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* Ogaden residents between Somalia and Djibouti --- Khaled Hassan Yousef

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 Ogaden residents between Somalia and Djibouti
Khaled Hassan Yousef
- The article represents a view that can be manipulated by any follower or interested -
Many Somalis from Somali territory under the Ethiopian state are more concerned with the affairs of Somalia and Djibouti than their territorial integrity. This phenomenon is not very prevalent with their fellow Somalis under the Kenyan state.
Their interest in the cities of Kismayo, Garbhari, Borzubo, Bawali, Mogadishu, Baldwin, Thosamrib, Aadadu, Galkayo, Garwi, Las Anoud, Barao, Hargeisa, Burma, Zila, Djibouti and Ali Sabeeh is greater than their own.
In my initial belief they tend not to sacrifice and want to live easy, not to mention many of them have been merged with the two countries Somalia and Djibouti, and there is no physical link with the region, which has become a memory of forgetfulness is desirable for them
Is there another perception? Or is the hypothesis itself wrong?
It is known that due to the Somali-Ethiopian conflict since 1963, many Somalis have been displaced from the territory of Western Somalia or Ogaden towards Somalia. In another direction, Somalis displaced from the same region in the direction of Djibouti, the colony and the state, as a result of the abuse inflicted by the existing monarchy in Ethiopia or Due to natural conditions that led them to move to the territory of Djibouti or the repercussions of the war between Somalia and Ethiopia, and these same conditions prompted the population of the Ogaden to travel to Somalia, and resulted in the stability of large numbers of the Somali population in both countries, and the result has become a file between the A popular chant and a curse in both Somalia and Djibouti
And because they are Somalis and in light of national feelings and social and political assimilation was inevitable in Somalia, and in return there is a view of them as a threat to the existing structure of the population in both countries and object to welcome them, in Djibouti played Afar that role and under the state of partnership between the Somali nationalities and non - Although many of the Afar Djibouti itself had been moved from Eritrea in the time of the revolution on the Ethiopian occupation, while some Somalis have stood the same attitude towards some displaced Somalis, especially descendants of the Ogaden, which represents the largest social spectrum in Western Somalia (or Convicted)
In Somalia, their social presence and the presence of their political elite and the functioning of the regime to use them as a tool to confront their opponents, contributed to the political and social targeting by the social component of Ishaqi, while the control of the component Alissa on the political system in the Republic of Djibouti has contributed to the absorption of displaced Somalis, Some of whom are descendants of the Issa tribe, although many of them were listed under the refugee category and ended up as a political card waving by President Ismail Omar Jelle, towards his political opponents and social forces who reject his policy
- Their integration into Somalia and Djibouti
For decades, Somali refugees have become part of the demographics of Somalia and Djibouti, where generations have been rooted in both countries. They have served in the armed forces, defended geopolitics, made great sacrifices by the national factor, worked in various institutions, and with the collapse of Somalia as a state, The involvement of some in the Somali conflict under the regime stage, some of whom were found to be a target for the USC, resulting in the return of many Abyssinian tribes to their home region, while their displaced counterparts who were distributed to cities and the territory of Somalia generally did not include The displaced people during their settlement in Amran contributed to the cities and rural areas along the geography of Somalia and thus became part of the social fabric and facilitated their interaction with their tribesmen in Somalia. The lands of the Ogaden region were common lands for many Somali tribes, In this geographical direction in the seasons of the year to obtain both water and water
- Conflict between Somalis and Ethiopians
The outbreak of armed conflict after the collapse of the Somali state in 1991 played a prominent role in the return of many displaced people to their areas, where the Ogaden region became a theater of military operations between the organization of the Islamic Union and the Ethiopian government, especially in 1993-1996 and those events did not contribute to the stability of the region, But also caused a wave of dispersion for some of the population and a non-attractive factor for the return of former displaced persons to their homes, and the moral factor played a role in their non-return, displaced people who used to find themselves as an organic part of the Somali society absorbed and contributed to the roles of service and interaction with him and found that their return in The shadow of conquest For the Ethiopians represents a disadvantage for them, especially in the face of clashes in the region between Somalis represented by the Somali Islamic Union and the National Front for the Liberation of Ogaden on the one hand with the Ethiopian government, resulting in the displacement of new displaced representatives of the Organization of the two organizations.
Instead, some of them have become aligned with the Somali political forces that control some geographical areas and see themselves as a partner in the regional heritage, which exempts him from the political and armed struggle with the Ethiopian state, which has a close and dominant political association towards these Somali nationalities, Is the administration of the separation, the land of Punt and some of the tribes of Huwai and the administration of Juba, and in general, the displaced Somalis to Somalia or Djibouti accustomed to living under the auspices of a state and this is not a presence in the region from which they had been displaced for decades. The Somali administration of the province and subject to the state The Ethiopians Yeh does not represent a political entity capable of accommodating displaced Kmwatunaian and isolation from racial discrimination because of tribal or political corruption, administrative and financial Batalli, this model does not constitute an attractive entity for some of them, and in this regard there are rare from making
Dr. Said Hirsi (Morgan), had launched in the nineties in the distribution of subsidies on the population of Juba province, in one of the situations confined to three tribes, Oujadin, Merhyan and Solubhanti, and when the other members of the tribes of Daroud on his position, justified that they can not rely On their own, while others can take care of their things, that the statement is not devoid of political malice and stems from the vision of the prince of war, seeking to attract them politically and militarily and make them as an instrument of the wars he fought. - Displaced political Islam includes displaced Somalis who are part of the political Islam organizations, of which Somalia is a political theater, including the Somali Islamic Union and its affiliated forces, the Reform Movement, the Somali Islamic Movement (the New Blood), and a number of leaders of these organizations and their families descended from the Ogaden region. Building their political glory and interests in Somalia. Some leaders of the organizations contributed to the creation of cantons contributed by displaced people. This was motivated by a contribution to the non-return of displaced persons, an exception being the attempt to establish the town of Raaso, The blood of the people by one of the most prominent men of the reform movement represented by the doctor Ibrahim Dasuki, which support the armed conflict in the region between the tribes and Aloojadin Sheikhal in the region. Most of all, the descendants of the Ogaden region were involved in the conflicts of Somalia, the state, the political opposition and the civil wars. After the Ogaden war of 1977-1978, they became a symbol of the destruction of the Somali nationalism rather than a formidable wall except for those who served in state institutions. Who are involved in internal conflicts, and it is necessary to restore these, especially the young generation of them, a bar of historical memory that they received from their predecessors in the extent of the issue that gives them an organic link, the freedom of their people and their territory under the Ethiopian state, and do not take Somalia as an alternative home and They will see the sins of the displaced who have returned to their land and contributed to its reconstruction and development. In contrast, the displaced people of Djibouti will not restrict their association with their lands in the scene of an annual visit to escape the heat towards Deir-dhaba and the countryside and return to Djibouti. In principle, both countries represent cisterns. The Somalis of the State, while the Somalis of Somalia are subject to the historical experience of the Somalis under the Kenyan State. And what has contributed to Tjdhirhm in their land
Khaled Hassan Yousef

 Civilized dialogue

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