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Egyptian-US agreement on mutual communication and security (CISMOA)-A new achievement for Tramp

A new achievement for Tramp ..
Egyptian-US agreement on mutual communication and security (CISMOA)
According to the agreement, US President Donald Trump has asked the US Congress to provide Egypt with $ 1.3 billion in military assistance for 2018 and quoted the Egyptian Embassy's page on General Futen as saying: "Egypt is a key partner in countering the influx of foreign fighters and stopping logistical and financial support for Libya through Egypt to the Middle East. Egypt supports our requests to fly over its airspace, ensure our crossing the Suez Canal, and share our commitment to defeat the state organization, our security partnership cornerstone of this relationship ».
 US @CENTCOM Commander Gen. Votel: "In January 2018, we celebrated the successful signing of the bilateral Communications Interoperability and Security Memorandum of Agreement (CIS MOA), crowning over thirty years of effort to enhance security and counterterrorism cooperation."
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Among the comments made by General Fotil, the agreement was signed in January, which marks the culmination of more than 30 years of efforts to strengthen security and cooperation in the fight against terrorism, according to him. The Convention contains many items that can be interpreted by some as a waiver by the signatory state of national sovereignty, where the recipient states are prevented from making unilateral decisions regarding the use of weapons imported from the United States.
«Wikileaks» .. Why the previous Egyptian regimes rejected this agreement?
There was a document leaked in 2009 through the famous leaks WikiLeaks, which talked about the strength of Egyptian-American relations, but at the same time expressed the desire of the US party to reflect this force to address the risks in the region and those transboundary.
The document also states that since the beginning of the foreign military funding program between Cairo and Washington 30 years ago, Egypt has played its part in cooperating with the United States in the peacekeeping efforts between Egypt and Israel. Cairo has also ensured the permanent passage of US forces through the Suez Canal, Through the Egyptian airspace.
The document quoted clear conditions for the military agreements between Cairo and Washington. These relations were confirmed by Egypt through former President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak and the leaders of the armed forces in Egypt.
The document describes US military aid of US $ 1.3 billion as the "cornerstone" of bilateral relations, which is a guarantee of peace with Israel while at the same time guaranteeing the US priority to pass through the Egyptian airspace and the Suez Canal.
The document also conveyed the concern of Sami Annan and some leaders of the armed forces that the US did not allow Egypt to possess sophisticated weapons, and that the Egyptian leaders were frustrated that Cairo did not obtain certain weapons systems that are prohibited from being sold to Egypt.
The reason the document then highlighted Egypt's denial of these regimes and weapons was Egypt's refusal to sign the necessary agreement (CISMOA), which provides appropriate protection for technology created by the United States and attempts to maintain exclusive control over its circulation and access to it.
The reasons for the agreement for the United States
At the level of military operations, the United States enjoys full freedom with respect to the use of Egyptian airspace and transit through the Suez Canal. This freedom ensured the passage of US air forces through Egyptian airspace for more than 35,000 times, and the passage of more than 850 US naval vessels from Egyptian waters between 2001 and 2005 alone.
Despite the freedom that the United States enjoyed in crossing Egyptian airspace and waters, there was no agreement that forced Egypt to be dependent on the United States in the event of war or conflict of interest. According to some views, after the Egyptian side signed the agreement, American author Matthew Axelro, former head of the security bureau for Egypt and North Africa, said between 2005 and 2007: "Egyptian military officials refused to In spite of the fact that this did not prevent the Gulf Cooperation Council countries from signing this agreement, which reveals the cover for other reasons, especially the decision of the Egyptian rejection ».
In order to assess the importance of the role played by Cairo to Washington in this regard, it should be noted that Cairo allowed the fourth division of US forces to cross from the Suez Canal while heading to Iraq before the US invasion of Baghdad, while Turkey refused to allow the US Air Force to pass through its airspace .
Several sources point out that the United States' desire to sign Egypt to this agreement was not to allow it to freely pass through the Egyptian airspace and waters or other provisions of the agreement, but the real reason was to ensure that Egypt maintained the confidentiality of American weapons and the technology used to manufacture them. This is because the US Congress learned of eight incidents in which Egypt broke the agreements on exclusive access to US military technology obtained by Cairo.
In 2009, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote to the US Embassy in Cairo a memorandum describing the suspicions of the US State Department about Egypt's breach of the "user agreements" signed with the United States six times over the three years preceding this masculine
Despite the announcement by the Egyptian Embassy to sign the agreement, which took place nearly three months ago, Cairo did not provide any justification or clarification regarding the items signed by Cairo, whether the same conditions were presented to India, or that there are differences in the version that Signed by Egypt.
"Egypt has now turned from an American ally, even a theoretical one, to a regional center for national security and integration into the American strategy; a prelude to what is called" Deal of the Century ».

There is no confirmation of the reasons why the Egyptian government is not allowed to make any details regarding the terms of the agreement it has signed with the United States and has not signed any major force in the region. It was signed by the GCC countries as well as Morocco, Jordan and Israel. The current presidential elections have a role in this secrecy at the official level can not be overlooked.


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