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Close clinic caring for refugees in Israel

Close clinic caring for refugees in Israel JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel's Health Ministry has withdrawn its funding for a private clinic that offers treatment at a symbolic price to refugees in the city of Tel Aviv, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported. Since 2010, the clinic, known as Trim, has been providing treatment and first aid services to refugees in the city. The newspaper said that the clinic will stop working within a month because of the Israeli Ministry of Health to stop funding for them, for reasons not mentioned by the newspaper. Israel has some 35,000 African migrants, most of them Eritreans, and local authorities impose restrictions on them because they are unable to secure their economic, health and educational conditions and because they are unable to meet residency requirements, which require them to leave the country.  Source: Radio Irina International

Developmental State - Characteristics and Benefits -- Dr.. Ali Mohamed Osman Al-Iraqi

Developmental State - Characteristics and Benefits Dr.. Ali Mohamed Osman Al-Iraqi Components of the national model - the Paradigm Economic Promotion Cartel Broad-based growth with equitable distribution  Identity and nation building  Historic bargaining  Is a complex process that includes compatibility on arrangements Reallocates resources and assigns them to The citizen amends legislation that allows for accountability and control of state residents The Government that elected her, and this focus is reduced to ensure greater attention to localism and unity Administrative arrangements are parallel to the mandate vis-à-vis the Center and the locality vis-à-vis the mandate and the unit Administrative versus local, this entry is accompanied by an integrated system of bargaining With their legislative and administrative entitlements to strengthen the institutions and structures of the lower government and the focus of each Jurisdiction over their comparative ...

صور فضائية لسد جديد لأثيوبيا على النيل

بعد تأخير دام أكثر من 6 سنوات، افتتح رئيس الوزراء الإثيوبي، أبي أحمد علي، سد ريب الإثيوبي، ويقع في ولاية أمهرا الإقليمية الوطنية، بمنطقة جنوب جوندار على الجانب الشرقي من حوض بحيرة تانا، وتم البدء في بناء السد قبل 10 سنوات. ويقع السد على نهر ريب أحد روافد النيل الأزرق شرق بحيرة تانا، وأحد 7 أنهار دائمة الجريان الى البحيرة، بالإضافة الى 60 رافداً موسمياً آخر تصب فى بحيرة تانا التي تمد النيل الأزرق بحوالى 3.7 مليارات متر مكعب النهر الوحيد الذى يخرج من بحيرة تانا". ويصل طول النهر حوالي 130 كيلومتراً وينبع من جبال جنة Guna الذي يبلغ ارتفاعه 4 آلاف متر فوق سطح البحر، وسد ريب أحد السدود الصغيرة، الغرض منه ري 50 ألف فدان بالقرب من بحيرة تانا ، بتكلفة 150 مليون دولار وفقا لصدى البلد. وقال خبير المياه الدولى الدكتور عباس شراقي، إن سد ريب لا يستخدم فى توليد كهرباء، وهو عبارة عن سد ترابي-صخري يبلغ طوله 800 متر، وبارتفاع 73 مترا، ويغطي الخزان مساحة 11,2 كيلومترا مربعا عند منسوب 1940 م فوق سطح البحر، بسعة تخزينية 234 مليون متر مكعب من المياه (تعادل مايصرف يوميا من بوابات السد العالى...

What is behind the exercise of the "Pearl of the West 2018" and Kuwait asked for a permanent British presence?

British military forces What is behind the exercise of the "Pearl of the West 2018" and Kuwait asked for a permanent British presence The Kuwaiti army announced on Monday the arrival of the first French troops to participate in the "Pearl of the West 2018", scheduled for the period from 11 to 30 November. The French army said in a statement that the influx of French troops participating in the exercise will continue in the coming days until completion, without mentioning the number of these forces. He added that the exercise, held in cooperation with French forces in its sixth edition, is the largest series of exercises "Pearl of the West" since 1996, which is implemented by the Kuwaiti army, and with the participation of the National Guard (security forces) The statement pointed out that the exercise aims to enhance military capabilities and skills through training and joint teamwork to raise the performance and efficiency of the ground, air and na...

Minister of State in the Ministry of Health Group Dr. Sa'ad Karib meets the delegation of the Russian parliament -Duma

  Minister of State in the Ministry of Health Group Dr. Sa'ad Karib meets the delegation of the Russian parliament -Duma The Minister of State in the Ministry of Health, Soad Karp in her office today with the delegation of the Russian parliament (Duma), who is visiting the country these days ways of joint cooperation between the two countries in the various health fields The minister pointed to the need for the country to settle eye treatment at home, considering that the Russians are advanced in the treatment and surgery of the eyes, pointing to the possibility of establishing an eye hospital with the Republic of Russia; to the great progress in this field, in addition to the nationalization of pharmaceutical industries in the fields of the manufacture of vaccines and insulin and vaccines and solutions Rosary, in addition to manufacturing medical equipment for hospitals She also pointed out the importance of training cadres and human resources. The two sides also stressed the...

Prime Minister at the Elaf Forum in Sharjah Hall: Security and defense spending is not separated from economic reform

Prime Minister at the Elaf Forum in Sharjah Hall: Security and defense spending is not separated from economic reform  Prime Minister Moataz Moussa participates in the Forum (Sudanese Economy: Policy Challenge and Reform Benefits) organized by the Elaf newspaper and the Center for Development and Public Policy, spoke by Professor Ibrahim Onour, Prof Hassan Bashir, On the Iraqi economic concerns, the truth through the words of academics, the economic crisis is still deeper than the perceptions, although the three were keen to instill hope. That reform is possible and needs an integrated national strategy and exit from the Fund  Prime Minister stressed that all the prospects for reform, development or development will not come fruit only in light of security stability and social peace, he stressed that security and defense issues do not separate from the issues of development, construction and r eform

Prime Minister Moataz Moussa praises the roles of the Nimeiri High Military Academy

Prime Minister Moataz Moussa praises the roles of the Nimeiri High Military Academy  Moataz Moussa Abdullah, Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economic Planning praised the efforts and roles played by the Nimeiri Military Academy in the preparation and training of leaders of the armed forces and other regular forces and leaders of state institutions and senior management. The meeting was attended by Defense Minister Lieutenant General Awad Mohammed bin Auf, the Joint Chief of Staff Dr. Rauf Kamal Abdul Muroer Al-Mahi, Minister of State for Information Maamoon Hassan Ibrahim, Security and intelligence chiefs, police forces and a number of commanders of the armed forces Moussa pointed to the leadership of the armed forces in all fields and pledged its support and support to continue to possess the reasons of strength, science and knowledge to carry out its duties in the protection of the homeland and deter enemies For his part, Dr. Rauf Kamal Abdul-Maorouf Al-Mahi, Cha...