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Very beautiful and a generosity of Caribbean gardens------- Mounir Mohammed Suleiman

ربما تحتوي الصورة على: ‏‏شخص واحد‏، و‏يبتسم‏‏
Very beautiful and a generosity of Caribbean gardens
Mounir Mohammed Suleiman
The company I work with has decided to cooperate with its Dutch tax authority and to participate in a project for the Ict to develop and facilitate the payment / payment of Dutch citizens' tax credits on the island of Sint Maarten Island in the Caribbean ... Part of this island is considered a Dutch province .... The island is divided into two Dutch and French ... and very beautiful and his garden of the Caribbean Gardens ... But the hurricanes hit by a very hard year .... Of the beautiful seashell in this narrow world In 1996 I met a person in one of the cafés of the crowded city of Paris and I met him in the back The day I was sitting with my wife, we sat in the coffee. In the course of that ritual, I heard someone close to me saying, "Hey, little dog, come here." I was astonished, I could not believe my words, and I decided to pay attention to the source of the sound ... I looked at the place, the chairs and the tables scattered in front of the entrance of the place / And beautiful .. I whispered to my wife, who knows the Arabic but she does not know the Sudanese Dharani ... I told her there is a cousin (meaning in the sense of Sudani) in this place. Although at that time I did not know any person / Sudanese in France and I was coming to her with my wife to spend some summer days (we were not having children yet) .... I was encouraged and walked towards a specific Tarbizh where a black man and a white woman and two children sit. ... and it is possible that the voice will be coming from there ... I will take it by saying peace be upon you ... I was shocked to see it, surprised and responded to my life like that ... That person / Sudanese Negro was living in the French part of the island of Sint Maarten Island The dictator Jafar al-Nimeiri was the president of his united Sudan. We exchanged greetings and peace and knew him myself and my wife. I explained to him why I was in Paris and told me. He said that he and his family are in Paris for the same reason .. Summer vacation ... We exchanged telephone numbers in the hotels we were staying in ... We agreed to meet the next day and have lunch at a restaurant in the center of the city ... And we ate delicious food accompanied by delicious French wine ... Before we started eating, I suggested that I try to eat the frogs, which was prepared with a fried potato dish and salad ... At first I got a meal from eating the frogs, but I ate them in the blink of an eye and her eye again. We left the women and his children on the side of the table in a loneso alone in French ... and I and The brother of al - Kashif sat on the other side of the table talking to a Sudanese woman. He explained to me the journey of his journey from Sudan in 1983 and the countries where he lived before his final settlement on the island of St. Martin. His wife was originally from Brazil but decided to accompany him to this. Al Jazeera .. And where the children of children .... His journey was a huge adventure ..... We continued our meetings in Paris for three days ... Children where the city and we played with his little girls in the gardens ... And visited the Institute of the Arab World to see the exhibition Fine The Louvre Museum, the Notre Dame Cathedral and where we had candles. At the time, Paris was besieged by the violence it had been subjected to by the civil war in Algeria. When the FIS managed to defeat the ruling party, the FLN party in the national parliamentary elections, we did not move much in the evening to move the French army The dense city ...
A friend of mine, who was then called by Kordofani because he is coming from South Kordofan / Kadugli ... Within the throne at the noon of that day, Li said that with the sunset of January in 1983 he was thinking of his way to travel outside Sudan after his dreams broke down in college Khartoum understood his insistence on that choice and was able to join any other college .. What is important is that he is very serious and he told me that he is wasting his trade ... The important thing is that he traveled from Omdurman to Port Sudan and worked in it and stayed there until he knew about the port movement ... His chance to travel to Italy .... In our last meeting we decided to separate into two groups his wife and his children Ouzou I was in our way ... Haha ... and we agreed to have dinner at the beginning of the evening in a restaurant for the last dinner ... I did not bother to find a place to go and we sat in the nearest bar we met ... He recounted the details of a beautiful and sad journey through the continent of Africa to Latin America .... After a stay of not more than months in Italy moved to Latin America by ships until he arrived Costa Rica and worked there and learned where the Spanish ... moved from there to Colombia and entered In a commercial activity near Yudhio in Dahiya ... But he miraculously survived there from the death of an interrogator ... He moved after life was strengthened in Colombia to Brazil and It was a long time there until he knew his wife there and they moved together to Venezuela and from there to the island of Saint Martin, the French part ... there are details and great horrors he passed through. I will not list them ... They founded a commercial business on the island and settled and begot their children there ... He did not think of visiting Sudan at all times ... and we invited some of us that evening with the wish to meet again or to record visits to some if conditions are available ... But our telephone connections continued until the year 99 and were interrupted for a lot of reasons related to the life and children And work ... I promised myself if I traveled in the coming months to the island that I look for Kordofani ... Hay .. Why ... Char P .. Street ... alley ... alley ... although I had the title I recorded in Paris 22 years ago.
And with Mahmoud Darwish ... in praise of his shadow
How alone have you been my mother?
He is more than a father
How lonely you are
Wheat passed through the fields of others
The water is salty
The clouds are steel and this star is sore
And you have to live and live
And give the olive grain against your skin
How lonely you are
جميله جدا وجنه من جنات الكاريبى
منير محمد سليمان
قررت الشركه التى اعمل بها التعاون مع مصلحه الضرائب الهولنديه والمشاركه فى مشروع يختص بال Ict لتطوير وتسهيل دفع/معط المواطنين الهولندين بالضرائب فى جزيره سنت مارتن( Sint Maarten Island) فى الكاريبى...ويعتبر جزء من هذه الجزيره محافظه هولنديه....وتنقسم الجزيره الى قسمين هولندى وفرنسى...وجميله جدا وجنه من جنات الكاريبى...بس الاعاصير التى تضربها سنويا قاسيه جدا....من الصدف الجميله فى هذا العالم الضيق انو فى ١٩٩٦ قابلت شخص فى احدى قهاوى مدينه باريس المزدحمه وتعرفت عليه فى ظهيره يوم كنت اجلس مع زوجتى نحتسى القهوه. فى اثناء تلك الطقوس سمعت شخص بالقرب منى يردد (يا بت الكلب اقعدى هنا)...اصبت بالدهشه ولم اكن اصدق اذنى وقررت الالتفات حولى لمعرفه مصدر الصوت...نظرت جيدا فى المكان والمقاعد والطرابيز المتناثره امام مدخل المكان/القهوه فى صيف باريسى مجيد وجميل..همست لزوجتى التى تجيد العربيه لكنها لا تعرف الدارجيه السودانيه...قلت لها يوجد ابن عم(بمعنى انو فى سودانى) فى هذا المكان. بالرغم من انى فى ذلك الوقت لا اعرف أى شخص/سودانى فى فرنسا وكنت قادما اليها مع زوجتى لقضاء بعض ايام الصيف(كنا فى ذلك الوقت لم ننجب اطفالنا بعد)....تشجعت ومشيت تجاه طربيزه محدده يجلس فيها شخص اسمر ومراه بيضاء وطفلتين..وقدرت ان يكون الصوت قادما من هناك....بادرته بقولى السلام عليكم ... رمقنى بنظره اندهاش ورد على تحيتى بمثلها...ذلك الشخص/الزول السودانى كان يعيش فى الجزء الفرنسى من جزيره سنت مارتن( Sint Maarten Island) من زمن كان السيد/ الدكتاتور جعفر النميرى رئيسا لدوله السودان الموحده....تبادلنا التحيه والسلام وعرفته بنفسى وزوجتى وشرحت له سبب وجودى فى باريس واخبرنى من جانبه بانه وعائلته موجودين فى باريس لنفس السبب..اجازه الصيف...تبادلنا ارقام التلفونات فى الفنادق التى كنا نزلنا فيها...واتفقنا على ان نتقابل فى اليوم التانى ونتناول طعام الغداء فى احدى المطاعم بوسط المدينه...حضرنا كلنا فى نفس المواعيد وتناولنا طعاما لذيذا مصحوبا بنبيذ فرنسي لذيذ... قبل ان نبداء فى تناول الطعام اقترح على ان أجرب أكل الضفادع المجهزه مع طبق البطاطس المقلى والسلطه... فى البدايه حصلت لى ملاوزه من اكل أفخاذ الضفادع و لكنى التهمتها فى رمشه عين وطلبتها مره اخرى...تركنا النساء واطفاله على جانب الطاوله يتونسو لوحدهم باللغه الفرنسيه...وانا واخوى الكاشف جلسنا على الجانب الاخر من الطاوله نتحدث بدارجيه سودانيه قحه...شرح لى رحله سفره/خروجه من السودان فى العام ١٩٨٣ والبلدان التى عاش فيها قبل استقراره النهائى فى جزيره سنت مارتن.. وان زوجته اصلا من البرازيل لكنها قررت ان ترافقه الى هذه الجزيره.. وفيها انجبو اطفالهم....رحلته كان فيها مغامرات ضخمه.....تواصلت لقاءاتنا فى باريس لمده ثلاث ايام...طفنا فيها المدينه ولعبنا مع طفلاته البنات الصغيرات فى الحدائق...وزرنا معهد العالم العربى لمشاهده معرض تشكيلى ومتحف اللوفر.وكاتدرائية نوتردام واوقدنا فيها شموع. كانت باريس فى ذلك الوقت محتقنه من العنف الذى انتقل اليها من تداعيات الحرب الاهليه فى الجزائر..عندما استطاعت الجبهة الإسلامية للإنقاذ هزيمة الحزب الحاكم حزب جبهة التحرير الوطني في الانتخابات البرلمانية الوطنية..لم نكن نتحرك/او نلتقى كثيرا فى المساء لحركه قوات الجيش الفرنسى الكثيفه فى المدينه......
صديقى الذى أطلقت عليه من ذلك الوقت كردفانى لانه قادم من جنوب كردفان/كادقلى... ضمن الونسه فى ظهر ذلك اليوم قال لى انو مع غروب شمس شهر يناير فى العام١٩٨٣ كان يفكر فى طريقه الى السفر خارج السودان بعد تكسرت احلامه فى الالتحاق بكليه الاقتصاد بجامعه الخرطوم .مافهمت اصراره على ذلك الاختيار وكان فى امكانه ان يلتحق باى كليه اخرى .. المهم اختصرنى شديد وقال لى انو هو زول تجاره... المهم سافر من امدرمان الى بورتسودان وعمل بها ومكث فيها حتى تعرف على حركه الميناء ...والى ان توفرت له فرصه سفر الى ايطاليا....فى لقائنا الاخير قررنا ان ننفصل الى مجموعتين زوجته واطفاله وزوجتى..بطريقتهم...وانا وهو بطريقتنا...هههه...وانتفقنا ان نلقى فى بدايه المساء فى مطعم لتناول العشاء الاخير... انا وهو لم نكلف انفسنا عناء البحث عن مكان للذهاب اليه وجلسنا فى اقرب بار قابلنا... حكى تفاصيل جميله ومحزنه فى رحله عبوره من قاره افريقيا الى امريكا اللاتينية....بعد مكوثه فتره لا تتعدى شهور فى ايطاليا انتقل الى أمريكا اللاتينية عن طريق السفن الى ان وصل كوستاريكا وعمل هناك وتعلم فيها الاسبانيه...انتقل من هناك الى كولومبيا ودخل فى نشاط تجارى قرب يوديهو فى داهيه...لكنه نجى هناك باعجوبه من موت محقق... انتقل بعد ان تعزرت الحياه فى كولومبيا الى البرازيل وكانت فتره تواجده فيها طويله الى ان تعرف على زوجته هناك وانتقلا سويا الى فنزويلا ومنها الى جزيره سنت مارتن الجزء الفرنسى...هناك تفاصيل واهوال عظيمه مر بها ..ولن اسردها...اسس عمل تجارى فى الجزيره واستقرو وانجبو اطفالهم هناك...لم يفكر فى زياره السودان ابدا فى كل تلك الفتره...ودعنا بعضنا فى ذلك المساء مع امنيات ان نلتقى مره اخرى او نسجل زيارات الى بعض اذا توفرت ظروف لذلك...لكن تواصلت اتصالاتنا التلفونيه حتى العام ٩٩ وانقطعت لاسباب كتيره متعلقه بزحمه الحياه والاطفال والعمل...عاهدت نفسى اذا سافرت فى الشهور القادمه الى الجزيره ان ابحث عن كردفانى...حى..حى...شارع.. شارع...زقاق...زقاق...بالرغم من انو عندى عنوانه الذى سجلته فى باريس قبل ٢٢ عام مضت.
ومرددا مع محمود درويش....فى مديح ظله العالي
كــــم كــنــت وحــــدك يــابــن امـــــي
يــــابــــن اكــــثــــر مـــــــــن اب
كــــــــم كــــنـــــت وحـــــــــدك
الـقـمـح مــــر فــــي حــقــول الاخــريــن
والــــــمـــــــاء مـــــــالـــــــح
والـغـيـم فـــولاذ وهــــذا الـنـجــم جــــارح
وعــلــيـــك ان تــحــيـــا وأن نــحــيـــا
وان تـعـطـي مـقـابـل حـبــة الـزيـتـون جـلــدك
كــــــــم كــــنـــــت وحـــــــــدك


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