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How Trump must fight back to save his presidency and America.

How Trump must fight back to save his
presidency and America.

Secretly operating behind the curtain of “national security” in Washington, D.C., exists the real government of the United States — the Deep State. This is the story of the players who pull the strings, no matter who you voted for, who actually sits in the Oval Office, or even who controls Congress.
No government agency, department, or official inside Washington is immune from the powerful grip of the Deep State — not even POTUS.
Now, Jerome Corsi, the New York Times bestselling author of The Obama Nation, The Late Great USA, and Unfit for Command pulls the veil off the Deep State and the powerful agencies behind it — the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, and the Federal Reserve.

How Trump Can Destroy America’s Shadow Government

Inside his explosive new book, Killing the Deep State, Corsi lays it all out — from the alarming evidence for the coup d’état to take out President Trump — to the plan that will allow the president and patriots to destroy this dangerous shadow government for good.
Corsi offers “smoking gun” proof that the FBI has now taken the lead to stop Trump once and for all. And, he reveals new evidence that Barack Obama and his faithful lieutenants are orchestrating the Deep State . . . relying on his most trusted aides who are still in the government working for President Trump.

Killing the Deep State is making waves . . .

A Must-Read!
Ed Klein
Killing the Deep State is an explosive must-read that not only exposes the insidious nature and goals of the shadow government, but also provides a road map to ensuring that the will of the people — through President Trump — succeeds.”
— Ed Klein,
Bestselling Author
He Can’t Do It Alone
Joseph Farah
“Nobody understands the Deep State like Jerome Corsi. Anyone who wants to see it dismantled needs this book, because Trump can’t do it alone.”
— Joseph Farah,
Founder, WND
Here are some of the incredible revelations you’ll discover in  Killing the Deep State:
  • The name of the high-ranking Deep Stater in whose office the failed government plot to defeat Trump was hatched. (Guess where he still works?) Page 6.
  • “The smoking gun” — irrefutable digital evidence of “the amount of anti-Trump hatred at the head of the FBI and DOJ during the election and afterward.” Page 8.
  • A $675,000 money trail leads from the Democratic Party to the top levels of the FBI. Few Americans have seen how these dots connect — until now. Page 9.
  • How crony capitalism has earned James Comey millions. Page 64.
  • Which Deep State agency “has been involved since its inception both in operating the international trade in illicit drugs and in creating, financing, and arming various terrorist organizations around the globe.” Page 68.
  • “Extensive evidence that the real Russian collusion involved Democrats.” Page 98.

A FINAL Warning

Jerome Corsi
“The Deep State will not care if Trump is removed from office by impeaching him, declaring him mentally incompetent, or in the final resort, by assassinating him, as long as he is removed from office before the completion of his first term.”
— Jerome Corsi,
Killing the Deep State
  • Why the “Russian collusion” meme will not go away until Trump employs these stunning tactics. Page 151.

The Step-by-Step Plan to Reclaim America

Trump is outnumbered, outgunned and with liberal billionaire George Soros sticking his sticky fingers in politics, he’s outfinanced. However . . .
Corsi insists Trump can vanquish the Deep State and his most virulent opponents with this Killing the Deep Statemaster plan . . . get it ALL inside your FREE BOOK. Order now.

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