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US-Sudanese dialogue -US sanctions on Sudan (2 )- Hatem Babeker Awad Al - Karim

US-Sudanese dialogue
(US sanctions on Sudan (2
Hatem Babeker Awad Al - Karim
 Pause a thorough review
 US economic sanctions on Sudan are complex and difficult to imagine the end of presidential decisions, for example Executive Order, which was decided by the government in November 1997 known as comprehensive economic sanctions on Sudan resulted in the sanctions package of procedures
 - Prevent all commercial and financial transactions between the Sudan and the United States
- Reservation of assets and property of the Government of Sudan in the United States of America
- To prevent the importation of any goods or services originating in the Sudan other than information or information related materials
- Prevent the export or re-export of any goods, technology or services from the United States to the Sudan, except for in-kind contributions for humanitarian relief purposes
- Preventing the provision of export or re-export facilities to Sudan
- Prevent the granting of grants or financial guarantees or loans to the Government of the Sudan
- Prevent all commercial transactions related to shipping and transport to and from Sudan, including shipments that stop in Sudan on their way to other countries
- Preventing commercial transactions in order to avoid any transactions prohibited by the Executive Order
- Non-contracting with any industry or commercial or public institution or government project in Sudan.
 The US sanctions note that they are aimed at stopping all productive, developmental, agricultural and industrial movement up to the shipping level. What is happening is a series of severe isolation on Sudan. In order to prove this, the executive order must be revived in April 2006. Under this order, the property of any person identified as contributing to the conflict In Darfur, the forms of contributions that Yakun may have been implicated in the conflict in Darfur have been described. This includes all the transactions that a US citizen can carry out with the oil industry and the petrochemical industries in Sudan including the oil and oil pipelines according to the executive order issued in September 2006. The sanctions related to the Sudan Peace Law have been linked to negotiations with the SPLM, punishable by the Sudanese state
- Preventing loans and financial guarantees in international institutions
- Consider reducing diplomatic relations between Sudan and the United States
Preventing the Government of the Sudan from benefiting from oil revenues
- Seeking a Security Council resolution banning arms to Sudan
 The Comprehensive Peace Law of Sudan contains all the sanctions contained in the Sudan Peace Law and provided the conditions for separating them in the law in the implementation of the Government of the Sudan for many of the most important commitments.
- Humanitarian situation in the war and appointed observers for human rights and humanitarian relief
- Demobilization of militias supporting the government
- Flow of humanitarian aid
- The return of displaced persons and the construction of destroyed communities
- Implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the formation of a government with the SPLM
 US sanctions have cut Sudan's link with most US banks and European and Gulf banks with big US interests. After fining 80 million dollars and other banks, Sudan has become outside the international banking system.
The effects of US economic sanctions
US economic sanctions have affected the Sudanese private sector by depriving it of foreign financing and foreign direct investment. The US sanctions are imposed on all violators of penalties. If the sanctions disrupt the banking dealings between the Sudan and the world,
 US sanctions directly damage Sudan's land, sea and air transport sector
Sudan lost US trains, causing the Sudanese railway to stop
 Increased land and air transport costs
The collapse of Sudan Airways completely
 The increase in aviation accidents due to spare parts and the adoption of airlines on lower quality aircraft
 The suspension of railways has led to a halt in industrial and agricultural production, and increased unemployment and homeless workers.
 US economic sanctions have affected the pharmaceutical sector and international health cooperation in aspects of training, transportation, medical technology, health and pharmacy, where technical support has stopped and funding has been low. In the livestock sector, sanctions have banned vaccines, leading to less quality local vaccines, reducing the possibility of a healthy herd, which halted development in the pastoral sector, creating an atmosphere of rebellion and tribal clashes between farmers and herders. Sudanese industries have also been suspended in the areas of fertilizers, petrochemicals, vegetable oils, leather products, engineering equipment and medicine ... the sanctions have been affected by the fear of the US sanctions against them. One of the overall effects of US sanctions is that it has hampered sustainable development efforts as these sectors have been affected by US sanctions.
 Disabling economic development
 Disruption of socio-cultural development
 Disabling the development of the environment and vegetation and forest cover

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