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Showing posts with the label الفكر السياسي

Tariffs on China Do Not Solve Lack of U.S. Competitiveness :--- Tom Luongo

  USA and China trade war. US of America and chinese flags crashed containers on chessboard. 3d illustration Tariffs on China Do Not Solve Lack of U.S. Competitiveness :  Tom Luongo I’ve been making arguments for months that Donald Trump’s trade war with China is the height of stupidity. While Trump has the power to do what he’s been doing — sanctioning actors and applying tariffs — some power is best left not used. The simple fact is that America is uncompetitive. This is at a deep and structural level. It’s at an education level. And this is something Trump’s trade team and his adherents refuse to admit. When it comes to manufacturing and assembly, U.S. workers are not worth the money they are paid. Period. Don’t take my word for it. Take Tim Cook’s. In an eye-opening interview from the end of 2017 Cook explains the basic problem with the U.S. And China has an abundance of skilled labor unseen elsewhere, says Cook: “The products we do require really advanced tooling, and th

Red Sea .. Clash of influence is turning into a regional war Abstract

Red Sea .. Clash of influence is turning into a regional war Abstract The Red Sea region is witnessing intense competition, both internationally and regionally, for its economic and security position through the numerous agreements signed between regional powers and developing countries on both sides, an extension of the external interference that this geopolitical field has experienced throughout its ancient and modern history. The military consolidation of the various international and regional forces in the geography of the Red Sea reflects its strategic importance. While some international forces are starting from the base of protecting their strategic and economic interests, in contrast, some are based on the "seize opportunities". It is no longer confined to the international competition between the United States and China, which opened its first military base on the continent to outstrip its famous policy of belt and road. It also included emerging regional power

د.حسن الترابى -------- الثورة لابد ان تكون مقاصدها متكاملة في كل فضايا الحياة

د.حسن الترابى -------- الثورة لابد ان تكون مقاصدها متكاملة في كل فضايا الحياة والثورة لا بد أن تكون مقاصدها متكاملة في كل قضايا الحياة صادعة بها الأصوات محيطة بها البيانات -قضاء الضرورات ورد المظالم المعاشيه، وانتزاع الحرية السياسية وممارستها، وتحريك القوة الساكنة والطاقات المضيعة، وإرساء البنى المتوازنة المتضابطة ووضع المناهج المرسومة الحكيمة بحكم الدستور والقانون، وسد ثغور الهوى وذرائع الطغيان وضرب الفساد السياسي والمالي، واسترداد الأوضاع العادلة والحقوق المضيعة، وهكذا تتقصد الثورة كل إصلاح في كل الحياة وترفع كل الشعارات وتهاجم كل وجوه الشر وأوضاعه وتفتح كل طرق الخير. وذلك لئلا يغلب شعار بعينه وتسود قضية بحدها وتسكت وتنخسف سائر القضايا أو يجند كل دفع الثورة فقط لنزع السلطة وعزل المتولين للوظائف القديمة لتخلفهم وجهوه جديدة أو إزالة وقع ظلامه مشهودة وحسب وترك ما سواها سدى أو طمس بعض آثار أو تدابير كان يفاخر بها القديم. وذلك حتى لا تبرد الثورة بعد توّة ثم تبدأ الشكاوى تتصوب إلى الهموم المكبوتة والذرائع تنفتح للفساد والمظالم الجديدة. ان الثورة لا بد أن تكون خطتها جائزة الم

In the hands of change: Let us free our minds (2-3)-Dr.. Ali Mohamed Osman Al-Iraqi

In the hands of change: Let us free our minds (2-3) Dr.. Ali Mohamed Osman Al-Iraqi We began the previous episode to present the vision of a developmental country with Sudanese characteristics, which we have identified as pillars of: historical compromise, justice and equity, identity and nation-building and broad-based growth. We continue to explain what we mean by these pillars. 2. The identity and building of the nation: The location of the Sudan and its geographical spread and diversity of climates provided an attractive environment for settlement. Numerous tribes and population groups were named in the writings of historians on the land of migrations. This movement led to a state of cultural diversity, especially in languages, dialects, customs, traditions and folklore patterns. A group to take care of its cultural heritage and ensure its transmission to future generations because of the cultural identity of the individual and the group, and this ensured the continuity of he

Sudan is disputed between two legitimacy - And the solution in the third legitimacy - Mohammed al-Majzoub

Sudan is disputed between two legitimacy And the solution in the third legitimacy Mohammed al-Majzoub The seizure of power takes one of three images, the revolution, the coup and the popular election. The revolution is characterized by a popular movement based on the will of the people or to the majority or a portion of it, and it depends on its power to destroy the existing system from its roots. The coup is a small-scale movement carried out by a few people, relying not on the power of the people, but on some existing government forces, such as the army or police, and the coup is only aimed at taking power in favor of the coupers. While the revolution is intended to go even further. The goal is to change the system of power in favor of the aspirations, values ​​and culture of the people in freedom, peace and social justice, but these two images often combine with the coup. Because the revolution is not based on a purely popular power, but is usually used by some elements of gov

في انتظار حدود الدم -------د. ماجد السامرائي

في انتظار حدود الدم الثلاثاء 2016/03/08 د. ماجد السامرائي يبدو من سياق تطورات الأحداث أن سوريا ستشكل القاعدة الأولى لمشاريع تقسيم المنطقة بسياق مشترك مع جناحها الشرقي العراق الذي أوصله الاحتلال إلى حافات الانهيار التام لمنظومة الدولة المدنية وتسييد الطائفية ومفرداتها الحاكمة، وهذه هي القاعدة الحيوية للوصول إلى حالة التقسيم. وهدف تقسيم سوريا والعراق أولا، ثم المنطقة لم يعد مزاجا فرديا أو أفكارا افتراضية لباحثين أو مفكرين أميركيين أو مراكز دراسات، مع أن جميعها يصب في مؤسسة القرار الأميركي. ففي الأيام الأخيرة تزاحمت التصريحات خصوصا من قبل القادة العسكريين الذين يتخفى السياسيون وراءهم. ولو مزجنا قائمة التصريحات المتتالية مع بعضها على طريقة لعبة الورق، لاستنتجنا حقيقة أن مشروع التقسيم قادم. فالسياسي الأميركي الأكثر جرأة جون بايدن لم يطلق عام 2006 تصريحا وإنما قدم مشروعا للكونغرس حظي بموافقته، وقبله بعقد من الزمن تحدث نائب رئيس مجلس الاستخبارات في السي آي إيه، غراهام فولر، عن نهاية العراق عام 2002. ورسم الجنرال الأميركي المتقاعد رالف بيترز خارطة جديدة للشرق الأوسط في ت

International Relations Between Realism And Post-Humanity. By Salam AL Rabadi

International Relations Between Realism And Post-Humanity. By Salam AL Rabadi  The Russian International Affairs Council -RIAC June 19, 2018 International relations is casting a spotlight on the thorny topics and problems dealing with human life and his future in the fields of security, politics, economy, knowledge, culture. And reflect the reality of global variables associated with a range of strategic themes in political science.  The world is live now a transitional phase in all contemporary global issues such as:   Global Governance and Issues the Environment and Climate Change. Effects of Technological Progress. Limits of military power. Poverty and Human Rights and Sustainable Development. Energy and Natural Resources. Demography and Immigration. Cultural Evolution and Terrorism. Influence of the World Trade Organization (WTO).     These issues make us wonder about dialectic theoretical reality that try to explain international relations? Also all the changes at t