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The absence of the national project and the crisis crisis, political development and revolution (12-2)

The absence of the national project and the crisis crisis, political development and revolution (12-2)Abdul Ghaffar Mohammed Said
Colonialism and the post-colonial state
After the completion of Europe's industrial revolution and the completion of the expansion of the capitalist system, the capitalist countries worked to expand outside the continent to satisfy the capitalist obsession and to avoid the phenomenon of tendency to profit decline, was the direct colonization of colonies in Africa, Asia and South America.
The socio-economic composition of the Sudan in the period of the Turkish-Egyptian colonization was composed of groups of economically successful traders, tribal leaders, leaders of Ansar and Sufi methods of social influence. Therefore, colonialism chose to balance its new system in Sudan from these social forces.
Most historians agree that the Turkish-Egyptian colonization and the British after it played the main role in the creation of the Sudan with its borders, which he occupied in 1956. In addition to the recent annexation of Darfur to the borders of the state in 1916. The policy of the closed areas also caused a clear and unbridgeable gap between the North and the South that was not abolished at the end of British rule.
The colonialism and its capitalist system created socio-economic strata in Sudan, which inherited and played the role of their local agent. They were mostly merchants, tribal leaders and Ansar and Khatami sects who were entrusted with the task of extending the capitalist system amid the capitalist-economic patterns of the economy in Sudan.
In the same vein, the British administration supported traditional Islam and promoted the spread of traditional education and Khallawi al-Qur'an. It also strengthened the influence of tribal leaders, giving them both administrative and judicial powers that they had not previously enjoyed according to traditional tribal practices. The tribal leaders are aware that their source of authority is not derived from society and tribal rules, but from their association with the central authority and the tools of oppression, intimidation and intimidation possessed by the Authority. Thus, the indirect policy of governance has strengthened tribalism in a society that lives in pre-capitalist economic patterns. When they ruled that the capitalist world order had begun to function within the colonies through the associated economies, which had been created in the colonies, and under the supervision of its local agents, the settlements were gradually removed.
The First World War defined the relationship between the traditional northern Sudanese leadership and the British administration with the loyalty of the traditional Sudanese leadership to the colonial power and its stand against the German-Turkish alliance. Britain was concerned about the bias of the traditional Sudanese leadership of the Khilafah state.
Religious leaders, jurists, sheikhs and sheikhs sent letters of support and loyalty to the governor-general expressing support for Britain and denouncing Turkey's declaration of war. These letters were collected and saved in a book known as the Book of Loyalty. Later, most of the delegation that visited London to congratulate the king for victory may be among the owners of these letters. Mr. Ali Al-Mirghani and Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mahdi spoke to King George II.
Mr. Sir Ali Al-Mirghani's speech stated as follows:
I beg your pardon to say that the little we have done in the war is the fruit of what Your Majesty's Government has planted in the country - simply - harvest your good planting and a token of gratitude to you.
Your Majesty has made justice the foundation of your vast monarchy. The spirit of justice and peace has prevailed throughout the Great Empire. When we congratulate you, we are in fact congratulating our country and our people.
Our hearts have been filled with pride, loyalty and love for your majesty; for what we have seen throughout our country, the sovereignty of the spirit of security and justice over the past years, and your Majesty's Government's interest in the affairs of Sudan and the great sacrifices made for its progress and material and moral well-being and its people within the subjects of the British Empire. - Sudan's future progress depends on its links to your Majesty's empire, and therefore we raise our hands to pray to God Almighty and pray to him to grant His Majesty a long and happy life, and to preserve Great Britain - the pioneer of freedom and civilization in the world.
Let the wisdom of the British Empire fail for a long time to spread peace and tranquility and continue to strive for its progress until it takes its place in the middle of the members of this empire and we pray to God to come - quickly - the day on which the Sudan can achieve this end. Finally, we offer - with all humility - to the throne of Your Majesty our full loyalty and submission.
Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mahdi then made the following statement:

," Saif al-Nasr, "which was a true Arabon to my parents and to the throne of your High Throne. I return this sword to your majesty as a clear and unambiguous proof of my desire to prepare me, In the Sudan, you have been obedient servants to you - and for years after the re-occupation of Sudan - to your men working in the Sudan - in different ways - my services and my whole country. I have a lot of people waiting for my return after meeting with you and thanking you for your generosity. Jalal M my services sincere and humble. Certainly, he will be surprised by anyone, except when he looks forward to this full loyalty, uncanny glorification and unconditional support, from the leaders of the Sudanese people to the highest symbols of the colonial authority, the people's representatives who blew the revolution of Mahdia and shook the earth under the feet of colonialism gave full loyalty to the colonial powers, And they are expected to put before the British authorities the demand for the independence of Sudan after the end of the war as a condition to join its side in the war. In order to realize the extent of the imbalance in Sudanese politics, the same leaders who removed the oath of allegiance and declared unconditional loyalty are themselves at the forefront of the morning of Independence Day on 1 January 1956 -The President of the Government, and Mohamed Ahmed Mahgoub, leader of the opposition, raised the flag of Sudan on the mast. Although the country gained political independence, the people did not realize the opportunity to self-determination. The elite that inherited the post-colonial state were not prepared to build a state of citizenship and national liberation. They were made up of the Afandis who inherited the functions of the colonial authority, merchants, tribal leaders, Linking the economic interests of the colonial state. The founding meeting of the alumni conference was held on February 12, 1938 and was attended by 1180 graduates. It included all graduates residing in the capital, which is almost triangular and few outside the capital. The meeting approved the proposed constitution and called the conference (the general graduates' conference) Sudanese schools and institutes above the level of primary schools. A committee of sixty members was elected (the 60th Committee). This committee was then elected by an executive committee of fifteen members. The General Conference of Graduates finally appeared on the Sudanese political scene. Ismail al-Azhari was elected Who received the majority of the votes in the election of the Sixtieth Committee and the Executive Committee also secretary of the conference, and Abdullah Mirghani assistant to the secretary, and Aldderiri Mohammed Ahmed treasurer, and Hammad Sufq accountant and instead of the educated elite that established the graduates' conference, which resulted in most of the Sudanese parties at that time, Instead of working towards the self-determination of the people and the state by placing them in the path of non-capitalist development or at least the real independence of the colonial state and its economy by building an independent Sudanese economy and state institutions. Rather than embarking on the path of developing the country, In order to build the state, the educated elite sided with their immediate interests and chose the easy opportunistic way to ally themselves with the political communities immediately after independence. This indicated the shortcomings of their political imagination and the fragility and superficiality of their national vision. Sudanese nationalities and peoples cultural, political and economic. Which has made the country take a recalcitrant developmental development whose development is characterized by a steady decline from bad to worse. It is divided between democratic political systems without any economic content that means the overwhelming majority pension, no real development plans, and dictatorial regimes that turn on short-lived democracy. To protect democracy, which was a distorted political formality, providing some liberties that only the middle class educated. In addition to the absence of the overall national umbrella project, the projects of the sectarian parties that traded power after independence did not have a socio-economic and developmental content. At first glance, their slogan is "Liberation is not reconstruction." As one of its leaders and thinkers, Muhammad Ahmad Mahjoub, wrote in the fifth section of writing democracy The balance: Our problems started immediately after we gained independence. The main reason for these problems was one. The parties that either worked for or opposed independence found themselves immediately after achieving independence without any specific goal. They struggled to try to meet the country's new needs. The Many of them were expected to achieve these expectations. They did not have detailed and specific programs to deal with socio-economic growth. Each post-ind

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