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د. أمين حسن عمر ---------قوانين النظام العام بولاية الخرطوم ملاحظات نقدية((2-2 ))

قوانين النظام العام بولاية الخرطوم ملاحظات نقدية((2-2 )) كتب /د. أمين حسن عمر معاد للمناسبة مما لاشك فيه أن دوافع أهل التشريع والتنفيذ فى ولاية الخرطوم من سن ما يسمى بتشريعات النظام العام دوافع خيرة ، بيد أن الدوافع والنوايا الحسنة وحدها لا تكفى ولذلك ينبغى إدارة حوار كثيف ومعمق حول الموضوعات التى تقع فى تصنيف ولاية الخرطوم تحت هذا العنوان وذلك للتأكد بالفعل أنها لا تخالق مبادىء الشريعة التى أوجزنا بعضها فى المقال السابق ,اهم من ذلك أنها لا تسىء إلى كرامة المواطنين أو تنتهك حقوقا محفوظة بالشرع وبالدستور. صيانة الحقوق والكرامة هى أساس التشريع: وأساس التشريع الهادف لتنظيم المجتمع على الاستقامة على الحق أنما ينهض على احترام حقوق الانسان وكرامته . واول الطريق لذلك هو أحسان الظن بالأنسان ، فلا تجعل التهمة هى الأساس بل براءة الذمة والأحقية فى التكريم هى الأساس . ولا يسعى المشرع ولا المنفذ للتجريم بل للتبرئه ، حتى ولو تكاثفت الظنون والريب ، فالبينة على من يتهم وليست البينة على من يُتهم . ولا جرم الا ما جرمته الشريعة بعبارة صريحة لا لبس فيها. فتعريف الجرائم في الشريعه الاسلاميه بانها م

فى ذكرى الشاعر الكبير محمد محى الدين

اتحادالكتاب السودانيين امسية خاصة جدا الرحيل على صوت فاطمة فى ذكرى الشاعر الكبير محمد محى الدين بمشاركة: أ.ميرغنى ديشاب أ.جابر حسين بجانب قراءات لقصائد منتخبة من شعره الزمان الاحد 30سبتمبر 2018 السابعة مساء المكان اتحادالكتاب السودانيين العمارات ش 29. الصورة من فعاليات الميلاد الثالث منشورات جيل جديد  المصدر فيس بوك حساب الاستاذ  السر السيد Alsir Alsayed

Tourism in Sudan: forgotten resource ----- Dr.. Ali Mohamed Osman Al-Iraqi

Tourism in Sudan: forgotten resource Dr.. Ali Mohamed Osman Al-Iraqi Sudan has a wide spectrum of tourism resources, and is characterized by geographic diversity and rich attractions. It covers almost the entire country and can satisfy the motivations of all tourists, whether they seek culture, history, archeology, fun and relaxation in nature or adventure. These resources provide an important base for building an industry for tourism; an industry that takes advantage of tourism as an economic activity that can be summed up in First, tourism is labor-intensive, its ability to generate jobs is large and growing, making it suitable for developing economies looking for sustainable solutions to unemployment. Second: Tourism is characterized by its ability to move economic activities directly through the front and back and forward links and indirectly by the multiplier effect of spending the tourist multiplier effect. This is a key feature that makes a tourist destination a starting p

The story of a surgeon who has dedicated his life to serving refugees in southern Sudan

Maban Province, Southern Sudan. © UNHCR / Will Swanson The story of a surgeon who has dedicated his life to serving refugees in southern Sudan Dr. Ivan Attar dedicated himself to providing health care to the most needy people in a tense and volatile region in southern Sudan. Dr. Ivan Attar Adha is the Head of Surgery and Medical Director. He does not have an office and does not like to sit. He performs up to 10 surgeries a day, spends hours standing on his feet, assists nurses in the treatment of patients and examines everyone, from gunshot wounds to malaria patients and newborn babies. Often the first to enter the operating room, pushing the heavy metal surgery platform to the right place. It can also be seen in the new newborn ward, playing one of them. One of his colleagues recently found him standing barefoot on the operations platform late at night and singing while repairing a lamp in the ceiling. "We are here to save lives, not to sit down," says Dr. Atar, know

Jewish names on the streets of a Tunisian city

Jewish names on the streets of a Tunisian city The Tunisian city of Sousse has been honored to honor influential Tunisian Jewish figures by naming 4 streets in the city by their names .. The Tunisian Association for Supporting Minorities welcomes the step The city of Sousse, the Tunisian tourist city that witnessed a bloody terrorist attack in 2015 adopted by the Islamic state, which killed 38 people this month, has honored Jewish figures in Tunisia by launching their names on 4 streets in the city. Among the people chosen by the municipality according to the Tunisian media are: lawyer Claude Schattbon, doctor Daniel Ozan and nurse Yvonne Besis. The initiative was welcomed by Tunisian human rights organizations, notably the Tunisian Association for the Support of Minorities. Banner of a street in Sousse bearing the name of a Jewish lawyer (Facebook) In a statement, the association called for the necessity of spreading this procedure to various municipalities to include the vario

- Half yellow sun for the Nigerian writer / # Chimamanda_Ngozi_Adechi.

- Half yellow sun for the Nigerian writer / # Chimamanda_Ngozi_Adechi. The novel, which won the British Orange Award, was translated into 35 languages. - Translation of the novel by Fatima Naout. - About the novel: The story deals with what happened in the sixties and early seventies of the last century, when the southern provinces separated from Nigeria, and ignited a civil war, known as the (Biafra war) and writer Adtiche quoted these bloody events, amazing story, and the legacy of the conflict of the binaries of life fluctuating contradictions, Amid a wasted humanity, and a world saturated with haste !. Among the most important literary works of the writer Purple Chopsticks.  Americana.  Half yellow sun.  For the love of Biafra "play.  Making "Hair". Excerpts from the novel "This man is almost crazy; he spent many years abroad reading books, speaking to himself in his office, not answering, and his hair too abundant." Aguero said this in a l

Jewish Labour MP Given Police Escort at Her Own Party’s Conference After Months of Anti-Semitic Abuse

Jewish Labour MP Given Police Escort at Her Own Party’s Conference After Months of Anti-Semitic Abuse A Jewish Labour MP was forced to rely on police protection at the party’s annual conference that kicked off yesterday, as a colleague said anti-Semitic Labour members should be send to Auschwitz to learn the consequences of hatred towards Jews, The Times reported Monday. Luciana Berger, the MP for Liverpool, was escorted by two police officers as she returned to the conference hall, after attending an anti-Semitism rally in her constituency organized by the Jewish Labour Movement After months of trolling and threats by anti-Semitic supporters of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, the MP said: “We are under attack. There are Jews in this country who do not feel safe.” Speaking on the fringes of the Labour conference in Liverpool, Rosie Duffield, the MP for Canterbury, said Labour should send anti-Semitic party members to Auschwitz to understand how poisonous their views are “I defy anyo