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السُّودَانُ: مَوْكِبٌ الثُّلَاثَاءَ 31 / دِيسَمْبَرُ / 2018. ------ حاتم بابكر عوض الكريم

السُّودَانُ: مَوْكِبٌ الثُّلَاثَاءَ 31 / دِيسَمْبَرُ / 2018.  حاتم بابكر عوض الكريم  نَقْتَرِحُ هَذَا مِنْ اجْلِ السُّودَانِ وَمِنْ اجْلِ السَّلَامِ وَالاِسْتِقْرَارُ وَتُجَاوِزُ الاِنْهِيَارَ الكُلِّيَّ لِلدَّوْلَةِ.  رَغْمَ مَعْرِفَتَيْ الدَّقِيقَةِ لِمَطْلَبِ مَوْكِبٍ الثُّلَاثَاءَ 25 / دِيسَمْبَرُ / 2018 المُثُلِ فِي رَحِيلِ النِّظَامِ آرِيٍّ الدَّعْوَةَ الثَّانِيَةَ مِنْ تَجَمُّعِ المهنين وَشُرَكَائِهِ مِنْ القِوَى المُعَارِضَةُ - الَّذِي تَبَنَّى الاِحْتِجَاجَاتِ العَفَوِيَّةَ وَعَمِلَ مَوْضِعُهَا فِي مَطْلَبِ رَحِيلِ النِّظَامِ رَغْمَ أَنْ مَوْكِبُهِ كَانَ مُعْلِنًا قَبْلَ اِنْفِجَارِ الإِحْدَاثِ فِي مَدِينَةِ عَطْبَرَة فَالمَطْلَبِ قَبْلَ اِنْتِفَاضَةِ المُدُنِ السُّودَانِيَّةِ كَانَ مُحَدَّدًا مَحْصُورًا فِي قَضَايَا المَعِيشَةِ. فَالوَقَائِعُ العَنِيدَةُ تُؤَكِّدُ أَنْ تُجَمِّعَ المهنين تَشَكُّلٌ وَتَحَرُّكٌ مِنْ اجْلِ قَضَايَا مطلبية تَتَّصِلُ بِتَحْسِينِ مُسْتَوَى المَعِيشَةِ وَتَعْدِيلِ الأُجُورِ الَّتِي لَا تُوَاكِبُ التَّضَخُّمَ وَالغَلَاءَ الفَاحِشُ. ...

Sudan: Parade Tuesday 31 December 2018

Sudan: Parade Tuesday 31 December 2018  We propose this for the sake of Sudan and for peace and stability and to overcome the total collapse of the state  Despite my knowledge of the exact demand of the convoy Tuesday 25 December 2018 The example of the departure of the regime Ari The second call of the gathering of professionals and partners of the opposition forces - which adopted spontaneous protests and made their place in the demand for the departure of the regime, although his motorcade was declared before the explosion in the city of Atbara pre-intifada Sudanese cities were limited to living issues. Stubborn facts confirm that the pool of professionals form and move for issues related to improving the standard of living and adjusting wages that do not keep pace with inflation and excessive cost President Al-Bashir and the National Congress Party have moved from reaction to positive action. I do not call for leaving the government. I call on the initiative and pri...

Ancient Civilization in Iran Recognized Transgender People 3,000 Years Ago, Study Suggests By- Ariel David

Ancient Civilization in Iran Recognized Transgender People 3,000 Years Ago, Study Suggests By Ariel David Analysis of funerary artifacts in Iron Age burials at Hasanlu, Iran indicates there were three different sets of offerings: for males, females and a 'third gender' As 2018 came to its end, the Trump administration was busying itself with stripping transgender people of official status in U.S. law. It may come as a shock to the White House, but it's trying to erase something that has been recognized by many human societies for thousands of years. Apparently, an enigmatic civilization in Persia may have embraced this diversity by recognizing the existence of a third gender besides “male” and “female” already 3,000 years ago.  That is the theory based on the statistical study of artifacts found in the burials at Hasanlu, an ancient site thousands of years old located in what is today northwestern Iran .The study rattles the assumptions archaeologists make about sex ...

Kim Jong-un letter asks for more summits

Kim Jong-un letter asks for more summits North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un has vowed to “frequently” meet South Korea’s President Moon Jae-in next year to discuss denuclearisation In a rare letter to Seoul, Mr Kim said he wished to pursue peace between the countries and “solve the issue of denuclearising the peninsula together”, a spokesman for Mr Moon said. Mr Kim also expressed “much regret” that he could not visit Seoul in 2018 He promised to make the trip after Mr Moon visited Pyongyang in September On his visit to North Korea’s capital, Mr Moon gave a speech at the Mass Games, saying the two countries should “become one” again. Although both countries technically remain at war, relations improved markedly in 2018 thanks to a number of conciliatory gestures from Mr Kim Mr Moon’s spokesman did not reveal how the letter was delivered, but described it as warm and said Mr Kim wrote of his “strong determination to visit Seoul while watching the future situation”. Kim Jong-un a...

شرق الفرات: الثروات الموجودة في مناطق سيطرة الأكراد في سوريا

شرق الفرات: الثروات الموجودة في مناطق سيطرة الأكراد في سوريا تسيطر "قوات سوريا الديمقراطية" المدعومة من التحالف الدولي على نحو ثلث مساحة سوريا الواقعة في مناطق شرق نهر الفرات بعد استعادتها من قبضة تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية". كما تسيطر على نحو 90 في المئة من الثروة النفطية بالإضافة إلى 45 في المئة من إنتاج الغاز. وهذه لمحة عن أبرز الثروات والمنشآت الواقعة في تلك المنطقة والتي قد تكون سببا لفصل جديد من القتال بين أطراف الصراع في سوريا. يبلغ مجموع الاحتياطي النفطي المؤكد في سوريا نحو ملياري برميل وهو ما يمثل أقل من (0.18%) من الاحتياطي العالمي. وبلغ إنتاج سوريا من النفط عام 2010 حوالي 400 ألف برميل يومياً، كان يتم استهلاك 250 ألف برميل محليا ويصدر الباقي. أما حالياً فتتوزع بين قوات الحكومة وقوات سوريا الديمقراطية. وتتركز أغلب حقول النفط في شرقي و شمال شرقي البلاد. ومنذ خروج هذه الحقول عن سيطرة الحكومة على فترات زمنية مختلفة عقب اندلاع الأزمة السورية عام 2011 وحتى الوقت الحالي، لا يعرف بالضبط أوضاع هذه الحقول من حيث الانتاج وحجم الأضرار التي لحقت بالآبار ...

Two Egyptians announce their marriage and ignite social networks

Two Egyptians announce their marriage and ignite social networks Egyptian media and social networking sites were flattered by comments and booing after two Egyptian girls officially married in Canada. "Our story started when we met and we loved some of the first day," said one of them, Miral Mukhtar, in a publication on her Facebook account. "For all my friends on Facebook, who does not accept me and she, as we would prefer to delete himself from my page, I am gay and I do not consider it a disgrace," wrote the other girl, Nouran al-Jundi. The two girls' leaflets have gained popularity through social networking sites, where thousands of activists have entered their pages to critique this behavior. Egypt's law prohibits marriage of persons of one sex, with many punishments. New developments in the gay marriage of the Egyptian girls .. Graduated to the public to respond to the attackers! (Video) The two girls, Nouran al-Jundi and Miral Mukhtar, who ann...

The New York Times: Mercenary children from Darfur are fighting in Yemen

Elements of Sudan 's "Rapid Support Forces" - Archive The New York Times: Mercenary children from Darfur are fighting in Yemen Riyadh has involved some 14,000 mercenaries from Sudan, including children, in the operations of its forces in Yemen, the New York Times reported Saturday According to the newspaper, most mercenaries come from the Sudanese region of Darfur, where the years of bloody tribal conflicts left about 300,000 dead and 1.2 million displaced, forced to enlist as mercenaries to fight in Yemen The New York Times reports that most of them belong to the Rapid Support Forces, a tribal militia formerly known as the Janjaweed, whose members are accused of systematic rape of women and girls, indiscriminate killings and other war crimes during the conflict in Darfur. It is believed that the warriors involved in these atrocities are now leading the deployment of these forces in Yemen. The newspaper quoted some of those who fought in the ranks of these forces t...