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A study on the self-determination of nationalities or peoples

لا يتوفر نص بديل تلقائي.
In the name of of Allah the Merciful
A study on the self-determination of nationalities or peoples
Democratic Organization of the Red Sea
Forum of the Eritrean Nationalist Front
The right to self-determination, including the right of separation for the people of the Red Sea
A Brief History of the Afarian Nationalism
The word "Afar" is launched on a group of coastal tribes spread across the Red Sea to the plateau of Abyssinia opposite three neighboring states Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti
, And this nationalism is different in terms of culture and language and the habit of the rest of the nationalities and the rest of the people of this country, although it holds its nationality and combines with all these countries. This nation is created by the morals of the sea, desert and grazing, because it is the original home of its living, which has only moved away in recent decades due to its being targeted by the Eritrean regime. They are described as good-hearted, tolerant and patient in fighting. Djibouti, and in Eritrea 20% of Eritrean population.
And confirms the activity of a number of tribal leaders and their intellectuals to talk about the same origin and civilization of the birth, and the national one and "distinctive" of the other nationalities living between the back of the studies confirms that the origin of the Afar are the protectors and Samin and inhabited the region for millions of Sunnis, and had a constitution and customary law to walk their lives Social, economic and security. However, the emergence of the Italian colonization of Afar divided into three parts: Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Eritrea, with its current status, comprises an important part of the geography of Afar, and the Afar had sultans and emirates controlling the vast Afar tribes. Fully from Ethiopia Lal so that some foreign and Arab countries were held with direct agreements between them and those sultans, such as Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Portugal and the Italians, but the history of these agreements and lost like other peoples of the notation made this region. Thus, the Afri people are the oldest people to have witnessed the existence of the Horn of Africa and is one of the oldest protectorates that spread in the Horn of Africa along the shores of the Red Sea on the side of Africa and the plateau of Abyssinia hundreds of thousands of years ago.
Why do the people of the Red Sea demand the right to self-determination, including the right to secession?
The right to self-determination is not only one of the most important collective rights, but it is also impossible to speak of the rights of citizens or of human beings without the enjoyment of this right, which includes the right to establish an independent regional government fully and effectively over its territory and resources and the right to use all legitimate means to achieve this.
The right to self-determination has become one of the most fundamental principles of contemporary international law, and involves not only the political but also the economic, social and cultural aspects. Hence the importance of this right, as affirmed in the United Nations Charter of 1945 and the International Covenants of 1966, as affirmed in many UN General Assembly resolutions on numerous occasions. However, the views of jurists and states' Self-determination has varied so clearly that it is not easy to put together a comprehensive definition of this principle. Some jurists define it as "the right of every people to determine their political future and the system of government they consent to, the right of the people to sovereignty over their wealth and natural resources, Appropriate economic and social systems " "The right of nations to self-determination means exclusively the right of nations to independence in the political sense of freedom of political separation from the oppressed and oppressed nation"
(1), and defined by Mohamed Shawki Abdel-Al as "the immediate and complete abolition of the control of any people over any other people, which means the freedom of these peoples to determine their political, economic and cultural status in isolation from any direct or indirect influence or pressure of any kind and in any form and in any Excuse excuse "
(2), and other definitions and perspectives, through which we can say that the right to self-determination means the right of a people to choose the form of government in which they wish to live or the sovereignty they wish.
The principle of the right to self-determination has evolved through the long practice of the international community, which has become one of the most important rights established by the principles of international law. It is an international and collective right at the same time, in the sense that it is a decision for peoples without addressing individuals. The peoples, without being restricted to a category without the other peoples of the world, include all independent and non-independent peoples in accordance with the legal political meaning of the term "people" as defined in the Charter of the United Nations.
If the right to self-determination is based on the right of the oppressed peoples to self-determination, that is to say, freedom from domination and control and the establishment of independent entities with an independent political entity based on the equal rights of the people, it is natural for the people of the Red Sea to determine their own destiny, The establishment of an independent entity in which he lived for thousands of years, in accordance with the resolutions of international legitimacy.
Objective of the study and its problems:
The purpose of this study is to clarify the legal rules of self-determination adopted by international law through the adoption of this principle in the Charter of the United Nations and through its international resolutions, as well as in other international instruments and documents. Red Sea in self-determination,
The reasons that led Afar to put this thesis in Eritrea:
The practice of explicit racial discrimination against the people of the Red Sea, which gave the status of (branch) in the parent tree (origin), which means that the land belongs to the original without the branch. This is what is being done to transform the people of the Red Sea into a people without land and without sea, no identity and no existence. Thus, the goals of the ruling party (the ruling party
Protect them) and more revealed in the objectives of the border war that ignited. The earth, the bread, and the blood. The land and the sea of ​​Afar were shared and his private and public occupation, such as fishing and trade between the generals of the regime and his mother-in-law, and then appropriating the income of the small and large ports, even the livestock, which was not delivered from the quota and appropriated to their army. They also looted all the productive institutions in Dunkaliya and threw the rightful owners into hunger, asylum, displacement and humiliation. They stripped their livelihoods and were deprived of the wealth and land of their country, controlled by members of one group. They also destroyed all of the state's military, security and civil services. One group, to become the entire people of the sea, a state of alienation and alienation from its land and sea, incapacitated resources sources of rights, the will of the will, violating the dignity, deprived the people of Afar the dream and human aspirations. A people deprived of their land and wealth, is forced to live in a prison of psychological and moral defeat, cut off from its past, exiled - forcibly - from present. To make it a people without a past, no present and no future. On the economic side, the Hecdavians took over everything: factories and institutions that are located in the region of Al-Afar and owned land and sea, and two - with violence - a balance of injustice unparalleled in history, which states that their land and land and the sea of ​​Afr and their wealth to them !? It is not for its people that the perpetration of crimes and massacres against humanity against our people and the continued looting and pillaging of its lands and wealth and the destruction of its gains give it the full right to struggle to liberate itself from the unjust regime and restore its dignity to all its regions and to obtain full compensation for stolen and stolen property and property. For the collective suffering of our people, which reached the calamity of this fascist regime, as well as to prosecute the perpetrators of crimes against humanity against our people until they are tried in international courts, like other war criminals in the world. The owners of the legitimate right. The right of our people to restore their dignity and rights is a human right guaranteed by the laws of heaven and the laws of the land. The people of the Red Sea are also based on the right of the United Nations Charter, which does not recognize any political legitimacy for the consequences of the war on others. And the international covenants and covenants that have begun to uphold the rights and freedoms of individuals, groups and peoples alike. We also believe in the democratic organization of the Red Sea. We believe that the salvation of our people from this barbarous regime that took over our land and the wealth of our people and deprived them of it and the practice of impoverishment, humiliation and oppression against it, and depriving it of working to disrupt its capabilities and sabotage its effectiveness. .etc. Of the overt racial discrimination measures that have been subjected to it, the elimination of which is a legitimate right and not a crime. The crime Huan is forcing a whole people to obliterate his identity and erase his existence is subject to physical and moral enslavement by a despicable bunch. Is it accepted today that our people enslaved in an era that won human rights and freedoms and the sovereignty of the right of peoples to self-determination? That is nationalism in Eritrea, and its objective, inalienable existence. Our people will struggle, and will sacrifice their fighters with the highest and noblest so that the free will of our people will regain the dignity and sovereignty of our people on its land and sea, and through it regain its dignity, dignity and standing among other peoples and nationalities. And will not give up his right, whatever the sacrifices, to get rid of the unjust bond of slavery imposed by the oppressed darkness. "The people of the Red Sea have sensed the threat of the next phase and expressed their refusal to continue the trap of national unity. For the sake of self-determination: - International law has affirmed that States may not use force against each other, but an exception to this principle recognizes the deceptive people or nationalities under oppression, tyranny and occupation of the right to resistance, including the use of armed force, to obtain independence. (51) of the Charter of the United Nations Among the most important resolutions adopted and adopted by international efforts to support and affirm the right of peoples to use force as a legitimate means of resisting, rejecting and denying the dominant and dominant States over these peoples and their right to exercise their destiny report, the following resolutions : 1. General Assembly resolution 2621 (XXV) of 12 October 1970, contained in the substance of its second article, "Reaffirming the right of the colonized and deceptive peoples under domination in the struggle in all necessary ways at their disposal against Governments or States that suppress Aspirations ". 2. Decision No. 2625 of October 12, 1970, added the right of peoples to use all the short-term measures used to prevent them from gaining access to the exercise of the right to self-determination and to support and support these peoples in their struggle. To allow people to freely express their will, and also because the existence of the colonizer or the dominant is contrary to the principle of the right of peoples to self-determination and provisions of the Charter. 3. Resolution No. 3103, which emphasized the international nature of all disputes that may arise in connection with this right, as well as the inclusion of the guaranteed use of force against the right of peoples to self-determination within the scope of danger and prohibition provided for in article II, paragraph 4. 4. Resolution No. 3314 on the definition of aggression emphasized the right and legitimacy of the struggle of peoples to claim their right to self-determination and to exclude such use from the circle of hostile acts and manifestations of the illegal use of force. The resolutions in which the General Assembly referred to the right of the people to struggle to recover their right to self-determination,
2778 (VI) of 6 December 1971, in which the Assembly authorized the legitimacy of the struggle for the self-determination of peoples under colonial and foreign hegemony, as well as resolution 3070 (XXVIII) of 30 November 1973, in which it condemned Governments that did not recognize The right of peoples to self-determination, especially the African peoples. The resolution affirmed the right of peoples to use force and all means at their disposal for liberation from domination and hegemony and resolution 3236 (XXIX), which is one of the most important documents that affirmed the fundamental rights of the people, Which has already been approved by the General Assembly and restored by all means The resolutions of the United Nations, whether they concern the right of peoples or nationalities to determine their destiny or which have to do with the right and legality of the use of force and other means and methods for the liberation of their will and land and to enable them to ensure the legitimate exercise of this right, Red, whether armed struggle or uprisings as a means and a tool to resist "hegemonic" domination and hegemony and to remove it as a barrier between the will of the people and their legitimate right to reach the actual exercise of their right, undoubtedly fall within the content of the above resolutions and are therefore legitimate. Conclusion: What we have tried to prove in this study is the applicability of the legal principles of the principle of the right to self-determination, which have been recognized by international law through the Charter of the United Nations, international resolutions, charters and other international documents. What is federalism? (Federalism, separation of powers and civil rights), federalism is one of the most important pillars of the US Constitution. We all know that the Eritrean society consists of different nationalities and religions, so the Eritrean society is a diverse society that differs in language, customs, traditions and religion. The existence of these differences in addition to the democratic awareness, which was not present in the past generated many problems, including the denial of the spectrum of their legitimate rights, and after they began to claim their rights were refused and not to recognize their demands. But after the spread of democratic awareness, a new trend has emerged among specialists and those interested in the need to have a system that is at the heart of these problems to solve them, it is necessary to find a way to guarantee the rights of different nationalities in a society to recognize their needs. Throughout history, man has been looking for a system that accepts the diversity of society and has found and recognized in recent days that federalism is the system that solves or guarantees the rights of all sectors of society, including nationalities and minorities, with the satisfaction of the majority and the inviolability of their rights. In the beginning, we will try to clarify the concept of federalism in general and the federal state in particular, as well as the ways of creating the federal state and the foundations that must exist to be a federal state in terms of independence, the nature of society and the system, and the motives for federalism in general. . The concept of a federal state is that of a state that is composed of several independent and independent local governments and authorities in a number of respects and in each other, or that state is divided into autonomous administrative units and each independent administration has authority over its inhabitants within its administrative environment. In other words, it is a federal system in which two or more powers agree on the unification of their powers or the creation of a single authority that distributes or divides its authority over several powers that are united with one another. The authorities divide between the supreme authority and the smaller ones. The aim of this system is to guarantee the rights of diverse and different groups in terms of race, language, Thus giving the right of participation and participation of all groups in the bodies and authorities of the state and therefore the most appropriate system of multi-national and minority countries, any diverse groups within the borders of one state. If federalism is an autonomous or internal autonomy within the borders of a given state, multiple entities retain their own identity in terms of social composition, demographic boundaries, language, culture or religion, as well as their effective participation in drafting constitutions and then making policies and decisions. Definition of the Federal State: Federalism does not have a unified definition because of the divergent opinions of its specialists and its different nature and applications, but all agree on its content and substance. It is determined by the division of powers and powers and internal independence within the borders of a particular state. First, it is necessary to clarify the word Latin-Latin origin, which derives from the word "foedus" which means the treaty or agreement. There are those who believe that federalism derived from fides or trust, which is the kind of agreement based on mutual trust between the parties. The German jurist, Jilinek, defined it as "a state of a woman composed of several countries other than a woman, whose authority derives from the countries that are composed of them or are interconnected in a way that makes them a political unit." As Ronald Watts sees it as "complex political systems combining powerful units "The government and the government are generally strong, with each side enjoying the authority that the people give it through the Constitution." Roger Davidson defined federalism as "a two-tier political system of the same geographical region and same population." Lawyer Jamil Odeh defines it as "a treaty between two or more distinct parties Gathered among them R. "It is a federation of states that is partly governed by one central authority (the federal authority) and partly retains autonomy, constitutional, administrative, and administrative authority.
Jurisdiction (the power of the member states or the United States) The ways of the emergence of the federal state: There are two ways of the emergence of the federal state, which are union and dismantling, and come to clarify both cases. A - Union: It occurs through a union of two or more authorities whose people share social, geographical, historical or defensive features - force - or economic motives .. and so on, so that each of them renounce some of their internal and external powers of the new entity that arises. Which unite two sovereignties under one sovereignty called the federal state, as happened in the United States of America, Switzerland and Germany. In the United States of America, for example, despite the many factors of separation and separation, such as the difference in nationality, ethnicity, and difference in the subject of slavery .......... federalism has been achieved through participation in origin, religion and language. B. Disassembly: the division of simple state powers over new regional powers (Internal), and often this division occurs because of the suffering of their peoples from social problems, political, economic or cultural differences in nationalism or language or in customs or resources and wealth ... etc., as happened in Mexico, Argentina and Brazil. Nationalism: Definition: It is the sense of the people of the one nation that there is an association of their group and distinguish them from other nations. It is an ethnic, linguistic, cultural, cultural, historical, economic or political association. Claiming the rights of nationalities: The absence of all those who do not recognize the rights of nationalities and minorities that make up the state of Eritrea, and at a time when the recognition of those rights, the most important of those who believe in human rights, and those who disregard those rights, and those who believe the existence of these nationalities and minorities and Who believe they have melted into the national community. If the laws of heaven, international laws and treaties and human rights regulations grant the right to those nationalities and minorities, within the frameworks to be agreed upon, and even supports these rights and seeks to be adopted and to achieve the embodiment of the constitutional framework and legal of those rights, a modern era requires the recognition of these rights and address the demarcation Constitutionally and legally by peaceful and humanitarian means. For example, the Afri community: - its history, culture and race vary from other Eritrean nationalities altogether. But its history, culture, history, race and language meet its brethren in Ethiopia and Djibouti. Eritrea, with its current borders, has divided Afar against their will to three countries, although their culture, language and history are the same. And the aspirations of the Afri people in the region of Dnkhalia and its affiliation to their brothers in Ethiopia and Djibouti, and their connections and participation in national celebrations and events. This is the case in other Afro-Sultanate states, such as the Sultanate of Ossa in Ethiopia, whose influence extends to the Eritrean Bayl, and the state of Cervo (Peru) extends its borders and influence from within Ethiopia to the end of the Afriatic land in Eritrea at the Gulf of Zola, Adoles and Bure south of Massawa. This shows that the European colonial division and its randomness could not have an impact on the Afri national affiliation. The Afri people generally have a real awareness of their common common identity, as they combine the unity of history, heritage, culture, religion and language, leading to the absence or weakness of their national integration within the borders created by colonialism without regard to their common national identity and thus not having any homogeneity with other nationalities. Others have been persecuted and must demand the rights of nationalities guaranteed by international laws and covenants. Because of this, the people of the Red Sea have been targeted for its nationality, which is different with other nationalities in Eritrea and was targeted by one nationalism that wants to dominate and control the wealth of others, the existence of this nation along the Red Sea from the region of Rahita to Massawa and the islands of Dahlak, Where the region is considered the most important port, where the region is a global shipping corridor and link the Red Sea in the Indian Ocean, and active in the international vessels that carry fuel and luggage, and where the natural wealth is enormous and in these areas where our people live without each other, and for the full control of this region, In the course of the arrival of the ruling clique, the Red Sea was divided into two regional administrative regions, north and south of the Red Sea, under a new administrative division, in order to infiltrate this nation and subjugate it to control it. And then the PFLP regime confiscated the land and property of our people and gave it to the children of the highlands and settled them in the lands of our people. The role of the Afar in the liberation of Eritrea: At the beginning of Stnaat was the Afar region, stating the activities of the revolution and Mrakzaltdreb and stronghold of the soldiers and a conduit for the transfer of weapons and equipment to different potential of the country considered as strategy area, embraced the territory of the Afar revolution Eritrean and dowry her family Balgali and precious and ridiculed all they have money and equipment, and has transferred and the transfer of arms From the beginning of the revolution until the independence there are tens of thousands killed, executed, martyred and displaced for independence, with the testimony of everyone that the role of Afar in reviving the Eritrean revolution was greater than others. However, in 1968 the Eritrean Liberation Front (FLL) committed a mass liquidation in the Ramlo Aranou area. In 1974, the Liberation Front also committed horrific crimes, arbitrary arrests and arrests against the Red Sea. In 1988, the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) The Red Sea was isolated and killed hundreds of the finest sons of the Ephr despite all this was the people of the The Red Sea insisted on the struggle until independence was achieved. In 1993, when the Eritrean people voted for the Eritrean people, the voice of the people of the Red Sea was voted 98%. However, after the declaration of independence of Eritrea, the regime denied the role of the Assyrians in liberating the country and practiced the worst crimes in their humanity. This is sufficient proof of the regime that claims to be fighting for the homeland and the people. When we say that the Eritrean regime practices these crimes against all the Eritrean people, it is different for the people of Afri. At the beginning of the revolution, a significant number of Eritrean movements joined the ranks of the Eritrean movements in all its categories, including the Popular Front. The martyr Idris Jamahid was considered the first Afari policeman to be martyred in the Eritrean cause, but relations between the Afar and the Eritrean movements were always cautious and distrustful. It was sometimes transformed into a bitter conflict on the surface, because the Eritrean movements did not understand the specificity of the Afranic issue in the Dankalia region, as well as the policies practiced by the Eritrean movements in the region of Dinkalia, which were not acceptable to the Afar. For example, the Liberation Front and the Popular Front imposed the Tigrinya language, which was the official language of Eritrea, and the recognition of Eritrean nationalities - including Afar nationalism - and their language as local dialects - and such policies and practices of the Eritrean Liberation Front and other Eritrean factions Which led to the tension of their relations with the Afar and ignited the fires of war, which led to expulsion and expulsion from the region of Denkali three consecutive times, beginning in 1968 and through 1973 and final in the beginning of the eighties (1981 - 1982) and then could not Eritrean movements Return to the region - Dankalia - only on May 24, 1991 when the Popular Front captured the city of Assab, the capital of Denkali and large parts of the areas of Afar .. Thus, we find that the first promoted and accused Afar to seek the establishment of the Greater Afar state or (Greater Dinkalia) in parts of Ethiopia Eritrea and Djibouti are the Eritreans to provoke these countries against Afar to undermine the issue of the region. Indeed, many of the Afar believed in Eritrean patriotism and fought wholeheartedly for this issue, but the PFLP carried out the Assa'ila massacre in August 1988 against the unarmed Afri people, which claimed the lives of hundreds of Afri people and took the remaining members of this region and its suburbs And the area of ​​Pori to the coast, which created a reaction and conspicuous against the Popular Front against all factions of the Afri community, including supporters and sympathizers of the Eritrean issue as well as those who oppose it. The Afri people quickly formed armed militias to defend the Dankalia region against the PFLP aggression on this area weeks after the withdrawal of the Ethiopian army. The question and its factors in Eritrea must be treated with wisdom and understanding of its specificity, because of their national awareness aimed at finding an independent entity of their own as a result of the heterogeneity of Afar with others. This is a legitimate right which guarantees the divine laws and customs of all ages, including contemporary international laws, From the rest of the other nationalities that make up the state of Eritrea in various aspects religiously, culturally, heritage, and race. The crisis in Eritrea between a racist regime is dominant, and Eritrean opposition, including the democratic organization of the Red Sea, is heavily descended into civil wars to become similar to that of the Red Sea. Which makes us think that the exclusion of the ruling junta in Eritrea to any peaceful settlement leading to peaceful negotiations between it and the claimants of rights, which has not been recognized, and that reduce the size of the dominant category and the monopoly on power and wealth and the country, and for this This ruling junta in Eritrea refused to return the rights of its people altogether. Therefore, we in the democratic organization of the Red Sea recognize the right to self-determination of peoples, including the right of separation based on the Constitution, which protects their legitimate rights to ensure the rights and the integrity of the State of Eritrea


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