Cooperation under a free market system - cooperation for a social market economy Written by / Ray Writer
Cooperation under a free market system - cooperation for a social market economy
Written by / Ray Writer
The research deals with the strategies of cooperative societies as they are inextricably linked with the economic strategies of countries. Therefore, cooperative societies work to create a balance between major economic advancement projects and their impact on per capita income and prices. Cooperative societies try to achieve the ability to satisfy the needs of society. Production, so cooperative societies play the role of achieving a fair distribution of services and controlling prices to achieve safe economic growth. The research dealt with the concept and definition of strategy, the concept and definition of the burden of living, as well as the concept and definition of cooperative societies. He discussed the elements, purpose, and focus of cooperation. It reviewed the cooperative architecture, cooperative values, patterns of cooperative societies, principles of cooperation, and the method of work for cooperative societies, the discussion dealt with the future of cooperation in Sudan and its role in alleviating the burden of living. Cooperation is a social and human phenomenon that advanced humanity, and included many types of social activity among individuals, to achieve aid, solidarity and assistance. Mutual, in order to achieve economic goals, that cannot be reached by individual effort. Cooperation is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve collective goals. Cooperation as an organized process and a social means to satisfy needs. The absence of a clear and transparent standard of living index leads to the permanent social crises of the reality of the imbalance between wages and prices, in light of the unbridled desire for profits that recognize the control of a control mechanism, which allows permanent redistribution of national income in favor of profits through complex and continuous mechanisms. And it is not revealed except when its results appear to the wage earners. The absence of a clear and transparent standard of living index allows for a cutoff of resources through irrational inflation of profits that repeat the cycle of profits through effective investment investments. The continuation of the unclear size imbalance between wages and profits leads to structural and structural distortions in the national economy, and foreshadows social crises resulting naturally from the imbalance reflected in public awareness and social behavior. The standard of living index reveals the imbalance and does not address it. The cooperative system achieves a process of mitigating the effects of a free economy, by creating a social market economy free from socio-political crises. The research reached a number of results. The research also recommended several recommendations related to the future of cooperation in Sudan and the strategy of cooperative societies to reduce the burden of living. The research emphasized the importance of cooperation related to achieving the strategic national economic interests of the Sudanese state, in light of global, regional and local economic challenges, and the Sudanese state’s desire to possess economic strategic power, that is, possessing economic capabilities to achieve balanced development and food security. The state’s economic reform processes on the Sudanese economy aim to obtain strategic shares in global markets, integrate into the global economy, and achieve a high level of national income for the state to enable it to provide integrated services to its citizens. The urgent task is an effective operation of human resources, as the cooperative sector contributes to increasing production, and also plays a pivotal role in diversifying sources of national income, building the competitive capabilities of the economy and achieving global comparative advantages, in addition to achieving correlation, integration and coordination between activities related to the economy in the country. The cooperative sector can link small producers to cooperative societies linked to major national interests, which leads to providing job opportunities, increasing the income of producers, and thus enhancing the state's security capabilities. The research recommended that planning for cooperation become the third sector of the Sudanese economy with the public sector and the private sector. I recommend reviewing the Cooperation Law for the year 1999 to keep pace with developments in international cooperation in cooperation, which would ensure the state's support for cooperation and its exploitation so that cooperation plays its role in building the national economy, overcoming periodic crises, achieving structural and structural economic reform, satisfying the needs of society and reducing the burden of living.
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