached by Israel and Hamas earlier this month that have led to a de...

National reconciliation before the end of time ... !! (2 ) Hatem Babeker Awad Al - Karim

(National reconciliation before the end of time ... !! (2 Hatem Babeker Awad Al - Karim When the Sudanese revolution was launched on December 19, 2018, its most important objective was to restore the national will in the daily political action, ie to become a unification factor for all the people of Sudan and to restore the political movement and its ability to mobilize the energies and potentials of national building, which remained difficult due to extreme ideological readings Which created the vicious circle between the military regime and formal democracy. The hopes for revolutionary change were to contribute gradually to the restoration of the Sudanese state, which is suffering from divisions, divisions and unilateralism. The hopes for evaporation in the face of kidnapping and counter-kidnapping, which ignores the objective positions that have moved since the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the subsequent movement of the former regime towards pluralism. It is true that eff...

Christians seized by police while training pastors in Nepal

Christians seized by police while training pastors in Nepal A group of Christians including a US woman and an Indian man who were training local pastors have been seized and detained by police in Nepal, according to Barnabas Fund contacts. The police arrested four people and their driver on 23 April, accused them of trying to “lure conversions” to Christianity and detained them overnight. A box of Bibles, a laptop, a USB stick, cash in envelopes, a nebuliser machine that aids breathing and a vehicle were reportedly seized from the group at a hotel in Dang district in midwestern Nepal. They were involved in running training courses for pastors at a local church and the Bibles were probably to be distributed among the pastors, our source said. However, police claimed that they were trying to lure people into Christianity by offering medical care and money, according to the Kantipur daily newspaper. Local Christian leaders pleaded with the police not to take them away, but were ig...

د.حسن الترابى -------- الثورة لابد ان تكون مقاصدها متكاملة في كل فضايا الحياة

د.حسن الترابى -------- الثورة لابد ان تكون مقاصدها متكاملة في كل فضايا الحياة والثورة لا بد أن تكون مقاصدها متكاملة في كل قضايا الحياة صادعة بها الأصوات محيطة بها البيانات -قضاء الضرورات ورد المظالم المعاشيه، وانتزاع الحرية السياسية وممارستها، وتحريك القوة الساكنة والطاقات المضيعة، وإرساء البنى المتوازنة المتضابطة ووضع المناهج المرسومة الحكيمة بحكم الدستور والقانون، وسد ثغور الهوى وذرائع الطغيان وضرب الفساد السياسي والمالي، واسترداد الأوضاع العادلة والحقوق المضيعة، وهكذا تتقصد الثورة كل إصلاح في كل الحياة وترفع كل الشعارات وتهاجم كل وجوه الشر وأوضاعه وتفتح كل طرق الخير. وذلك لئلا يغلب شعار بعينه وتسود قضية بحدها وتسكت وتنخسف سائر القضايا أو يجند كل دفع الثورة فقط لنزع السلطة وعزل المتولين للوظائف القديمة لتخلفهم وجهوه جديدة أو إزالة وقع ظلامه مشهودة وحسب وترك ما سواها سدى أو طمس بعض آثار أو تدابير كان يفاخر بها القديم. وذلك حتى لا تبرد الثورة بعد توّة ثم تبدأ الشكاوى تتصوب إلى الهموم المكبوتة والذرائع تنفتح للفساد والمظالم الجديدة. ان الثورة لا بد أن تكون خطتها جائزة الم...

In the hands of change: Let us free our minds (2-3)-Dr.. Ali Mohamed Osman Al-Iraqi

In the hands of change: Let us free our minds (2-3) Dr.. Ali Mohamed Osman Al-Iraqi We began the previous episode to present the vision of a developmental country with Sudanese characteristics, which we have identified as pillars of: historical compromise, justice and equity, identity and nation-building and broad-based growth. We continue to explain what we mean by these pillars. 2. The identity and building of the nation: The location of the Sudan and its geographical spread and diversity of climates provided an attractive environment for settlement. Numerous tribes and population groups were named in the writings of historians on the land of migrations. This movement led to a state of cultural diversity, especially in languages, dialects, customs, traditions and folklore patterns. A group to take care of its cultural heritage and ensure its transmission to future generations because of the cultural identity of the individual and the group, and this ensured the continuity of he...

Will the US-Iran war start in Syria?

The US currently has around 2,000 forces deployed in Syria [File: US Army/ AP Photo] ?Will the US-Iran war start in Syria Sochal Iranian Defense Minister comments on the possibility of clashes with America in Syria Iranian Defense Minister Amir Hatemi commented on the possibility of clashes between Iran and the United States in Syria. Khatami told Sputnik on the sidelines of the Moscow conference on international security, "Time will determine what will happen next. Iran considers the US Central Command terrorist, with the blood of civilians in the region, including the victims of the crash of an Iranian passenger plane carrying 290 passengers, 60 of them children , And therefore, no longer have to intervene in this region. " Read more: International Coalition announces the death toll of civilians in Syria and Iraq US President Donald Trump announced days ago that the United States had designated Iran's Revolutionary Guard as a foreign terrorist organization, the...