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الهام مسامح--------علمني الرقص ....

راقصّني.... دع كل مابيننا يسقط ... فرحا .... دعنا نعيش اللحظه... فربما لا تعود ... أنا طفلتك.... التي اعتادت على الحياة .... عانقتها.... وامسكت بيدها .... ورافقها لحن عذب ... طيور ..... عشقت الغناء... لنرقص سويا ... ونغسل ارواحنا من ذاك العناء.... فقد اشتاقت الأرض للمطر ... لتغسل ذنوب الأبرياء.... لتزرع الحب بذورا... وثمار مختلفة الألوان ... حلوة المذاق.... دعني اناديك بالحلم ّ.... الذي استيقظ بعد أعوام من الشقاء... دعني اللقبك بالفارس المغوار .... الذي حرر وطن تسكنه ... قبائل من الغرباء.... أمسك بيدي ... دع حلمك يبتسم للحياة ... دعنا نعيش كطيران.... عشقا الرقص ... دون لحن ولا غناء... فنحن الأحياء على هذه الأرض ... وسنسكنها كما الغرباء.... سنرحل عزيزي ... وتبقى آثار خطانا.... لحنا جميلا .... يعيش فينا .... نأخذه معنا .... سيتوقف المطر ... لنقول للأرض وداعا.... فنحن الأحياء الأموات الغرباء.... سنعيش الفرح عنوة.... رغما عن كل مايقتل الحياة ... نحبك أيتها الفاتنة... ونسميك الحياة ... إلهام مسامح....

Dave Chappelle wishes President-elect Donald Trump luck in ‘SNL’ monologue

WATCH: During his SNL monologue, host Dave Chappelle reflected on Donald Trump's election win saying he will give him a chance as long as Trump gives the "historically disenfranchised" one too. Saturday Night Live  called on host Dave Chappelle’s wit and Kate McKinnon’s performance of “Hallelujah” for a thoughtful coda to a divisive presidential campaign. Chappelle, claiming to be rusty after a decade largely out of the TV spotlight, proved ready and eager to offer his take on Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton, including the protests that followed. “I haven’t seen white people this mad since the O.J. (Simpson) verdict,” the comedian said drolly, suggesting he would take a knee like football player Colin Kaepernick  and let whites figure out the election. READ MORE:  SNL covers the 2016 U.S. presidential election   There were one-liners – he grabbed the maid in his Trump hotel room because the “boss said it was OK” – but Chappelle also go...

- الاحتجاجات تتواصل في أميركا وسقوط جريح بالرصاص: "اعزلوا ترامب"

لفتت الشرطة الأميركية إلى ان شخصا أصيب بالرصاص خلال تظاهرة مناهضة للرئيس المنتخب #دونالد_ترامب  في بورتلاند لدى عبور المحتجين لجسر موريسون. وقالت الشرطة عبر تويتر "على الجميع مغادرة المنطقة على الفور" وطلبوا من أي شهود التقدم بإفاداتهم. وكان احتشد آلاف المحتجين على انتخاب ترامب رئيسا للولايات المتحدة في عدة مدن أميركية لليلة الثالثة على التوالي وذلك بعد ساعات من إشادته "بحماستهم". وخرج الآلاف إلى شوارع ميامي وأتلانتا وفيلادلفيا ونيويورك وسان فرانسيسكو وكذلك في بورتلاند بولاية أوريغون معبرين عن غضبهم من تصريحات ترامب النارية والمثيرة للجدل في الغالب عن المهاجرين والمسلمين والنساء. وفي وسط مدينة بورتلاند ألقى محتجون بأشياء على أفراد الشرطة المجهزين بأدوات مكافحة الشغب والذين ردوا برش رذاذ الفلفل وقنابل الصوت. وفي إحدى المراحل دفع أفراد الشرطة المحتجين بعيدا وألقوا في ما يبدو القبض على شخص واحد على الأقل وفقا لتغطية مؤسسة محلية تابعة لشبكة (إن.بي.سي). وسار مئات المحتجين في شوارع لوس أنجلوس وعرقلوا حركة المرور ملوحين بلافتات تعبر عن رفضهم لترامب وأخذوا يهتف...

Abdulrahman Al-Rashed-----Do Not Fear Trump

 Do Not Fear Trump Abdulrahman Al-Rashed Abdulrahman Al-Rashed is the general manager of Al-Arabiya television. He is also the former editor-in-chief of Asharq Al-Awsat , and the leading Arabic weekly magazine Al-Majalla . He is also a senior columnist in the daily newspapers Al-Madina and Al-Bilad . He has a US post-graduate degree in mass communications, and has been a guest on many TV current affairs programs. He is currently based in Dubai. When Barack Obama won the US presidency eight years ago, the event was followed by a torrent of cheerful statements and optimism. At the time, I wrote about the event and said that we should not overdo the optimism. It has only been one day since Donald Trump won the US election, and people are rushing to voice their pessimistic opinions. I say once again, do not overdo the pessimism. Do not look to the President-elect Trump, look to the United States ...

Former Jerusalem Grand Mufti at War with Knesset over Mosque Noise Pollution By: -------JNi.Media

Former Jerusalem Grand Mufti at War with Knesset over Mosque Noise Pollution By: JNi.Media Sheikh Ekrima Sabri Photo Credit: Screenshot “Anyone who is angered by the call of the muezzin, should leave,” Former Jerusalem Grand Mufti Sheikh Ekrima Sabri told worshipers at the Al Aqsa mosque on Friday, meaning, of course, leave the country. He suggested that “Israel has no right to intervene with the call of the muezzin, because it is contrary to freedom of worship.” The Knesset’s Ministerial Legislative Committee on Sunday debates a proposed bill to ban muezzins from using mosque loudspeakers to call the faithful to prayer or to make religious or nationalistic announcements. Proposed by MK Moti Yogev (HaBayit HaYehudi), Merav Ben-Ari (Kulanu), and Miki Zohar and Nurit Koren (Likud), the bill explains that “hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens routinely and daily suffer from the noise caused by Mu...

Abdulrahman Al-Rashed----------- Trump Files: U.S.-Gulf Relations

With the hottest topic of discussion being Donald Trump winning the 2016 U.S. presidential race, I will be talking on how a Trump presidency will affect regional affairs and more so, how will it play out for Gulf-U.S. ties. How will presidential transition for the superpower nation influence its relationship with Middle East’s Saudi Arabia? The platform shared between the U.S. and Arab Gulf countries encompasses the international fight against terrorism, and the war crises in Yemen, Syria and Libya. The two share no disputes and bilateral affairs have kept a good standing throughout Barack Obama’s time in the oval office. What is said on Trump’s stances on Islam, Saudi Arabia, or even trading off ties is simply untrue— it’s very unlikely that Trump has predisposed standpoints on which he will build his future policy. Yet on the other hand, Obama will be handing down Trump a delicate and very co...

Bennett, Netanyahu, Clash over Amona, Regulations Act By:-------- JNi.Media

Bennett, Netanyahu, Clash over Amona, Regulations Act By: JNi.Media Published: November 13th, 2016 t The weekly cabinet meeting in PM Netanyahu's office in Jerusalem on November 13, 2016. Minsiter Bennett is at the lower-right corner. Photo Credit: Emil Salman/GPO POOL Sunday’s cabinet meeting witnessed an escalation of the conflict between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud) and Education Minister and Habayit Hayehudi Chairman Naftali Bennett, over the fate of a Jewish settlement named Amona in Samaria. The clock is ticking on the demolition of Amona and the evacuation of between 40 and 50 families, as decreed by the Supreme Court — no later than December 25, 2016. Bennett proposed the cabinet debate the proposed Arrangements Act, which compels Arab claimants to accept market value compensation for their land. Netanyahu attacked the idea, calling it “childish and irresponsible,” sugge...