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?Tabban Deng's speech before the General Assembly .. Is supported by the positions of the interior

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?Tabban Deng's speech before the General Assembly .. Is supported by the positions of the interior
The US proposal stems from a new political tactic of the US administration in dealing with the parties to the conflict in southern Sudan in the short term also
The official government position on the UN Security Council resolution is the most important paragraph of the Vice-President's address to the General Assembly
Taban Deng's speech will need internal support that is well informed and aware of the consequences of renouncing those commitments
Political analysis: Atime Simon
After the speech by First Vice President Taban Deng Qai to the seventy-first session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York on Friday, 23 September, which is the largest gathering of independent states and members of the UN Club, Including South Sudan, where members meet through their elected representatives to address their issues and their views on the problems and crises that afflict other countries and countries as well. The importance of the speech given by the Vice President to the General Assembly, especially for the Government, With the change that overtook the seat of the first deputy after the appointment of Taban Deng at the site formerly occupied by Dr. Rick Machar Ting, knowing in advance that there is a previous movement marketed by the United States to keep Maysar outside the reins of the political game these days, a proposal stemming from a political tactic For the US administration in dealing with the parties to the conflict in southern Sudan in the short term also
In his address to the UN General Assembly, the First Vice-President gave a full explanation of the circumstances of Magri since the signing of the peace agreement and how he was appointed as a replacement for Rick Machar in what he considered as a step towards enhancing the implementation of the peace agreement signed between the government and the armed opposition in August From the year before last, which faced stumbling blocks in implementation
All these points are understandable and well known to the international community and the international community, so the US Secretary of State's remarks were clear on his recent visit to the state of Kenya at the start of his regional tour, where he sent several messages regarding the decision by the armed opposition to replace Machar, which Chana considered purely southern to enter the states. The United States, which is steeped in diplomacy and pretense of exclusion, has also taken the government as a major development and celebrated it as long as it was issued by Secretary John Kerry, who speaks for a country like the United States of America, despite the rapprochement with Russia, The government is also aware of the American weight and its impact on any political settlement on the continent and the world at large

Before leaving the spoils, important statements were leaked from the US Embassy in Juba following the appointment of Taban Deng as First Vice President of the Republic, and the domestic expectations of regional and international reactions, and because the US administration was well aware that there was a waiting for its position on the move, "The US administration sees no problem with the appointment of Taban Deng, if he leads to peace and security," in a conditional circumvention of the individual and the move and decision. This was in anticipation of John Kerry's planned visit to the region, Palms The American judge is willing to keep Mr Machar out of the political game. He is merely a proposal, but he will lead to official government satisfaction in southern Sudan and many countries in the region will deal with him on the basis that he may reach the mandatory "instructions" for those who understand it in the same way as Kenya, Uganda, contrary to Sudan's view that the step is only a tactic that the US administration might retreat if it does not reach its goal with the authorities of the State of South Sudan, according to the intersection of interests and in accordance with the requirements of the international policy that became our country part of it if not located at the heart of those international intersections Large
For the international community and the countries gathered, the official government position on the UN Security Council decision to send regional protection forces is the most important paragraph of the Vice-President's speech to the General Assembly after a great deal of confusion followed the conclusion of the visit of the Security Council delegation this month. Accepting an agreement and agreeing to discuss the procedures with the UN mission, in response to the statements made by the media minister and the cabinet minister one day after he read the joint statement between the government and the UN Security Council delegation at the presidential palace in Juba, The Security Council reiterates its position on Security Council resolution 2304. For the international community, the inconsistencies of the positions and the conflicting rhetoric are one of the major complications that may affect the future of relations between the country and the many regional and international institutions
First of all, Ta'aban Deng will need the support of South Sudan to cooperate with the Security Council and the UN Mission to discuss the implementation of the Security Council resolution and the desire of South Sudan to return to peace with itself and reconcile its components. I think that the issue in my estimation is no longer as simple as the world has become in its various countries, its identities and ideologies united in its decisions regarding the sustainability of peace and the achievement of stability. R in southern Sudan, where all the world including China, the largest in the oil sector partner, Russia's new ally, and a country like Uganda, which was regarded as a friend became the sole play in favor of its cards and was able to re-normalization of its relations with Khartoum, at the expense of the crisis in southern Sudan, all these countries and peoples with other interests were and still exist before the south becomes an independent state, it is thinking according to the theory of conspiracy and foreign ambitions may not apply to the State of the production of oil up to 500 thousand barrels Today, which is much less than the oil produced by the one-day subsidy of one million barrels of crude oil. In light of these changes, interests, and the vagaries of the international mood and its holding countries, the consistent position of any country remains the key in its dealings with these intersections. This is what the Sudanese government itself, which has long sang and sang "America Russia has condemned its torment" Is trying to as much as possible to beautify its face in order to reach one goal and a final goal, which is the normalization of relations with a state realized after all these battles imaginary importance and ability to confront the soft and weaken the government and besieged by economic, so we learned from the experience of Khartoum, even slightly, especially as we hasten to normalize our relationshipAt a time when the relationship with the United States and the influential countries of the world is falling from an intimate friendship to an unjustified blight. In conclusion, at the end of his address to the UN General Assembly, First Vice President Taban Deng said: "We promise peace, justice and building credible and strong institutions in our country. It is our plan to push the country forward in development projects such as roads and bridges. Education, energy, health and modern agriculture that will enable us to provide food to our people. We will do this by relying on our resources in oil and minerals. We want you as partners in development to advise and advise in order to transform the world into the best by achieving the development goals in 2030. " For the countries attending the General Assembly meetings, especially those interested in the peace and stability process in Southern Sudan, for South Sudan as a state and government, the treatment of others will be tied to official speeches by officials in regional, international and even national forums, And the commitments, will support the positions of the internal speech of the last deputy before the members of the General Assembly of the United Nations, or will appear positions and other voices within the government expresses itself as the President of the Republic to the Parliament statements against the Organization Mechanism in his speech at the opening of the enlarged session of parliament in the fifteenth of last June


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