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"Fragile": the story of a homeland ------Written by Amin Shukai

ربما تحتوي الصورة على: ‏‏‎Ahmed Omer Sheikh‎‏‏
Fragile": the story of a homeland"
Written by Amin Shukai
The novel is the fifth novel by Eritrean poet, novelist and journalist Ahmed Omar Shaykh, and Ahmad is the first to write the Arabic novel in Eritrea after the establishment of the state after the work of the great Eritrean fighter and the late leader Mohamed Said Naoud. The "Winter Journey" was done in 1997 through his first novel, "Noray," which was reprinted by the capital of the Arab capitals, Cairo through the Egyptian General Book Authority, and the novel Al-Ashraa by the great Arab writers, The great / Youssef Al-Ka'id and her late dowry, Professor Mohammed Saeed Naoud, are also encouraged And the novel "The Wonders of the Rain" by the Eritrean writer / Mahmoud Abu Bakr that the great Arab poet / Mahmoud Darwish impressed her and discovered the poetic poet.
The writer and writer Ahmad Omar Shaykh, in fact, lived as an authentic part of him. He was subjected to prison conditions and fought as a fighter on the front in the recent Ethiopian-Eritrean border war. , And thus acquires writing has the value of technical and moral and political, and commitment and credibility of life and technical .. He is always present at the forefront of the literary scene and for many years undisputed and in the areas of poetry and novel, and in all forums and capitals Arab as the first Eritrei is conducting press interviews with him, , And perhaps the only one who has yet to eat it Poetry and fiction are final important Arab pens such as "Farouk Shousha" and "Taleb Rifai" and "Ramadan Salim" and others Ktherpma is a pride for every Eritrean and Artrah.
Ahmed Omar Sheikh's creativity was not limited to the novel. He is a poet who has three editions of poetry and the fourth in the way, as he writes at the end of the novel that there is a Diwan of the songs of the soldiers as a manuscript.
This is in addition to the publication of many poetry poems on YouTube with his distinctive distinctive voice, "Hanging Al Ahbash and Albergo Italia and friends and Abu Tammam and mobile."
He also composed a collection of lyric poems sung by an elite of Eritrean and Sudanese artists, led by the great Sudanese artist Mohammed Wardi.
He has a movie in the language of "Tagrinya" under the title "Love Lymot".
In the new novel novel "The fragile" writer / Ahmed Omar Sheikh, as we have seen in previous novels, many vital topics filled with love and sacrifice for the homeland, as well as some romantic attitudes that fly readers in a world full of emotions and noble human values ​​noble.
The novel begins by giving: To those who persevere and persevere, and sacrificed for the sake of the nation to remain lofty and continuous in existence to follow the passages of poetry that exude the concerns of the homeland and its surgeries.
The novel is written in poetic language, but it is smooth in comprehension and comprehension. It contains a number of consecutive paragraphs, arranged in beautiful harmony, so that the reader moves from one scene to another without feeling any interruption of the ideas and subjects that contain them. From Asmara to Uday Abito, My Sarwa, Tooker, etc. to get us to Sanfee in the south, Agrathat, Tasni and Qalouge in the west, to come back to life. To Asmara.
In the first paragraph of the novel, the writer describes the beauty of nature and the charm of Eritrea where he explains the details of life in the region of Qaloug and Asmara and the natural beauty of these areas, especially in the autumn season. The character of the "Haji Saleh Berrei" "Haji Saleh," according to the novel, was a fighter in the early days of the revolution and circumstances forced him to resort to the "Sudan" to return to "Kalug" after the defeat of the colonizer like the rest of the refugees who preferred stability In that area rich in agricultural resources For the opportunities available in that area, but there is a price to be paid !! He lost his son, "Abdel-Nour," because of tuberculosis to catch his brother, "Mahmoud," who was martyred in the war of liberation, to increase this loss of the pain of his parents, who confirmed their commitment to the loss of their dedication to the homeland despite all the challenges.
The story on pages 13-14 describes how Saber, the son of Mr. Haji Saleh, met with his beloved Miss Sarah Tidros in the workplace while performing the national service and the story of love that arose between them, eventually leading to the marriage of the Saber family. With all due respect, reflecting the revolutionary values ​​gained by the Eritrean people during the stage of struggle and the active role played by those values ​​in removing the artificial barriers that the colonizer tried to exploit in order to serve his barbaric goals, such as regional, sectarian and ethnic.
In another scene, the novel shows us the solidarity between Saber and Sarah in managing their living and supporting Haji Saleh for his son Saber from the proceeds of his own money from his sewing shop and small farm in Qaloug. The principle of gender equality and solidarity are inherent qualities of the Eritrean people in good and bad.
In the same context, the story tells the story of the birth of Saber and Sarah to their son, Yusuf, and how Sarah decided to visit her family in Shambuku with her young son to receive her and her son as a result of a "landmine" Which they were carrying, is a "mine" buried by terrorist elements that have nothing to do with humanity, elements that believe that by instilling terror, fear and suffering innocent people can take over the reins of government.
In another scene, the story tells of the suicide bomber who blew himself up
As well as the attack on a civilian vehicle on the road between Agrathat and Fortu Sawa by the RPG missile, which also killed a number of innocent citizens. The author wanted through this scene to confirm the Eritrean people's rejection of terrorist acts targeting innocent people whatever their source, especially terrorist operations led by religious ideologies as in the Middle East, and there are lines in the novel through the news channel, talking about the "Daash" and " Boko Haram "in a clear contrast and intersection with the event in the novel, and continue to that scene describes the author's grief that hit" Saber "because of the unfortunate incident that took away his son and wife and his subsequent adoption of the displaced child" Amaniel, "which found him on his face in one Roads capital city compensates for He lost his son, Yusuf. On page 22, the following pages discuss the story of the young man "Mikael" one of the claimants of the need to beat the corrupt - in a deep technical harmony with the "Bible" where "Mikiel" in the Bible is always the defender of the right - The novel of the need to hit the corrupt, whatever their size to explain to the reader and in a manner steeped in tragic sadness, which left "Mikael" from the world ?? Including "Tidros" and "Saber" and the artist "Rot Kahasai" close friend and his lover coming from "Washington". The writer, through the character of "Mikael" expressed the desire of all the faithful of the Eritrean people to get rid of spoilers, whatever their authority as it is an important public demand, where the novel "fragile" from the most important principle of the principles of the "Popular Front" The "Popular Front" during the revolution was able to ensure that the organization of any form of corruption to achieve the hopes of the Eritrean people in freedom and emancipation and win the trust and respect of all. The writer added that the artist "Rot Khesai" was one of the most saddened people to the death of "Mikael" for whom it was more than just a lover feel the warmth in his neighborhood ?! He was one of the most admirers of his reformist ideas and insight into all issues relating to the homeland. It was a loss for the whole country. He did not answer the calls of those who flirted with her and asked her to share them. She always said in her heart that To complete the journey initiated by "Mikael", ie, fight spoilers of whatever size?!. On the page number "28" and the following pages the writer speaks about the character of "Noor Abdullah", "beauty" Tseni, which is characterized by beauty forced many young people to admire her as a young man, "Abdul Samad," who was fond of beauty, and how it ignored all of the same mission To complete her studies and achieve her dreams of becoming a successful doctor who treats patients and takes care of their comfort. The novelist adds that Noor decided to go to Asmara after her parents Selma El Haj and Abdullah El Sherif agreed to live with her brother Ahmad and his wife Samia and complete her secondary studies. She described the transformation in her appearance and lifestyle In an attractive way. The writer adds that Noor is able to achieve her dream and enroll in the medical school of Aruta after receiving an honorable score on the secondary school certificate in Sawa. As for Abdul Samad Mahjoub, who adores her to madness, Tasni left for Sudan after That the knowledge of her departure from "Tsin" to "Asmara" to face the dangers of asylum and its difficulties and become a case of firefighter from the fire, and that "Amer Khalifa," colleague "Noor" in the study left the college complaining of its poor economic situation and called to visit his family in " The border as did "Abdel-Samad", and here the writer wanted to explain to us that migration and escape from reality Is not a solution in any way, but it is necessary to confront the challenges with wisdom and firmness. In another scene, the writer shows how Saber was impressed by "Nour Abdullah" and was impressed with him, too, and how he fell in the trap of "Rehana" coming from "Doha", which suddenly broke into his life without permission to become easy prey to her whims, taking advantage of the vacuum Emotionally, he had to spend a red night like "A Thousand and One Nights" together. . Despite her virulent femininity, Saber could not forget Saber's silent love story, which he collected with "Noor Abdullah", which almost - the story of love - would have reached her goal without the sudden disappearance of Nur by an effective act and the news of her abduction. It seems that the writer wanted to alert the Continental to the phenomenon of kidnapping and smuggling of human beings, which have recently exploded to the loss of victims and tragedies are not exclusive, as if calling for the need to fight by all means. The disappearance of "Noureddallah" left deep traces in the heart of the "Saber" Almkloum, and why it ends there ?! Aman also fled, his adoptive son from the house when his condition worsened !! To find "Saber" himself once again alone without Anis and he also begins to move to unknown worlds. Returning to "Abdel-Samad Mahjoub" who adored "Nur" unilaterally and fled to "Sudan" after learning of "Nur" to "Asmara", the narrator explains that the conditions of "Abdel-Samad" has worsened in the resort because of the high cost of living in "Sudan"?! To get into the sea and head for Europe through one of the dilapidated vessels of human trafficking. While he is close to Lampedusa Island with a number of immigrants, Her fate predestined him after the separation of many years and so became the novel "fragile" true expression Mgla in fact and honesty and His poetry and an important Eritrean literary document for the period we have lived and lived in a way to wear it. And to be "fragile: the story of a homeland" littered with sacrifices, loss and dreams

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