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Fall Equinox 2016: Turn Around Bright Eyes

Photo published for Fall Equinox 2016: Turn Around Bright Eyes.

Fall Equinox 2016

The Fall Equinox 2016, when the Sun enters Libra, and the night and day are equal,  arrives on Thursday morning at 7:22 AM PDT. This Fall Equinox 2016 is applying to a conjunction with Jupiter, which entered Libra on the 9th. Sun/Jupiter is lucky and expansive. Thus this is a great time to give thanks for the abundance we have in our lives. Here are some great ideas for rituals to honor Fall Equinox 2016.Mercury moves Direct on Wednesday at 10:31 PM, but it won’t leave its Storm until Sunday, September 25th. Due to the change in motion, we receive the benefits of two Mercury/Pluto trines this week. One on Tuesday at 6:26 PM, with Mercury Retrograde, and another on Friday at 1:51 AM when Mercury is Direct. Mercury/Pluto promotes a sharp and penetrating mind, able to see to their heart of difficult dilemmas and articulate persuasive arguments. Venus leaves its home sign of Libra for the murky, passionate, and jealous waters of Scorpio on Friday at 7:51 AM. 

Mercury Direct

Mercury is a mischievous god, a trickster figure that is clever and fleet. Communication is an inexact thing, colored by our fears and assumptions. We build paranoid edifices around innocent actions because we think we understand each other. When Mercury slows down to turn around we have an opportunity to see our nimble minds at work. In the practice of mindfulness, we don’t try to change our thoughts or make them go away, we just notice them. That part of the mind that observes becomes stronger. When we strengthen the calm center that lies at our core, then we are less battered by the storms of our emotions. Times of intensity and disruption are precious opportunities for change. Use this time of balance with the Fall Equinox 2016, in combination with Mercury’s intense trines with Pluto to explore your own belief systems.

Void Moon Times

Today from 1:11 PM until 9:58 PM when the Moon enters Taurus, we have our first tough Void Moon in the sign of Aries. Aries Void Moon is irritable and discontent, try some house cleaning. The only other onerous Void Moon is brief and late at night. Hang in there everyone, although this week will not be easy with Mercury Direct and the Sun in harmonious Libra things can only improve.


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