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No homework or grades at this self-paced school------By Christopher Connell - Mar 10, 2017

Three children seated on floor, playing ukuleles; other children seated in background (Courtesy of Khan Academy)
A dozen years ago Sal Khan, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology–trained engineer with a knack for explaining math and science, used an internet drawing tool to tutor his 12-year-old cousin — half a continent away — in algebra.
His friendly voice and colorful, moving sketches worked for her, and later — when he posted videos on YouTube — attracted a global audience in the tens of millions.
Teacher watching over students surrounding a table (Courtesy of Khan Academy)
With their teacher looking on, students weigh the pros and cons of countries’ bidding to host the Olympics. (Courtesy photo)
Now Khan is tackling something perhaps even harder: reimagining how children are taught in bricks-and-mortar schools.
The private Khan Lab School in Mountain View, California, is the testing ground for the Khan Academy’s unorthodox approach. Ninety-five kids ages 5 to 14 spend 9½ hours a day and a longer school year setting their own goals and learning at their own pace. There are no grades or homework, but lots of group projects, time spent on laptops and small group and one-on-one sessions with teachers.
Two students turning a crank on a jar (Courtesy of Khan Academy)
Two of the youngest students, churning butter to go with bread they made from scratch. (Courtesy photo)
It’s not quite a one-room schoolhouse, as some have called it. Younger and older pupils are separated in two big rooms, with breakout spaces where students work on projects and get personal guidance from instructors.
“We have no kids struggling. They’re thriving” and moving at their own pace as they learn subject content and life skills such as teamwork, resilience and perseverance, says the school’s head, Dominic Liechti.
Junaid Qurashi says his two daughters “love going to school … to the point that we worry why kids come home so pleased. Are they really learning things?” he told Voice of America.
“You get to choose what you learn,” said 9-year-old Holly Thompson. “It’s not just a teacher hands you a worksheet and tells you what to do. You get to set your own goals.”
The school provides “narrative feedback” on students’ performance, not numerical or letter grades, says Liechti. “When they master the content, they move on to the next skills set.”
There are benchmarks. Students regularly take a standardized national test.
This fall the school will start a ninth grade, and Liechti says it aspires to award International Baccalaureate diplomas.
Student adjusting remote-controlled car (Courtesy of Khan Academy)
A student displays a robot she built for an independent project at the school’s Imagine Night. (Courtesy photo)
Liechti, who is Swiss, says the school hopes to train other teachers to bring personalized learning to their classrooms, schools and districts.
Befitting its heritage, the school also plans to make videos on its approach.

All photos provided by Khan Lab School.

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