ADEN: Dozens of people were killed or wounded in two suicide car bombings in the southern Yemeni port city of Aden on Saturday, witnesses and local medics said.
They said the attacks appeared to have targeted a camp used by anti-terrorism forces in south-western Aden.
They said the attacks appeared to have targeted a camp used by anti-terrorism forces in south-western Aden.
Officials at the city’s main Jumhouriya hospital said the bodies of five victims, most of them soldiers, had arrived at the facility, along with a number of injured people including civilians, but gave no precise figures.
Officials at the city’s main Jumhouriya hospital said the bodies of five victims, most of them soldiers, had arrived at the facility, along with a number of injured people including civilians, but gave no precise figures.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack in an area known as Gold Mohr in Aden’s Tawahi district, where the force of the blast damaged civilian cars parked outside the camp and showered the street with debris.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack in an area known as Gold Mohr in Aden’s Tawahi district, where the force of the blast damaged civilian cars parked outside the camp and showered the street with debris.
It was the first attack of its kind since gunbattles erupted between southern separatists and the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi last month over control of the city.
It was the first attack of its kind since gunbattles erupted between southern separatists and the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi last month over control of the city.
Residents described two large explosions in the area, where a cloud of grey smoke rose over the area, while ambulances raced to evacuate the wounded.
Residents described two large explosions in the area, where a cloud of grey smoke rose over the area, while ambulances raced to evacuate the wounded.
Residents initially said one of the bombers targeted an office of the separatist Southern Transitional Council, but a member of the group said there was no attack on the building.
Residents initially said one of the bombers targeted an office of the separatist Southern Transitional Council, but a member of the group said there was no attack on the building.
اعلن شهود عيان ومصادر طبية ان عشرات الاشخاص قتلوا او اصيبوا بجروح في انفجار سيارتين مفخختين اليوم السبت في مدينة عدن الساحلية جنوب اليمن.
وقالوا ان الهجمات استهدفت على ما يبدو معسكرا تستخدمه قوات مكافحة الارهاب في جنوب غرب عدن.
وقال مسؤولون في مستشفى الجمهوريه الرئيسي في المدينة ان جثث خمسة ضحايا معظمهم من الجنود وصلوا الى المستشفى اضافة الى عدد من الجرحى بينهم مدنيون.
ولم تعلن اي جهة مسؤوليتها عن الهجوم في منطقة تعرف باسم غولد موهر في منطقة الطواحي في عدن حيث دمرت قوة الانفجار سيارات مدنية كانت متوقفة خارج المخيم ودمرت الشارع بالحطام.
ويعد هذا اول هجوم من نوعه منذ اندلاع اشتباكات بين الانفصاليين الجنوبيين وحكومة الرئيس عبد ربه منصور هادي الشهر الماضي للسيطرة على المدينة.
ووصف السكان انفجارين كبيرين فى المنطقة حيث سقطت سحابة من الدخان الرمادى فوق المنطقة بينما سعت سيارات الاسعاف الى اجلاء الجرحى.
وقال سكان في البداية ان احد المفجرين استهدف مكتبا للمجلس الانتقالي الجنوبي، لكن احد اعضاء المجموعة قال انه لم يكن هناك هجوم على المبنى.
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