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Showing posts from September, 2018

In the meaning of change ------Mohammed Fagary

In the meaning of change Mohammed Fagary The significance of the word in our minds is no more than political change, whether it is the transition from military rule to democratic rule or vice versa in the process of recent history Communities in moments of vulnerability and misery as much as the search for safety and amplification of the role of power, but the creation of new concepts and visions through individuals and bodies and then can ride the board of history to reach the end, but we are used here to reduce the role of thinking and theorization as a mere arbitrariness will not help anything in reality So we should do something quickly and we can not act because we do not know what we are going back to our predicament The view that we have a lot of speech comes from the stereotyping of the same speech and not to leave the circle of what should be idealism, which is not free of distortions and abstractions contradicted by the reality of the situation since I grew did not exem...

'Top Chef' alum Shirley Chung wants to change the way people think about Chinese food in L.A. - By JENN HARRIS

'Top Chef' alum Shirley Chung wants to change the way people think about Chinese food in L.A. By JENN HARRIS One million dumplings. That’s the number chef Shirley Chung says she and her team have made in the last year. That’s 1 million dumpling wrappers cut, rolled, filled and folded, all by hand. The “Top Chef” alum, who has been making dumplings since she was 6, turned herself into a dumpling machine to prepare for the opening of her first L.A. restaurant, called Ms. Chi Cafe, set to open on Main Street in Culver City on October 9. The restaurant and those 1 million dumplings are just the first steps in her plan to redefine Chinese food in Los Angeles. “You assume people know what Chinese food is but they don’t,” says Chung, who was born and raised in Beijing and moved to the United States as a teenager. “They know orange chicken.” Chung has worked at Thomas Keller’s the French Laundry in Yountville as well as at Bouchon, and she helped open six restaurants in Las Vega...

ما بين أرض أميركية وأمّة عربية! ------د. صبحي غندور

اضطررت في عام سابق لأن أقود سيارتي على مدار أكثر من 12 ساعة في يومٍ واحد، وبدون رفيق درب، عابراً ثماني ولايات أميركية في الوسط الشمالي للولايات المتحدة. ولم تكن تلك هي المرّة الأولى التي أتنقّل فيها برّاً بين ولايات أميركية، لكن جدّة التجربة لي كانت بأنّي أفعل ذلك دون رفقة أحد، ما أتاح لي شيئاً من الخلوة مع الطريق، ومع جغرافية الأرض الأميركية، ومع سلسلة من البرامج الإذاعية الإخبارية التي كنت أتابع سماعها خلال هذه الرحلة. أولى الملاحظات التي راودت ذهني هي التساؤل عن كيفية الجمع في التجربة الأميركية بين تنوّع الطبيعة الجغرافية ووحدة النظام المستخدم عليها. أيضاً، بين تعدّدية المجتمع واختلاف ألوان البشر فيه وأصولهم الثقافية والعرقية والدينية، وبين انتمائهم جميعاً إلى هويّة أميركية واحدة تجمعهم وتوحّد بينهم. فخلال مسافة قاربت الألف ميل، عبرت ولايات ذات طبيعة جبلية وأخرى هي سهول ممتدّة. ولايات يتميّز بعضها بالتصنيع والمدن الصاخبة، وبعضها الآخر بالزراعة والحياة الهادئة البسيطة. وتجد في أيّ محطة أو استراحة على الطريق أشكالاً وألواناً مختلفة من الناس، لكن جميعهم يستخدمون التسهيلات ذات...

أهداف مستمرّة للتجربة الناصرية -- صبحي غندور*

أهداف مستمرّة للتجربة الناصرية صبحي غندور* 48 سنة مضت على غياب جمال عبد الناصر. 48 سنة هي تقريباً ثلاثة أضعاف عدد سنين التجربة الناصرية التي امتدّت من 23 تموز/يوليو 1952 حينما حدثت الثورة المصرية بقيادة ناصر، إلى 28 أيلول/سبتمر 1970 حينما وافته المنيّة. 18 سنة من تجربة ناصرية غيّرت مجرى الأحداث والتاريخ في مصر والأمَّة العربية وفي العديد من دول أفريقيا وآسيا وأميركا اللاتينية. تجربة ناصرية أحدثت تغييراتٍ جذريةً في المجتمع المصري ونظامه السياسي والاقتصادي والعلاقات الاجتماعية بين أبنائه، وكانت أيضاً ثورة استقلالٍ وطني ضدّ احتلالٍ أجنبيٍّ مهيمن لعقودٍ طويلة (الاحتلال البريطاني لمصر)، ثمّ كانت أيضاً قاعدة دعمٍ لحركات تحرّرٍ وطني في عموم الدول النامية، كما كانت كذلك مركز الدعوة والعمل لتحرّر وتوحّد البلاد العربية، ولبناء سياسة عدم الإنحياز ورفض الأحلاف الدولية في زمن صراعات الدول الكبرى وقمّة الحرب الباردة بين الشرق والغرب.. لكن إنجازات التجربة الناصرية كانت أكبر بكثير من حجم أداة التغيير العسكرية التي بدأت بها التجربة، وهي مجموعة "الضبّاط الأحرار" في الجيش المصري...

Israel discloses classified information preventing publication 61 years

Israel discloses classified information preventing publication 61 years ?What information did Israel get during the 1967 war and announced now The Israeli National Archives published many documents, recordings and reports from the days of the Arab-Israeli war, from 5 to 10 June 1967, and the weeks that preceded it, and the days that followed. The June 5 setback is the war in which Israel occupied the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, East Jerusalem, the Syrian Golan Heights and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula after the war with Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The reports and documents published by the Arab Front revealed a breakthrough in all equipment The military that they set up in their readiness to confront the Israeli enemy. Shlomo Gazit's remarks  In a statement to Yediot Ahronot, the former head of Israel's military intelligence service, Shlomo Gazit, made new statements about the relationship between Arab countries and Israel in the early decades of the founding of the latter. H...

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir denies any relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir denies any relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir denied for the first time the existence of any relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, stressing on this occasion his country's adherence to the two-state solution in dealing with the Middle East crisis Al-Jubair said in a speech to members of the Committee on Foreign Relations on Wednesday that his country adheres to the two-state solution in dealing with the Middle East crisis between Israel and the Palestinians, pointing out that the decision to transfer the US embassy to Jerusalem is wrong Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said in an interview with The Atlantic magazine that his country shares interests with Tel Aviv, adding that if peace is achieved in the region, it will have many interests between the Israeli government and the GCC countries. Gulf "Israel has a large economy compared to its size, and this economy is growing, and ...

# Elephonist sensor. "Ayelet Fung" from Dongola to the east of the Nile.-Translation: Badr al-Din Hamed al-Hashemi. . .

 Elephonist sensor. "Ayelet Fung" from Dongola to the east of the Nile. . . Translation: Badr al-Din Hamed al-Hashemi. . . Henry Jackson published this article in the second issue of Sudan in Letters and Codes, published in the French Institute of Oriental Archeology in Cairo in 1919. The writer is a member of the administration during the British / Egyptian bilateral rule. «Eila Fung» .. from the sense of the East and the Nile The elephants, also known as the 'Elea Fung', which lies on the eastern shore of the Nile about 20 miles southeast of Khartoum, derive their importance from the fact that it is an important religious center for the activities of a senior Sudanese sheikh (Idriss Wad Muhammad al-Arrab). The elephants are composed at present - in or before 1919. Translated from about 400 clay houses, and five domes where the tombs of good sheikhs, with a population of 1600 people. Muhammad al-Arbaab established the village of Al-Afafun around ...

The rise of Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia towards the leadership position

The rise of Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia towards the leadership position Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, is on his way to the throne, which is only one step away. When King Salman, 79, ascended the throne of the kingdom, the projects commissioned in years of economic prosperity became a burden, including the Riyadh Financial Center, a new airport in Jeddah and an economic city on the Red Sea coast, the agency said King Salman quickly appointed Prince Mohammed, a previously unknown figure among his sons, as Crown Prince, and the young prince took charge of the economy and defense portfolios, the agency said A former Western diplomat said Prince Mohammed was regularly attending meetings with his father, then governor of Riyadh, during his teenage years, but left little impression on anyone around him A Western adviser said it was "a tough and difficult to understand the mindset of the ordinary Saudi citizen" While...

A memory related to a Somali president By-: Khaled Hassan Yousef

A memory related to a Somali president By: Khaled Hassan Yousef Somali President "Mohamed Siad Barre" has been the strongest man in Somalia, specifically since the removal of his deputy in the so-called Supreme Council of the Revolution, "Jama Ali Qurshil" in 1970 However, three figures who were colleagues of the Somali president in the council formed him as a source of threat and disturbance. They were Maj. Gen. Muhammad Haji Gulid Ananashi (Habar Younis), Lt. Col. Salad Jabiri Kadiya (Abgal), Lt. Col. Mohammad Ali Shiri (Dhulbahante) ), And the leaders "Ainanchi and Jubairy" of the boldness, where plans to carry out a coup attempt within the military coup system, which were a major part of it, resulting in their execution in 1971 Lt. Col. Muhammad Ali Shiri was a thorn in the head of President Siad because of his public opposition to the president's decision and his rejection of the regime's policies during his first years. The man wa...

The concept of social control -- Isao Chen

The concept of social control Isao Chen  Social control is a concept within the disciplines of the social sciences Sociologists identify two basic forms of social control Informal means of control – Internalization of norms and values by a process known as socialization, which is "the process by which an individual, born with behavioral potentialities of enormously wide range, is led to develop actual behavior which is confined to the narrower range of what is acceptable for him by the group standards Formal means of social control – External sanctions enforced by government to prevent the establishment of chaos or anomie in society. Some theorists, such as Émile Durkheim, refer to this form of control as regulation As briefly defined above, the means to enforce social control can be either informal or formal.[3] Sociologist Edward A. Ross argues that belief systems exert a greater control on human behavior than laws imposed by government, no matter what form the beliefs t...

Disinformation is false information spread deliberately for deceive -- Isao Chen

Disinformation is false information spread deliberately for deceive Isao Chen Disinformation is false information spread deliberately to deceive.The English word disinformation is a loan translation of the Russian dezinformatsiya, derived from the title of a KGB black propaganda department. The book Disinformation documents that Joseph Stalin coined the term, giving it a French-sounding name to falsely claim it had a Western origin. Russian use began with a "special disinformation office" in 1923. Disinformation was defined in Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1952) as "false information with the intention to deceive public opinion". Operation INFEKTION was a Soviet disinformation campaign to influence opinion that the U.S. invented AIDS. The U.S. did not actively counter disinformation until 1980, when a fake document reported that the U.S. supported apartheid. The word disinformation did not appear in English dictionaries until the late-1980s. English use increase...

?Tabban Deng's speech before the General Assembly .. Is supported by the positions of the interior

?Tabban Deng's speech before the General Assembly .. Is supported by the positions of the interior The US proposal stems from a new political tactic of the US administration in dealing with the parties to the conflict in southern Sudan in the short term also The official government position on the UN Security Council resolution is the most important paragraph of the Vice-President's address to the General Assembly Taban Deng's speech will need internal support that is well informed and aware of the consequences of renouncing those commitments Political analysis: Atime Simon After the speech by First Vice President Taban Deng Qai to the seventy-first session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York on Friday, 23 September, which is the largest gathering of independent states and members of the UN Club, Including South Sudan, where members meet through their elected representatives to address their issues and their views on the problems and crises that...

Sukkot in the New Testament: From Lulav and Hoshana to Palm Sunday - Dr. Shayna Sheinfeld

Sukkot in the New Testament: From  Lulav  and  Hoshana  to Palm Sunday  Jesus is famously associated with the holiday of Passover. However according to the Gospel of John, Jesus makes his debut and final visit at the temple on Sukkot, while the Book of Revelation uses Sukkot imagery to describe Jesus’ future appearance on earth. These repurposings of Sukkot and its rituals highlight Sukkot’s eschatological significance for Jews in Second Temple times (Zech 14). Dr. Shayna Sheinfeld Palm Sunday in Jerusalem. Photo by Dafna Tal for the Israeli Ministry of Tourism. Flickr M ost of what we know about Sukkot derives from rabbinic descriptions of the holiday. [1]  The Mishnah tractate  Sukkah , in addition to discussing the laws of the  sukkah  (chs. 1-2) and the four species (chs. 3-4), turns to other rituals, none of which are mentioned in the Bible: The  lulav  and willow processions (4:4-6). The recitation of Hallel ...