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The forces of the declaration of freedom and change #- Joint statement

The forces of the declaration of freedom and change # Joint statement Our warm greetings to our martyrs, wounded and their families, and to the victims of the wars, the displaced and the downtrodden and the repressed throughout our beloved homeland. Our greetings to the revolutionaries and the righteous revolutionaries and all the masses of our noble people. Efforts to nominate candidates for CTA have reached advanced stages and their membership will be announced within the next few days. We have worked with every effort to reach a more advanced stage today, but we apologize to you for an honest and unambiguous apology that the concern for the perfection of representation has delayed our date with you. The efforts of the civil authorities are based on the vision of the forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change, which have been agreed upon by the declaration of the masses of our great people, which has announced three levels of the Transitional Civil Authority, which operate

For the first time in years ... Syria is taking a "very important" step towards Qatar

For the first time in years ... Syria is taking a "very important" step towards Qatar The Syrian Ministry of Transport agreed to grant Qatar Airways permission to cross over Syrian airspace at the request of the Qatar Civil Aviation Authority to the Ministry. The ministry said in a statement that the approval came from the principle of reciprocity as the Syrian Air crossing the Qatari airspace and did not stop operating to Doha throughout the war, according to the Syrian news agency "SANA". The ministry described the move as "very important" in terms of reducing costs on the company and increasing foreign exchange revenues in favor of the Syrian state in exchange for saving time and money for passengers and airlines. "As a result of the war against Syria, a large number of airlines will not be able to pass over it, which will cost them a great deal of additional cost, given that the time to get around Syria is about one hour and one hour,"

?What Are Cats Thinking-----By DAVID GRIMM

?What Are Cats Thinking Inside the mind of the world’s most uncooperative research subject. By DAVID GRIMM We did one study on cats—and that was enough!” Those words effectively ended my quest to understand the feline mind. I was a few months into writing Citizen Canine: Our Evolving Relationship With Cats and Dogs, which explores how pets are blurring the line between animal and person, and I was gearing up for a chapter on pet intelligence. I knew a lot had been written about dogs, and I assumed there must be at least a handful of studies on cats. But after weeks of scouring the scientific world for someone—anyone—who studied how cats think, all I was left with was this statement, laughed over the phone to me by one of the world’s top animal cognition experts, a Hungarian scientist named Ádám Miklósi. We are living in a golden age of canine cognition. Nearly a dozen laboratories around the world study the dog mind, and in the past decade scientists have published hundreds of ar

Happy Easter

كل عام وأنتم بخير أطيب التمنيات نرجوها لمن يحتفلون بعيد الفصح المجيد Happy Easter We would like to wish you and your family a very Happy Easter . In this season of hope, it is our sincere wish that the Holy Land will soon be free from occupation and that peoples of all faiths will be able to worship and live freely, independently and without fear . Sincerest wishes , ALFAJR ALJADID الفجر الجديد ============================================================ كيف يتم حساب موعد عيد الفصح أو القيامة في التّقويمَين الشّرقيّ والغربيّ؟ نظرا لاختلاف تاريخ عيد الفصح بين التقويمين الشرقي و الغربي، يسأل الكثيرون عن عيد الفصح وتاريخه، لماذا تقدم في التوقيت الغربي ولماذا تأخر زمنياً في الحساب الشرقي. ولماذا يأتي الفرق بين التوقيتين عادة لمدة أسبوع واحد فقط، وفي بعض الأحيان خمسة أسابيع، وفي أحيان أخرى يحل العيد بتوقيتيه معاً؟ في الأصل، أخذ المسيحيّون في الأيام الأولى يذكرون حوادث آلام السيد المسيح وقيامته. والقيامة التي تعني "الفصح" تعني العبور أو الانتقال من

The police ripped her shirt ... Sudanese media tell the details of the return trip after the fall of Bashir

The police ripped her shirt ... Sudanese media tell the details of the return trip after the fall of Bashir British newspaper "Financial Times" published an article for the correspondent of the fourth channel of British news in Khartoum, Yousra al-Baqir, on the situation in Sudan. "Even from the top, Sudan looked different," said the foreign affairs correspondent of the channel, describing the situation as "even the top, the Sudan looked different, the farm looked greener and the fog clouded the capital Khartoum." I was on one of the first flights to the country after a sit-in and a military coup that left the airport closed, Isolate the president of Bashir, after 30 years. " As for the trip back to Sudan, al-Baqir told the Financial Times that "the revolutionary chants broke out on the plane as we started to descend, and we all entered Sudan after Bashir for the first time. "The Bashir era was characterized by Islamic military rule, w

The Sudanese Attorney General issues a decision to cancel the State Security Prosecution

The Sudanese Attorney General issues a decision to cancel the State Security Prosecution Sudan News Agency -SUNA Sudan's Attorney-General in charge, Alwaleed Sayed Ahmed, on Saturday issued a package of decisions canceling the order to establish the controversial State Security Prosecution. The Sudanese Attorney General, lifted the immunity of a number of security personnel suspected of the killing of school teacher Ahmed al-Khair, who was killed under torture at his arrest in one of the demonstrations that took place in the area of ​​Khashm al-Qarabah in eastern Sudan. The decisions of the Attorney General, according to the Sudanese News Agency (SUNA), directed the establishment of the anti-corruption prosecutor and the referral of all criminal cases that were initiated by the State Security Prosecution to the corruption prosecution. He also called on the Attorney-General of Sudan to expedite the completion of procedures to investigate criminal cases that took place in the

If you want to know what aliens will be like, just look at an octopus

If you want to know what aliens will be like, just look at an octopus By examining the eight-armed marine creature and the peculiar way it engages with the world, we can get a glimpse into different ways of existing and being, says cognitive neuroscientist Anil Seth. You don’t need to go to outer space to encounter an alien. To find otherworldliness here on Earth, meet an octopus. Like many other people who have spent time with these remarkable creatures, I’ve been left with a vivid sense of an intelligent presence very different from our own. The octopus is our very own terrestrial alien, with eight prehensile arms lined with suckers; three hearts; an ink-based defense mechanism; highly developed jet propulsion; a body that can change size, shape, texture and color at will; and cognitive abilities to rival many mammals. They can retrieve hidden objects from nested Plexiglass cubes, find their way through complex mazes, utilize natural objects as tools, and even solve problems by