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What You Can Do About Coronavirus Right Now By -Tara Parker-Pope

What You Can Do About Coronavirus Right Now By Tara Parker-Pope You have an essential role to play in slowing the spread of the new coronavirus. The good news is that small changes in personal behavior can buy time — slowing the outbreak, preventing hospitals from becoming overwhelmed and reducing cases until scientists develop treatments and, eventually, a vaccine. Here’s some practical advice from doctors and public health experts to protect yourself and your community. Prevent Infection Slow the outbreak by keeping yourself and others from getting sick. Prepare Stock up on food responsibly and create a household plan. Stay Home Stay at home to protect others, and use these strategies to keep life as normal as possible. Recover From Illness What to do if you or a family member gets sick. Prevent InfectionPrepareStay HomeRecover From Illness 1 You Can Prevent Infection Slow the outbreak by keeping yourself and others from getting sick. Many of us probably will contract...

محمد على العبيدى-(( مُسافِرون ْ ))

(( مُسافِرون ْ )) مسافرون . سيدتى . والدروب حزينة  تسح دمعها فى وقار ... والميادين  محشوة بالغيم والبنادق.  وأرملة وقور  تحمل بخفرها  بعض بكاء وزنابق . وشيخ ٌ رقيق  الإبتسام .  برفق ٍ .. يفتش فى الزحام . عن حلمه المُفارق ْ . وقد أمَضّه ُ السَفر ْ .... وحين غفلة ٍ من العسس مرقت عيونك ِ سنبلة ً تزحزح الضجيج والغبار ْ توزع الكساء للصغار ْ تربت على كتف اليتامى وهم يجمعون فوارغ الرصاص  .. وفى عيونهم   بقايا صباح يحتضر .... وكهل ٌ يمعن النظر .. مد كفيه  نزع سترتى وقال دثر حبيبتك  خبئ عيونها  من الطغاة واللصوص  من الساسة الكاذبين  ومن الصقيع والمطر ... واحتويتك ِ  . نسير فى الزحام  نقاسم الحدائق حزنها  ونبعد العصافير عن الخطر ... كانت الجرائد  تصفع وجوهنا  بأخبارها الكاذبة.  والوجوه المغطاة بالرياء   وبعض عناوين  تصف عذوبة النهر ... وأنا .. لم يعد لى غير عينيك  والوطن .. فهل بعد ا...

Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Leads the World in Known Cases

President Trump speaks at a coronavirus briefing at the White House on Thursday. Credit... Erin Schaff/The New York Times Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Leads the World in Known Cases Unemployment data set a bleak record and hospitals struggled with an influx of sick patients and lack of equipment. But the White House coronavirus response coordinator dismissed talk of shortages. RIGHT NOWThe Navy hospital ship U.S.N.S. Comfort is expected to arrive in Manhattan on Monday, three weeks earlier than previously thought. It will bolster the capacity of New York’s hospitals, now straining with patients. Here’s what you need to know: The U.S. now leads the world in confirmed coronavirus cases. A Navy hospital ship is headed to New York this weekend. Hot spots are developing in the Midwest, and vaccine trials are underway. Pelosi predicts bipartisan passage of $2 trillion stimulus in House. Ohio will conduct its presidential primary mostly by mail. Trump rebuffs a governor’s plea f...