- Half yellow sun for the Nigerian writer / # Chimamanda_Ngozi_Adechi.
The novel, which won the British Orange Award, was translated into 35 languages.
- Translation of the novel by Fatima Naout.
- About the novel:
The story deals with what happened in the sixties and early seventies of the last century, when the southern provinces separated from Nigeria, and ignited a civil war, known as the (Biafra war) and writer Adtiche quoted these bloody events, amazing story, and the legacy of the conflict of the binaries of life fluctuating contradictions, Amid a wasted humanity, and a world saturated with haste !.
Among the most important literary works of the writer
Purple Chopsticks.
Half yellow sun.
For the love of Biafra "play.
Making "Hair".
Excerpts from the novel
"This man is almost crazy; he spent many years abroad reading books, speaking to himself in his office, not answering, and his hair too abundant." Aguero said this in a low voice as they walked along the path. - She added:
As long as you work hard, you'll eat well, so you'll eat the meat every day, stop to spit; the saliva left her mouth with a sucking sound and then settled on the grass.
Aguero was not to believe that anyone, not even this gentleman, who was about to live with him, ate the flesh every day. But he did not argue with his aunt, because he was full of ideas and anticipation, busy trying to imagine his future life away from the village. "
- "They had walked for a moment so far, since they got off the lorry in the garage, and the afternoon sun burned his neck
He had not seen such streets that were visible after crossing university gates, so soft asphalt streets, that his cheek tensed. He will never be able to describe to his sister Anyolica how the huts here are painted in the sky, and stand like a noble gentleman, and how the fence of the trees is trimmed and straightened at the tops of them, like tables covered with leaves. "
"Our enemies are the exploited politicians, the cheaters, the men in the high and small jobs who are looking for bribery and asking for 10%, those who want to keep the state divided forever so that they stay above their government chairs, the tribes, the oppressors of their relatives, To international circles, those have undermined our society! .. "
- To download the novel, or read online:
Firewood: // www.book-juice.com/books/ Half-Sun-Yellow /
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