History and genesis of the novel
Hatem Babiker Awad Al-Karim
Some people of literary criticism believe that the novel constitutes a continuous history of about two thousand clouds, where the novel is linked to the Hellenic narration during the hegemony of Greek civilization as indicated in the depth of classical Rome writings, its features are strongly demonstrated in the romance of the Middle Ages and in the traditions of the Italian Renaissance novels.
Some critics date for the first novel with the Japanese novel Murasaki Shikibu in the early eleventh century AD, there are those who see the primacy of classic Chinese novels written before the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). In most critics, the novel "Don Quixote" by novelist Miguel de Cervantes, whose first part was published in 1650 CE, is considered the first completed work of the novel. Ian Watt sees the emergence of the novel as far back as the 18th century.
The novel in the form of its current image relates to many styles of literary prose narration, it is the daughter of legendary epics and French romantic tales, its shades are prominent in the writings of Critian Detroit (thirteenth century AD) and the literature of English Geoffrey Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales. What is certain for the critics is that the roots of the novel in Japan and Europe go back to the theater’s connection to prose literature. The ancient theaters were distinguished by individual costumes, personal opinions, burning feelings, secret anxiety, bold behavior and courage - so we reflect all that was mentioned in narrative literature in general and in the novel in particular, because the novel in the depth of its content includes All details of human life.
In the course of tracing the origins of the novel and monitoring its history, we notice the primary forms of the novel that expressed themselves in the classics of Japanese literature in the tenth and eleventh centuries CE and the Greek and Roman narrative literary product in addition to the Arab narration as in "Ibn Bin Yaqzan" by Ibn Tufail or prose Ibn al-Nafis who translated from Arabic To Catalan. There are critics who describe the novel "Genji" (1010) for Morasaks as the first novel in world literature because it mainly included all the characteristics and characteristics of the integrated novel in a manner that shows its individual cognition, the development of personal development in addition to its inclusion of social and psychological observations.
The exact tracing of the genesis of the novel confirms that the sources and references for the early prose literature in his childhood are related to the Western and Eastern epic poetry. . We never doubt the qualitative help of the development of the paper and printing industry in the production of narrative production with different obedience. Making use of Homer's epics and the Anglo-Saxon epic. The novel also recited all the narrative prose heritage of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, including the Holy Books (the Qur'an, the Bible and the Torah), which included a huge amount of tales and stories that influenced this or that extent in prose writing.
Hatem Babiker Awad Al-Karim
Some people of literary criticism believe that the novel constitutes a continuous history of about two thousand clouds, where the novel is linked to the Hellenic narration during the hegemony of Greek civilization as indicated in the depth of classical Rome writings, its features are strongly demonstrated in the romance of the Middle Ages and in the traditions of the Italian Renaissance novels.
Some critics date for the first novel with the Japanese novel Murasaki Shikibu in the early eleventh century AD, there are those who see the primacy of classic Chinese novels written before the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). In most critics, the novel "Don Quixote" by novelist Miguel de Cervantes, whose first part was published in 1650 CE, is considered the first completed work of the novel. Ian Watt sees the emergence of the novel as far back as the 18th century.
The novel in the form of its current image relates to many styles of literary prose narration, it is the daughter of legendary epics and French romantic tales, its shades are prominent in the writings of Critian Detroit (thirteenth century AD) and the literature of English Geoffrey Chaucer and the Canterbury Tales. What is certain for the critics is that the roots of the novel in Japan and Europe go back to the theater’s connection to prose literature. The ancient theaters were distinguished by individual costumes, personal opinions, burning feelings, secret anxiety, bold behavior and courage - so we reflect all that was mentioned in narrative literature in general and in the novel in particular, because the novel in the depth of its content includes All details of human life.
In the course of tracing the origins of the novel and monitoring its history, we notice the primary forms of the novel that expressed themselves in the classics of Japanese literature in the tenth and eleventh centuries CE and the Greek and Roman narrative literary product in addition to the Arab narration as in "Ibn Bin Yaqzan" by Ibn Tufail or prose Ibn al-Nafis who translated from Arabic To Catalan. There are critics who describe the novel "Genji" (1010) for Morasaks as the first novel in world literature because it mainly included all the characteristics and characteristics of the integrated novel in a manner that shows its individual cognition, the development of personal development in addition to its inclusion of social and psychological observations.
The exact tracing of the genesis of the novel confirms that the sources and references for the early prose literature in his childhood are related to the Western and Eastern epic poetry. . We never doubt the qualitative help of the development of the paper and printing industry in the production of narrative production with different obedience. Making use of Homer's epics and the Anglo-Saxon epic. The novel also recited all the narrative prose heritage of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, including the Holy Books (the Qur'an, the Bible and the Torah), which included a huge amount of tales and stories that influenced this or that extent in prose writing.
تاريخ ونشاة الرواية
حاتم بابكر عوض الكريم
يعتقد بعض اهل النقد الادبي ان الرواية تشكل تاريخا مستمرا لحوالي الفين غام حيث يتم الربط بين الرواية والسرد الهيليني ابان سطوة الحضارة اليونانية كما يشار اليها في عمق كتابات روما الكلاسيكية ،تبرز ملامحها بقوة في رومانسية العصور الوسطى وفي تقاليد روايات النهضة الايطالية.
يؤرخ بعض النقاد لاول رواية برواية موراساكي شيكيبو اليابانية في اوائل القرن الحادي عشر الميلادي ، هناك من يرى الاسبقية للروايات الصينية الكلاسيكية التي كتبت قبل فترة حكم اسرة مينغ ( 1368-1644 ). الراجح عند معظم النقاد ان رواية " دون كيشوت" للروائي ميجيل دي سرفانتس التي نشر جزئها الاول عام 1650 م تعتبر اول عمل روائي مكتمل البناء. يرى ايان وات ان ظهور الرواية يرجع الى القرن الثامن عشر.
الرواية في تشكل صورتها الراهنة تتصل بانماط عديدة من السرد النثري الادبي فهي بنت الملاحم الاسطورية والحكايات الرومانسية الفرنسية فظلالها بارزة في كتابات كريثيان دتروا ( القرن الثالث عشر الميلادي) وادب الانجليزي جيفري تشوسر وحكايات كانتربري. فالمؤكد عند النقاد ان جذور الرواية في اليابان واروبا تعود الى اتصال المسرح بالادب النثري فقد تميزت المسارح القديمة بالازياء الفردية والاراء الشخصية والمشاعر المتوقدة والقلق السري والسلوك الجرىء والشجاعة- فنعكس كل ما ذكر في الادب السردي عموما وفي الرواية بشكل اخص ذلك لان الرواية في عمق مضمونها تشمل مجمل تفاصيل الحياة الانسانية.
في مسار تتبع نشأة الرواية ورصد تاريخها نلاحظ الاشكال الاولية للرواية التي عبرت عن نفسها في كلاسيكيات الادب الياباني في القرنين العاشر والحادي عشر الميلاديين والمنتوج الادبي السردي اليوناني والروماني اضافة للسرد العربي كما في " حي بن يقظان" لابن طفيل او نثر ابن النفيس الذي ترجمة من العربية الى الكاتالونية. هناك من النقاد من يصف رواية " جينجي" (1010 ) لموراساكس بانها الرواية الاولى في الادب العالمي لانها تضمنت بشكل اساسي جميع خواص وصفات ومميزات الرواية المتكاملة على نحو اظهارها فردية الادراك ، وتطور نماء الشخصيات اضافة الى تضمينها للملاحظات الاجتماعية والنفسية.
التتبع الدقيق لنشاة الرواية يؤكد ان مصادر ومراجع الادب النثري الاولى في طفولته تترتبط بالشعر الملحمي الغربي والشرقي ، فقد امدت الملاحم الشرقية القديمة الادب الروائي باعماق روحية وفكرية على نحو الملحمة السومرية جلجامش ( 1000-1300 قبل الميلاد) والملاحم الهندية ( رامايانا) و(ماهابهارتا). لانشك ابد في المساعدة النوعية لتطور صناعة الورق والطباعة في رفد الانتاج الروائي طاعة مختلفة. استفادة الرواية في طريق تطورها الطويل المعقد من ملاحم هوميروس والملحمة الانجلوسكسونية . كما استصحبت الرواية كل الارث السردي النثري للاسلام واليهودية والمسيحية بما في ذلك الكتب المقدسة ( القرآن والانجيل والتوراة) التي اشتملت على كم هائل من الحكايات والقصص التي اثرت بهذا القدر او ذاك في تطوير الكتابة النثرية.
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